How to Increase Your Online Visibility with Collaborations
with Amelia Roberts
Episode Overview
Episode Sneak Peek
0:00 Welcome!
4:47 “I should have known that!” game
11:47 Introduction: Amelia Roberts
13:25 Now that we're living in Covid times, how has it impacted your business?
14:22 Amelia's journey
16:25 Do you feel it's different getting online visibility now that we are on Covid times?
17:48 Why is visibility important? What does it mean?
19:02 Do you have a formula? What are your tips for people who are struggling with their messaging?
21:13 Do you have an example of a statement to follow? (formula)
23:48 What is the first step to getting visible?
26:15 How do you go solving the pain points?
26:52 N-U-R-S-E
N-eeds, U-tilization of tools, R-esources, S-uccess, E-valuate the plan
28:41 How do you go about getting the influencer?
31:00 Have you seen amazing things like peer-to-peer collaboration?
33:20 Do you just help people to increase their visibility or do you have a service that matches them up?
34:38 Are there some things to do when outreaching?
38:23 When it comes to shifts on how visibility is obtained, is there a different process trying to get on stage?
42:08 Are there new trends happening right now?
45:25 Do you think visibility is something that anybody can do? Can introverts embrace this as well?
50:51 When to find Amelia Roberts
Who is Amelia Roberts?
Amelia Roberts is a digital native who officially became a practitioner of online marketing twelve years ago with a role as a virtual assistant.
Student loans from nursing school inspired her to put her love of social networking, observing human nature, showing empathy and previous marketing experience to work in new ways and as a result, she was able to pay off her student loans in under 2 years as a social media manager.
Now alongside other roles, you can find Amelia helping under-recognized professionals stand out, articulate their unique value, and “get first dates” in business so that they can become thought leaders in their industry while maintaining work-life harmony.
When she is not optimizing human potential Amelia enjoys planning real and imagined food tours.
Where Can You Find Amelia?