The Exact Method for Creating 6 Figure Months
with Kim Garst
Episode Overview
Episode Sneak Peek
0:00 Welcome!
4:35 Kim's word for the year: Possibilities
6:31 Experts Unleashed
9:18 Show Giveaways
10:46 The Exact Method for Creating 6 Figure Months
13:24 Celebrating your firsts
14:10 To sell online, you need an OFFER!
14:26 To sell online, you need TRAFFIC
17:19 LEADS
17:58 SALES
19:13 Unqualified Leads
19:40 Why don't your leads convert to sales
20:20 High-Ticket Offer
24:10 Phone Funnel Blueprint
25:30 95% of the time it's mindset
30:11 Examples
36:33 Listen 2-4 minutes and you know the objection to saying yes
37:31 Continuing to do what you've done in the past won't move you forward
38:44 You don't want to be doing sales calls
38:56 Instead you want to be hosting enrollment calls
39:40 Indoctrinate the with what you do and how you sere them
41:00 Create a Lead Cicle
44:40 1 Transformation
46:10 1 Conversion Tool
46:58 1 Sales System
51:04 Show Winners
53:55 Show Notes