What the heck is Web 3.0 (and why does it matter to my business)
with Kim Garst
Episode Overview
Episode Sneak Peek
0:00 Welcome!
6:40 Show Giveaway
8:20 Web Evolution Infographic
10:45 Internet : Every progression is a building block on the last thing
11:00 Web 1.0 Access to Information
14:11 GTS
16:30 1.0 was for viewing and linking
16:47 Web 2.0 Interactive Web
18:16 Web 3.0
19:43 Machine Learning
22:00 Web 1.0/2.0/3.0 Summary
22:26 Web 4.0
25:27 People are consuming content via mobile
27:52 Is your website mobile-friendly?
31:20 AI
25:06 Jasper
35:49 Metaverse
36:26 What is Metaverse?
37:33 Opportunity knocking
39:15 Dimension Studio
40:19 Huge opportunity… but what about my business?
40:32 Edu-ma-tainment
42:00 What in the daylight is an NFT?
43:50 Most popular NFTs
45:13 Examples of NFTs
49:00 3 NFT Ideas for SMEs
53:13 Cryptocurrency
53:30 What is cryptocurrency?
56:03 Advantages of cryptocurrencies
1:00:00 Live show winners