The #1 Way to Increase Engagement, Boost Conversions and Gain Repeat Customers for Life

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Increasing engagement, boosting conversions, gaining repeat customers for life…it all sounds too good to be true, right? Read on because I want to share my #1 secret to making this a reality.

The biggest problem faced by many budding entrepreneurs today is how to take an interest, passion or skill and monetize it.  It's one thing to think you can build a business around your passion. It's another thing to develop a business model, figure out marketing, and, at the end of the day, sell enough of your product or service that you can make a profit – without losing important things like your family or your health in the process.

I remember it from my own early entrepreneur days, and I see it regularly in my Inner Circle (a private group for people interested in boosting their bottom line by using social media).

At the end of the day, no matter what it is that we are passionate about, we still want to build a business that makes money.  I don't know about you, but I still have to pay the electricity bill, the internet bill, and all of the costs that come with owning a business.

Making money. It is part of the why of being in business.

But it's not the whole reason.

Prospering in a Digital World

A new report was released by a strategic consulting firm (Vivaldi Partners Group).  The report is called Social Currency: How brands and businesses can prosper in a digitally connected world. 

They explained in the introduction to the report that their purpose was to “understand how consumers and customers relate to (or in the words of Charles Darwin: “collaborate and improvise” with) brands in the new digital and social world. We felt that as social networks, social media, and technologies spread, the world of marketing and building of strong brands would change. Hence, the need for the study.”

In a nutshell, they thought there might be a difference in how social media helps people connect with brands and vice versa, so marketing might be changing. They wanted to understand exactly what that change might be.

Makes sense, right?

What do you think they discovered?  (I feel like the Cheshire Cat right now…I've got the biggest grin because honestly, I could have told you the essence of what they discovered from my own experience!)

Here's their third conclusion:

We find that there is a breakdown in the traditional value chain. Social technologies now allow businesses and brands to put customers at the heart of every step in the chain. In the extreme, this leads to a reconfiguration of the entire value chain.

Social technologies now allow businesses and brands to put customers at the heart of every step in the chain.

The customer is at the heart of every step in the way that brands and businesses interact with their customers, as a result of social media.  Social media isn't just about push marketing. It's about knowing your customers' needs, creating value, and being able to provide outstanding customer service – every facet of a company's operation.

A New Way to View Customers

It gets even better!

The report talks about the current trend of many brands, based on the marketing of the past, to see customers as targets to be acquired (and the intrusive kinds of push marketing that accompanies that mindset).  It continues, talking about a common perception that the company is managing the relationship with the customer.

It talks about how outdated this view is – and how (based on their research) a shift needs to happen in the way that companies and brands approach their customers.  That it needs to be from the outside in – trying to look from their customers' perspectives, not their own.

In short, it talks about developing a more authentic, value-centered relationship with customers.

I wanted to scream something really profound when I read this, like, “well, duh!”  <grin>  But in all honesty, from my experience, the #1 way to engage with your ideal audience, convert the members of your audience to paying clients, and then to keep their loyalty for life, is deceptively simple.

It's called being AUTHENTIC!

I've been preaching this for years, ever since I got involved with social media.  And yes, there's a part of me that wants to say, “I told you so!” but the reality is that it's not important when you get it as long as you get it! I want everyone to know that this is the #1 BEST way to increase engagement, boost conversions and gain repeat customers for life!

I'd love to know – what do you think?  Has social media changed the way you interact with your favorite brands? Has it changed your perception of your favorite brands, and if so, for better or worse?  And why?

Let me know – leave a comment below!

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Doody & Kami
Doody & Kami
12 years ago

Very interesting point. We are up for the challenge. Thank you for sharing

Kim Garst
Reply to  Doody & Kami
12 years ago

Authentic is pretty cheap…be YOURSELF 😉

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Chris, glad this technique is working for you as well!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Beverly, love your comments!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Authenticity is critical in so many aspects of life, right?

Kim Garst
12 years ago

You are the best YOU that I know ;-). Sending you a big hug!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Thank you for the kind words, Denny!

Pamela Gail Johnson
Pamela Gail Johnson
12 years ago

I think the authenticity has to do with the customer … they can honestly tell companies what they need and want then someone can fill that need.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Pamela Gail Johnson
12 years ago

If the company is listening (and they should be!) you are totally dead on!

suzanne jones
suzanne jones
12 years ago

Oh I sooo agree. Being authentic is just so much easier than putting on different personalities for different people. When we are authentic we gain authentic clients, those clients that we want to be around!

Kim Garst
Reply to  suzanne jones
12 years ago

Totally agree with you, Suzanne!

Kim Hawkins
Kim Hawkins
12 years ago

It's amazing how just being yourself and not being afraid to show others what you bring to table can do both personally and in business. Customers like doing business with real people. Being authentic is key. Love that you remind us of this important aspect often. Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge and experience Kim.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Kim Hawkins
12 years ago

Thanks so much for being a part of the You Can Do community, Kim!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Yes, they really do and it’s unfortunate that so many can’t see this!

Daniel Julian
Daniel Julian
12 years ago

It surely has! Since social media is so vital for brands to relate with their customers, brands have had to develop a “personality” which leads to the customers to feel chemistry or not. So when I perceive that the brand’s “personality” is not authentic, it’s hard for me to trust and therefore to buy and engage as a permanent customer.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Daniel Julian
12 years ago

I totally agree with you, Daniel.

Roz Linder
Roz Linder
11 years ago

This is GREAT information. I love visiting your site. You offer a wealth of information!

Kim Garst
Kim Garst
Reply to  Roz Linder
11 years ago

Thank you Roz! I appreciate that!

11 years ago

I totally agree with you, Tamoy! It’s amazing how many brands are NOT getting this part.

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