12 Simple Reasons To Use Twitter To Grow Your Business

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“I just don’t get Twitter!”, “Why do I need to be there? “, and “Who really cares what you do?” in response to Twitter’s prompt “WHAT’S HAPPENING?”.

I hear these types of comments all the time and I totally get this! I was right there with you about eight months ago. I just didn’t get Twitter…it moved to fast for me and I didn’t understand how you could possibly benefit from it. I want to share you with you what I have learned in just 8 short months about how much Twitter can really impact your business.

The reality is that Twitter is a wild, wonderful mixture of news, people, connections, content, videos and images that are presented in real time within your niche, marketplace or industry. It is an incredible platform that breaks worldwide news, influences major brands and allows small businesses to project their personal brand just like the big guys.

Real Reasons to Be Active On Twitter

1. Get Real Time News – I laughingly refer to Twitter as the info super highway which is a phrase often used in conjunction with the Internet but in Twitter’s case, it is so true. I did a survey about where people first heard about Osama Bin Laden’s demise and 85% of those who responded said they heard about the news on social media and of those 85%, 62% heard the news on TWITTER. If you need to know what is happening on about a specific topic, use Twitter as a search engine and, trust me, you will find tons of great info. Real people, sharing real information, in real time.


2. Drive Traffic to Your Website, Blog, Facebook Fan Page, Landing Page, etc. – I have never seen a more responsive, targeted traffic source than Twitter. I am totally serious when I say this. I use Twitter to drive traffic to my Facebook page, where I get what I call a two-fur; one I get a “like” for my fan page and two, I hope that they opt-in for my free offer which builds my mailing list. Using this method, my fan page base has grown from zero to over 4,000 fans in the last six months.


3. Build Your Brand – When people hear your name or the name of your business, what comes to mind? Do you have a solid reputation? What is your brand promise? Brands are built in steps online and Twitter provides another channel to build your brand. Make sure that you customize your Twitter profile with a real photo, change your background to coincide with the look and feel of your brand and make sure that your bio states who you are; with a link to your website.


4. Networking – I have made some amazing connections on Twitter. I have received speaking engagements, interview requests and numerous guest blogging opportunities through my Twitter account so the value from a networking perspective is HUGE. In order to connect and network with those that you would be interested in connecting with, you need to set the ‘stage’ appropriately. Most importantly, make sure that your bio reflects who you are and your content and what you talk about revolves around your interests because this is how people will connect with you.


5. Building a Community – Twitter full of communities that are interacting and sharing in real-time. You can start your own community on Twitter where you can build a sense of belonging and commitment to a common cause. People are searching on Twitter for ways to connect so it is a hotbed for building communities.


6. Share Your Knowledge and Your Ideas – helping others who ask is a great way to establish your expertise within your niche and build crucial relationships at the same time. Twitter is also a wonderful platform for sharing your ideas with others; again, to reach out and connect with other like-minded individuals. I have become known for my Twitter Tips. You can establish tips in your area of expertise as well J.


7. Reach a Global Audience FAST! – A lot of businesses think of their marketplace as a local entity. Perhaps you have been struggling with a niche that is too small or saturated within your area. Guess what? Twitter can open up your world and FAST! I have clients and connections all over the world as a result of Twitter and other social media platforms.


8. Get Your Business in Front of Fresh Prospects DAILY! – The neat thing about Twitter is that you can connect with a new prospective audience each and every day. Where in today’s business environment can you get your business in front of fresh eyes every day for FREE?


9. Connect and Listen to Your Target Audience – by monitoring your brand name and your product, you can monitor your client base, see what they are saying about your company, service, etc. This is a great way to ensure that your customer service improves and that you address any issues that arise. If you listen to what people are saying within your niche, you will also discover what they are looking for and, even in some cases, what they are willing to pay for it.


10. SEO Value – Twitter holds huge value from an SEO standpoint. Both Bing and Google have confirmed that links shared through Twitter have a direct impact on search engine rankings. You bio on Twitter also has huge value as it relates to SEO ranking. Make sure that you include keywords in your bio that target your niche.


11. Ask Questions and Get Answers in Real Time – One of my favorite things about Twitter is the ability to ask questions and get answers in real time. You can generate feedback and use that feedback to make improvements, learn things you didn’t previously know, tap into resources that you had no idea existed, etc. It is amazing what people will share, if you just ask. Replyz is an amazing platform that will allow you to target conversations by keyword or even follow individual people’s Twitter conversations.


12. Connecting with Influencers Within Your Niche – Twitter is an amazing conduit to connecting with influencers within your niche. Whatever your field is – web development, real estate, business development, doctor, lawyer, etc.; you will be able to find top people within those niches whose ideas and content are of interest to you. Not only can you start tapping into some wonderful information but you can also connect with these people using Twitter to share their content, respond with questions or comments, etc. This gains their attention and forms relationships that you may never have had an opportunity to form otherwise. 

Bottom line, Twitter is not just a passing fad; it should be a integral part of your social media marketing plan. If you want to grow your brand awareness, build a following, generate leads and ultimately create more sales, you have to have an active presence on Twitter.

Discover how I built my following from 2700 followers to over 62,000 in less than a year….TWITTER MUSCLE.

Easy to implement and get quick results for small businesses as well as new and established solopreneurs.

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Elise Adams
Elise Adams
13 years ago

My fav is #5.  I've been so surprised at how co-operative and friendly everyone is on Twitter.  As fast paced and informative as Twitter is, it is also a source of unusual community support.  I've met such amazing people on Twitter that building my business doesn't feel like 'work' anymore!

Jennifer Bennett
Jennifer Bennett
13 years ago

Kim what a great article!  I love #'s 3 and 4.  While I don't know Twitter as well as Facebook, I am determined to learn as much as I can! The people that I have met through Social media just blows me away!  Amazing people that I would have never of met had it not been for Social Media.
Thanks for sharing this great article! 

Reply to  Jennifer Bennett
13 years ago

That is what is so wonderful and amazing about social media…the people you meet that you would never in the ordinary course of life, have an opportunity to meet. Pretty incredible!

Susan Preston
Susan Preston
13 years ago

Great tips, Kim! I love how you are so passionate about what you do! You are so giving. Thanks 🙂 Have a blessed day!

Peggy Malone
Peggy Malone
13 years ago

Great post Kim!  Your point #2 is so true for me!  I have had lots of traffic heading to my blog from the links that I put up on Twitter!  It really is an amazing tool 🙂

13 years ago

My biggest goal – and biggest challenge – on Twitter is connecting with my target audience.  Even though that is specific to #9, it really is the running theme of the purpose of using social media.  Great post!

Beau Henderson
Beau Henderson
13 years ago

Twitter is definitely a wonderful marketing tool, and a great way to stay up to date on whats going on around us.  Thanks for sharing

13 years ago

great post kim, i'm saving this for my husband to look over, and i need to get  with your twitter program!

Reply to  shelley
13 years ago

Thank you, Shelley! If I can help, let me know.

13 years ago

You are ROCKIN’ it 🙂

13 years ago

I use a technique with my DM to drive traffic to my fan page.

13 years ago

Thank you!

13 years ago

Great points Kim! I love twitter, it is a great tool to stay in touch with my global friends, share and receive information in a fast way! Kim and you are master at sharing your knowledge with people in such a simple way!:)

Mary Kate
Mary Kate
13 years ago

Love this great article Kim! All you tips are helpful – 3, 4 and 9 have been helpful to me recently. I am still learning and have a ways to go but I WiLL get the hang of twitter! 😉

Linda Jo Jenkins
Linda Jo Jenkins
13 years ago

Thank-you for the wonderful–informative post.

Carol Giambri
Carol Giambri
13 years ago

Such great points Kim. Thanks for sharing your wisdom about Twitter.

13 years ago

Kim – thank you for sharing this article! I've connected with you in a couple ways but would like to subscribe to your rss feed from this page above and it brings up a bunch of html code when clicking on it. Just thought you might want to know. Wishing you every success in 2012.

Reply to  Hunter
13 years ago

Thank you, I will work on this!

12 years ago

Sooo true, Victor!

12 years ago

Absolutely Sarrah!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

So glad that you are seeing true results, Charlotte! WOOHOO!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Glad you got value from it, Jessi! Thanks for dropping in!

Kim Garst
11 years ago

Develop some strategies to meet you goals there…all social needs some strategy behind it so you can get some real results.

Kim Garst
10 years ago

I am a huge fan of Twitter, Wendy! I agree, the quality of the connections and the opportunities there have been a huge blessing to my business!

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