7 Reasons Why Social Boom is the “Must Attend” Event of the Year!

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7 Reasons Why Social Boom is the “Must Attend” Event of the Year!

This isn't just another “social media” conference!

This is the first of it's kind, a “SOCIAL SELLING” conference.

What's the difference?

Myself and all the speakers actually use social media to SELL stuff and we are going to pull back the curtains and reveal the inside secrets to those that show up and wants to learn! No theory or vague ‘do this and that will happen'…this is going to be ACTIONABLE learning that you can take back to your business and get REAL results with!

If you have ever been to a LIVE social media event, this may sound familiar…

You buy your ticket, spend a lot of money to get there, you attend all the sessions and hear tons of great, charismatic speakers talk about the theory of social media and you agree with everything they say. You are even super excited about being there and leave feeling like you got your money's worth! Then you get back to the office and reality sets in. You realize that you have very little you can take and actually implement.

That won't happen at Social Boom! I am committed to making this an experience that is going to change the future of your business! One where you will leave with simple, actionable steps that you can implement the second you leave.

Excited yet?

If I haven't totally convinced you yet…let me give you 7 reasons why you absolutely MUST attend the Social Boom – Social Selling Made Simple event

1. World Renowed Speakers

If you know social media at all, you know that we really do have the “Who’s Who” of the social media world sharing how they do what they do! Do not believe me? Just click each speaker’s picture to see the pop-out box and read a little bit about them. Insane resumes!

Social Boom Speaker Bios

Also, we made sure we had only one expert for each major social media site or discipline. That means you will get a wide variety of great information and learn how to sell on ALL of the major social media sites.

2. ALL speakers “Walk the Walk”

You will be learning how to make money using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, blogging and websites from people who actually make money (and lots of it) actually DOING what they are going to be teaching you, not just talking about it. What a novel concept, right?!

3. Amazing content

Frankly, what some of the speakers are sharing at Social Boom has never been publicly shared before! I am not kidding when I say that you are going to leave with actionable information that is going to help you create more sales for your business!

4. Cost Effective

What you are going to take away from this event would cost you thousands and thousands of dollars to buy outside of this event! Investing in you and your business, to learn from the best, is going to far outweigh the cost of your ticket price!

5. Location, location, location!

 Have you seen the hotel? Check it out! It’s just been completely refurbished and it’s gorgeous.

See the Embassy Suites Downtown Tampa

6. AMAZING Networking

There will be 250+ business owners just like you in a variety of different industries coming from all over the country to the event. Also, our speakers, volunteers and invited guests will be out in the crowd meeting and building relationships with you. Bottom line, if you want to build a large and valuable professional network, Social Boom is the place to do it. There is NO substitute for a face to face connection!

7. Last but DEFINITELY not least…the weather!

Let's face it…November in many parts of the world is COLD! The average high is 79 degrees in Tampa in November and the average low is 56 degrees. Plus there is only an 11% chance of rain on any given day. Can you say FABULOUS?

Plus, the it is right on the water, 20 minutes to world-famous Clearwater Beach and under an hour to Disney World. Can you say “family vacation”?

So what are you waiting for? You are NEVER going to find a better opportunity to learn how to use social media to sell your products and services and grow your business than this!

See you in Tampa!

Sign Me Up Kim!

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Don Grandy
Don Grandy
9 years ago

Remarkable content. You have built an amazing community focused on CustomerCentric Principles

Kim Garst
Reply to  Don Grandy
9 years ago

Thanks Don! Hope to see you at Social Boom 2014?

rabee khan
rabee khan
3 years ago

need more blogs like this one!

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