How to Drive Revenue Using Social Media Quizzes

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At times, what might seem to work for most marketing strategies are commonplace to many, but what if there was a piece of content that most marketers might have overlooked that could potentially deliver the results they seek? Maybe, social media quizzes?

Most marketers might not have ever considered utilizing social media quizzes to drive revenue. As one of the most underrated types of content, it isn’t a surprise. Quizzes are meant to be entertaining, so why would any ever consider using them in a marketing strategy? It’s because of what these quizzes are capable of.

Social media quizzes have been known to attract audiences, increase social traffic, drive revenue and generate leads. Having helped over 10,000 brands create over 25,000 quizzes at Interact, we’ve come up with a guide to help you create your own social media quizzes for your brand.

How to Drive Revenue Using Social Media Quizzes

Coming Up With A Title & Picking Your Quiz Type

Here’s some useful information: 80% of readers can determine if something’s worth reading based solely on its title. That being said, you’re going to want to spend some time on coming up with a good title. Once you have a title picked out, it’s time to choose the type of quiz you want to create:

  • The Personality Quiz – Categorizes people into personality types based on their answers. Let’s say your brand focuses on selling various products. You could offer personalized product recommendations based on the personality types people get so that you’re able to personalize the entire shopping experience.
  • The Knowledge Test – Gauges how much someone knows about a particular topic and delivers results based on accuracy. You could quiz your audience on how much they know about your brand, its products, or one of today’s trending topics.

fair food

Crafting Questions That Drive Engagement

Once you’ve settled on a title, it’s time to move right onto the questions. As a brand, this is your chance at establishing a one-on-one connection you’re your audience through your questions.

Here are several ways to improve engagement through your questions:

  • Approach Your Audience Personally – Approach your audience as if you were talking to them in person. Inject your personality into your questions. This establishes a more relaxed tone which helps your audience get comfortable. This will help when it comes to opting in later.
  • Add Visual Value to Your Questions – Simply put, use images. It’s fine to have text-only questions, but that gets boring real fast. Try to include images in your questions. They’re fun and they keep things relevant. Using images has the potential to turn your boring quiz into a trivia game of some sort.
  • Keep Quiz Length and Time in Mind – People don’t have as much time on their hands as they used to. Try to aim for about between having 6 to 8 questions in your quiz. This takes about 2-3 minutes for someone to complete, and that’s just enough time for you and your audience.


Designing a Lead Capture and Optimizing Opt-In Rates

It’s time to gate your quiz with a lead capture as a means of exchanging your audience’s quiz results for their contact information. This will allow you to generate the leads you’re looking for.

Here are a couple of way to optimize the opt-in rate of your lead capture:

  • Incentivize Your Lead Capture To Increase Opt-In’s – Even if you’re already making a fair exchange with your audience, why not sweeten the deal by incentivizing your lead capture? Include things like an entry into a free giveaway, an eBook, or even marketing advice via a personalized email.
  • Don’t Scare Your Audience Away By Being Greedy – Only request for information that you’ll actually use. Most brands just ask for an email address. Other brands ask for a first and last name to personalize their outreach. Don’t ask for a phone number if you aren’t going to make the call.
  • Be Honest About Your Marketing Strategy – This doesn’t mean sharing all of your marketing secrets with your audience. Just let your audience know what you’ll be doing with their contact information. This is usually highlighted in a privacy policy link. In case you don’t include one, gently remind your audience that you’ll be getting in touch with them soon.


Creating Results That Get Shared On Social Media

Once your lead capture’s all set up, it’s time to work on the results. The results to your quiz are important because this is what your audience will be sharing across social media. In order for you to make the most out of your results, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Make a Play on EmotionsPositive emotions promote sharing, so come up with results that make people happy. Compliment your audience, but be truthful about it. The happier someone is with their result, the more likely they’ll share it, and so forth.
  • Utilize Attention-Grabbing Images – We’ve already touched base on the use of images in your questions, but when it comes to using them in your results, it’s absolutely mandatory that you utilize the most captivating images you can find. The images to your results are usually what most people see first on social media, so take advantage of that fact by using images that get people’s attention.
  • Incorporate A Call-To-Action – The quiz might be over, but that doesn’t mean your interaction with your audience ends there. Direct your audience to your website with a link. If you have other products or services your audience might be interested in, include those links too.


And Back To You

And that’s it! Social media quizzes are a great way to optimize your marketing strategy. Today, you figured out what kind of quiz to make, how to create engaging questions, designing your own effective lead capture, and crafting results that prompt social media sharing.

Now you should be able to walk away with the knowledge to create your own social media quizzes. The rest falls on whether you want to implement quizzes into your strategy. Give it a shot!

Are there other parts of a quiz that you think would help drive more sales? Share them below!

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JP Misenas
JP Misenas
9 years ago

Thanks for reading! Quizzes are definitely a great way to engage audiences. Google Forms essentially allows you to create a survey and not the kind of quiz we talked about in this article.

Elly Camron
Elly Camron
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing

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