Twitter…Out With The Old Look and In With The New

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Twitter made some changes to their layout awhile back but left the "old" look and layout in place. The old layout is about to go away. I recently saw this status update, which states that the original Twitter profile layout is about to be totally removed from Twitter's platform. Beginning next week, all those that have not converted to the new layout will have their layout change to the new look by default. For many who utilize third party apps, such as their smart phones, Hootsuite or TweetDeck, this won't effect them at all. For those that use Twitter's platform directly, just be aware that the look of your layout is going to change sometime next week.

How Will This Effect You? The biggest change that most will notice is the visual aspects of the change. If you have a customized background, you will notice that there isn't as much "room" for customization and your existing background may need to be re-done. Twitter profiles used to be much narrower and allowed a lot of room to display your branding. That space has been decreased substantially and you will have to more creative with how you brand your background.

Twitter's New Background Width: 1040px Amount of Free Space You Have to Customize Your Twitter Profile (100%*) Always Visible: 41px on each side (72.7%*) of Modern Computers: 108px on each side (Requires about 1280x800px Screen Resolution or Higher) (28.8%*) of Modern Computers: 200px on each side (Requires 1440x900px Screen Resolution or Higher) (4.6%*) of Modern Computers: 312px on each side (Requires 1920×1080 Screen Resolution) *These are percentages of computers that show specific resolutions. If you want your background to be visible to everyone, regardless of their resolution settings, stick with the 41px on each side. For more info on what the new look is all about, please visit


Kim Garst has been a Mompreneur for almost 20 years and has built a 7 figure income from her home. Currently she shares her business and marketing savvy through coaching and consulting with clients around the world. Kim specializes in helping you get more sales, more leads and more clients utilizing social media and the Internet as a whole. Her systems are easy to implement and get quick results for small businesses as well as new and established solopreneurs.

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Carol Giambri
Carol Giambri
13 years ago

Kim, Thanks for keeping us updated on changes as I am not one that watches it like you. I appreciate you doing that and taking the pressure off of my own learning curve. Great post.

Steve B.
Steve B.
13 years ago

Great post, Kim! I love that you put up the layout metrics. I’m going to cite this in a post ASAP!

13 years ago

Hey Kim,
Thanks for the heads up about Twitter….Keeping up is a never ending battle for me so the info is appreciated!

Carl Mason-Liebenberg
Carl Mason-Liebenberg
13 years ago

Thank you for yet another infornmative, pratical and useful post that empowers us all to succeed!

Marie Leslie
13 years ago

Oh, joy. Another item for the to-do list. Thanks for the heads-up, Kim. I usually access through Hootsuite, but I know quite a few have visited my Twitter page, so I guess I better make sure it still looks good.

Elise Adams
Elise Adams
13 years ago

Wow…well, super nice to have the specs so I can create a new custom sidebar. I seem to tweak mine often though so it shouldn’t be too much of a hassle. Thanks for the heads up!

Carrie Raab
Carrie Raab
13 years ago

Thank you so very much for the heads up! It is great to be “in the know”! I will “tweep” (lol, keep) my eyes out for the change! Blessings!

Tory McBroom
Tory McBroom
13 years ago

Hmmm, I forgot what my twitter backgrounds originally looked like since I use Hoot Suite, but I just checked and my custom backgrounds for my twitter accounts still fit fine.  Thanks for the heads up.  At least that went smoother than when facebook changed their layout for business pages!

13 years ago

Hi Kim! So thankful to find you on twitter this morning! What a huge wealth of information you offer in addition to inspiration and humor. I look forward to learning more from you as well as getting to know you on twitter. Blessings!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

You can’t go back…we will all have the new look soon.

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