<meta property="og:description" content="One of the most whispered about and least often understood parts of building a website that attracts prospects and builds sales is search engine optimization.  The million dollar question...what is Google indexing and why should you care, right? I mean if I had a dollar for every time I've seen someone write about a different 'black hat' or shady technique that they promise will get you on Google's front page tomorrow, well, let's just say I'd be able to add it to my list of multiple streams of income .  Really, optimizing your page for Google isn't a mystery at"> <meta name="twitter:description" content="One of the most whispered about and least often understood parts of building a website that attracts prospects and builds sales is search engine optimization.  The million dollar question...what is Google indexing and why should you care, right? I mean if I had a dollar for every time I've seen someone write about a different 'black hat' or shady technique that they promise will get you on Google's front page tomorrow, well, let's just say I'd be able to add it to my list of multiple streams of income .  Really, optimizing your page for Google isn't a mystery at"> What is Google Indexing and Why Should You Care?

What is Google Indexing and Why Should You Care?

Table of Contents

One of the most whispered about and least often understood parts of building a website that attracts prospects and builds sales is search engine optimization.  The million dollar question…what is Google indexing and why should you care, right? I mean if I had a dollar for every time I've seen someone write about a different "black hat" or shady technique that they promise will get you on Google's front page tomorrow, well, let's just say I'd be able to add it to my list of multiple streams of income <grin>. 

Really, optimizing your page for Google isn't a mystery at all.  While there are some useful tips that can help boost your results, the number one thing you can do is to create content consistently on your blog and social media that your readers want to read, want to share, and want to tell the world about. 

It's just that simple, honestly.

Now once you're in the habit of doing that, there are some steps you can take to help Google find your content more often, it's true.  But if your content isn't consistent, isn't compelling, and is, well, crummy, all of the tips and tricks in the world won't help you.  In order for SEO to actually boost your business and not just your rankings, people have to want to read your content.  It has to create trust with them.  And that trust is what will turn your readers into customers.  If you go straight for the SEO techniques without the trust-building step of creating stellar content, you'll miss the opportunity to build trust. 

And then when your sales stay flat, I'll have to say, "I told you so."  Because I just did.

So after you've gotten in the habit of producing good content, then you might wonder if there are any additional (and ethical) techniques to attract the attention of Google on a consistent basis, and to that I say, yes!  And we will start by talking about Google indexing and why it should matter to you.

Google Indexing:  The Basics

Just like the index of a book, Google indexing is nothing more nor less than one of Google's programs (named Googlebot) going through each of the pages it crawls on a site and creating an index of every word it finds – and those words' location on each page.  (And you thought the index in your 11th grade history book was massive!) 

Googlebot also processes information about much of the content located on your page, though there are some kinds of rich content and dynamic pages it's not able to process just yet.

So Google creates this massive index of words on pages, including yours.  Then, when someone you don't even know goes to Google to search something, Google compares that query to its index, and it returns a list of what Google thinks are the most relevant search results for you.  According to Google, they use over 200 different indicators of relevancy in determining that list.  This is why when you and I search something like "how to use social media in my business" or the like, we might get some different results. 

Are you starting to get an idea as to why you might want to care about Google indexing if you don't already? 

Google Indexing Doesn't Like Illegitimate SEO!

This process is also related to why the black hat techniques I mentioned earlier won't work.  Google has continued over time to refine the set of instructions its program uses (also called algorithms) to determine which pages are relevant.

Once upon a time, before everyone started gaming the system, it was relatively simple, at least compared to today.  The more often a term was mentioned on a page, the more it showed up in headings on the page, and the more graphics on the page with that in the title or tags, Google figured that was probably pretty relevant to the term in question.

But, like most things it seems these days, people took advantage of that.  And almost overnight, you saw articles and books from "experts" on how to exploit Google's search algorithms by stuffing keywords here, there, and everywhere, buying a bunch of domains just for inbound links, etc.

And all of a sudden, Google's page one results were filled with keyword-stuffed garbage that made no sense but had lots of affiliate links, hoping that the more people who saw the page, the better the chances were of earning money from those affiliate links.

Somehow they forgot the part where people generally ignore information that appears useless and obviously designed to manipulate consumers!

And *this* is why you should care about Google indexing…

Google indexing matters because it's the nuts and bolts process by which Google determines your page's relevancy and whether to deliver your page as a result to others. 

Stay tuned – later this week I'll send you information on how to improve your Google indexing.  SEO is important, but there are also some things you could easily be missing that could be damaging your indexing on Google. 

What has been your biggest challenge with keeping your indexing as optimized as possible?  Have you even looked at things that could be negatively impacting your Google indexing?  Leave a comment below and let me know if this is something you need more info about!

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12 years ago

Google indexing is just like an index of topics in the book. this is useful to make the search easier, fast and accurate(related to the point).

Tim Taylor
Tim Taylor
12 years ago

BOOM! As Always Kim Your Info. Hit It Out Of The Park! I Have Been Building My Network For 3 yrs. Last Year I Added An Internet Radio Show To My Integrated Marketing Network. This Yr. 2013, I Plan 2 Also Add Video Channels To The Network! Keep Up The GREAT WORK Ms. Kim! Thanks.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Tim Taylor
12 years ago

Thanks Tim!

Dave Huntsman
Dave Huntsman
12 years ago

Kim, you always put out awesome info… Thank You

Kim Garst
Reply to  Dave Huntsman
12 years ago

Thanks, Dave!

PW Dowdy
PW Dowdy
12 years ago

I didn't know that, thank you. As a newbie to blogging, what you say here is so helpful. I look forward to seeing you in my  inbox because you do provide such rich content. Enjoy today, Kim!

Karl Hughes
Karl Hughes
12 years ago

Great beginner tips here! SEO is so complex now that there's really no point trying to outsmart Google. That said, the tried and true method of posting great contnet is always a solid start. Consistency is hard though, and I think that's where most people fall flatt.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Karl Hughes
12 years ago

Thanks, Karl! I agree on the consistency part.

Carla J Gardiner
Carla J Gardiner
12 years ago

Yep, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the second part of this article on Google indexing and what it means for my business.

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Thanks for stopping in, Anita!

Mike McDonald
Mike McDonald
12 years ago

This is definitely something I need to know more about. Being in industries where many people are doing similar things it's even more important to be seen and deemed relevant. I really do just try being myself and "speaking" in a way that people will get to know me but I'm not sure if that's the best way to get seen. Getting better though.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Mike McDonald
12 years ago

It does take practice! Keep working it!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

You are welcome, Kerry!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Welcome 😉

Kim Garst
12 years ago

This is a good thing for sure, Johanna!

Helena Bowers
Helena Bowers
12 years ago

It's so nice to see someone teaching legitimate SEO instead of the keyword stuffing black hat stuff. I look forward to learning more!

Edmund Lee
Edmund Lee
12 years ago

Awesome post Kim! Always informative and looking forward to more updates!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Glad it was helpful!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Super glad it was helpful, Gavin!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Thanks for dropping in! Glad I could provide some value for your business!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Super glad that you are getting value from the info!

11 years ago

Yet another great post. I could spend weeks just reading through all your blogs and learning so much from you. I’ve just started using Google + and there is so much I still need to learn about all the Google features. Thank you so much for all the great info you share!

Kim Garst
Reply to  Dave
11 years ago

Love reading this, Dave! Glad you are getting value from the content.

8 years ago

That’s some great helpful info there. Can’t wait to the email later with some helpful hints!

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