10 Ziglar Quotes That Could Change Your Life

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One of the most inspirational people to have lived, Zig Ziglar left a deep impression on millions of people during the course of his life.  He was called the “Master of Motivation,” “One of America's Icons,” “The Salesman's Salesman,” and “A legacy that will forever impact our history.”  Before his passing earlier yesterday, his message through his 86 years of life emphasized the ability to achieve success through a combination of character, attitude, and skills. 

And he was said to have impacted more than a quarter billion people.  A quarter billion people. 

Is that a legacy, or what?

In tribute to his amazing influence on all entrepreneurs in a staggering variety of business and nonprofit ventures, I wanted to share 10 of the top Zig Ziglar quotes that have the power to change your life, if you let them. 

1. “Building a better you is the first step to building a better America” 

Especially in the past few months leading up to the presidential election, there was a lot of talk across the nation about how to build a better America. And there was more than a little disagreement, anger and bitterness that often went with those conversations.  What would this nation look like if it was made up of individuals who believed and activated this idea, that building a better self would create a better nation

2.A goal properly set is halfway reached

The best way to turn a ream into reality is to set goals – specific, measurable goals.  Knowing where you're going and how you'll know when you get there puts you light years ahead toward reaching it.

3. “Failure is a detour, not a dead end street

It's so easy to look at others building businesses and compare your bloopers to their highlight reel.  Failure can be a stepping stone on the road to greatness – but only if you don't let it stop you dead in your tracks.  Get up and get moving again on the road to success!

4. “You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win and expect to win”

Zig talked a LOT about mindset. To be the winner you were born to be, you must get in the mindset of being a winner by planning for it, preparing for it and expecting it.  

5. What comes out of your mouth is determined by what goes into your mind

Another quote about the importance of your mindset, and one of my favorites!  But if you want to be able to speak success for your business and speak success to others, you must be filling your mind with the idea of success (and tools to achieve it) as well! You can't speak what you don't fill yourself with.  

6. “The price of success is much less than the price of failure”

So many people short change themselves when choosing not to invest in developing their skills and knowledge for business growth. Or – they look at the cost what it might take to succeed and never get started.  But I'm here to tell you, the price of that success is so many times less than the price of failure!

7. “You cannot perform in a manner inconsistent with the way you see yourself

Again – the importance of mindset. Getting your mindset in the right place is critical to achieving success.  If you see yourself as a failure, you will not succeed.  Period.

8. “You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure”

Do you see a theme here about mindset?  If you keep surrounding yourself with the thought of failure, you won't rise to achieve the success you were born to achieve!

9. “You cannot make it as a wandering generality. You must become a meaningful specific.”

In order to succeed in business, you need to have a very clear, specific picture in your mind of what you want to do. It's okay if that picture changes – very nearly every business person's picture does. But having a general idea will not help you develop the processes and systems you need to build a successful business. 

10. “The most important persuasion tool you have in your entire arsenal is integrity”

With all of my heart, I believe this is the most important. And I think it's for your business as a whole, not just for your power of persuasion. Regardless – the most important business building tool you have is your integrity. Especially in social media when a lapse of integrity can go viral in minutes. Possessing integrity so that your actions and values are aligned is the key to success in business and in life. 

The legacy of inspiration that Zig left us will not be forgotten! He will be missed on this side of eternity! 

What's your favorite quote of Zig Ziglar's?  Is it one of these, or do you have a different favorite?  Leave a comment below, and let me know?

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Katrina Moody
Katrina Moody
12 years ago

I hadn't even realized he passed, Kim. 🙁 I honestly have too much trouble picking one of his as a favorite – I just think he's amazingly inspirational! 

Reply to  Katrina Moody
12 years ago

Amazing legacy that he left behind!

12 years ago

Kim, my favorite quote of Zig Ziglar is number 7  "You cannot perform in a manner inconsistent with the way you see yourself"…that is so true for all aspects of our lives…mindset is everything! He was a brilliant man and has been an inspiration in my own life…thank you for this lovely post honoring him.

Liz Fulcher
Liz Fulcher
12 years ago

I need to put these up on my wall so I never forget the man and his words!  Thanks Kim!

Reply to  Liz Fulcher
12 years ago

He definitely left an amazing legacy.

Stacy Stevens
Stacy Stevens
12 years ago

Thank you for sharing some of Zig's unforgettable wisdom with us Kim.  He was a wonderful man and his legacy will live on!

Reply to  Stacy Stevens
12 years ago

He left an amazing legacy for sure!

Reply to  Stacy Stevens
12 years ago

Amazing legacy, right?

Rebecca Wardlow
Rebecca Wardlow
12 years ago

What a great collection of quotes.  Printed them out!  Thanks for sharing!

Reply to  Rebecca Wardlow
12 years ago

Hope you enjoy them, Rebecca!

Kelly Green
Kelly Green
12 years ago

I love #3, #5 & #8! I will be sharing those, thanks Kim!

Reply to  Kelly Green
12 years ago

Glad they were helpful Kelly!

12 years ago

Love that one too!

12 years ago

Kumar, glad you got some value from the site ;-). Mr. Ziglar was an amazing man!

Vicky Savellis-Grant
Vicky Savellis-Grant
12 years ago

Wonderful collection of quotes –  #5 would have to be my favourite.  Thanks for sharing Kim!

Gillian Killen
Gillian Killen
10 years ago

Mindset is everything! Integrity is the key to success. Thank you

6 years ago

Thanks for sharing.

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