15+ Ways to Create New Content from Old Content

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As a busy business owner, you likely don’t have time to create new content at the rate at which your audience demands it.

Yet, with content marketing now being the #1 driver of search rankings, you can't afford not to be conistently publishing new content.

Fortunately, there are ways you can take your existing content and feed it to the content marketing beast.

With a little bit of elbow grease and some creativity, you can edit and repurpose what you already have, and turn it into something your audience can’t get enough of!

Here are 15 Ways You Can Repurpose Your Content

1. Create a ‘Best Of’ Blog Post:


This one is great, both as a way to repurpose old content and as a way to boost your search engine rankings while driving traffic to your most popular blog posts. Create a blog post that lists all your other blog posts or articles on a particular topic. Name it “The Ultimate List of _________ Resources”.

2. Turn a Blog Post Into a SlideShare:

How to Create Visual Content That People Can't Wait to Share

Take key points from a popular blog post and convert them into a PowerPoint presentation or a PDF. Upload to SlideShare for free and potentially reach a whole new audience! “15 Ways To Create New Content from Old Content” for example <grin>!

3. Quote Yourself on Social Media


Look through your blog posts and repurpose one that made a great impression on your audience. Pull out a quote from within the post, and share it with your social media followers in text format OR, my personal favorite, make it into a graphic.

Remember, visual content is processed by the brain 60,000x faster than text!Click To Tweet

4. Create a Resource List:


You already have pages or posts on your site that outline the best tools, books, products and resources in your niche or industry so compile them all into a resource list or guide. People love lists and better yet, they love to share them!

5. Share a Blog Image on Social Media



Grab an image from your blog and share it with your social media audience. This obviously works best for standalone images like infographics or quote tiles.

6. Record a Webinar and Offer it as Opt-in Incentive:


Holding free webinars is a great way to build your email list, but the benefits don’t have to stop once the webinar is done. Most webinar software will allow you to record the event so you can share it over and over again with your audience.
BONUS TIP: You can even have the webinar transcribed and repurpose the content as a blog post!

7. Compile Old Blog Posts and Repurpose Them Into an eBookrepurpose-blog-content-build-list

Take your best blog posts on a particular topic and compile them into a comprehensive eBook. You can sell the eBook or use it as a free giveaway to build your list.

8. Share an Old Blog Post with Your Email List


Take an excerpt from a popular blog post and share it in your newsletter. Better yet, paraphrase the blog post, and add in a couple of new ideas or statistics to make it more timely and relevant.

BONUS TIP: You can even go back to old content and update it to make it more relevant and republish it.

9. Repurpose your Research into an Infographic


If you have done a survey or any other type of research, pull together the most significant findings and hire someone to create an infographic out of it. Alternatively, Piktochart is a great, inexpensive resource that allows you to easily create your own infographics.

10. Make the Most of Your LIVE Presentations

If you regularly speak at industry events or seminars, have it recorded and share it on your website and on YouTube.

BONUS TIPS: You could also transcribe the speaking event and divide it into blog posts. You can also upload your presentations slide deck to Slideshare.net!

11. Share Social Media or Forum Comments

If you have an interesting discussion taking place on your forum or on social media, take a screenshot or cut and paste it into a blog post or share it on social media to drive conversation. Just be sure to get permission and/or blur out any identifying info!

12. Turn a Blog Post Into a Podcast:

Tweak and record an old blog post and repurpose the content as a podcast. Pretty soon you will even be able to share these podcasts right within Twitter!

13. Share Old Blog Posts on Social Media

Look at your analytics to see which blog posts have been your most popular, and re-promote them on social media. This way they will continue to accumulate likes and shares, and your new followers will get a chance to read them too! Your efforts won’t be in vain: according to this research, each time you share content on Twitter, you get around 75% of the previous number of retweets.

14. Repurpose a Numbered post into Individual Posts

Chances are you have at least a few numbered posts on your blog (“Top 10 Ways to _______”). Break them down by writing standalone posts for some of your numbered items.

15. Create an E-course Out of Blog Posts


Compile a bunch of blog posts on a particular topic, and promote them as a multi-day e-course. Each day, send one email (blog post) to your new subscribers to help them accomplish whatever goal you have promised to help them achieve (e.g. “30 Days to a Healthier You”).

If you are looking for NEW content ideas for your blog, check out my post 15 Content Ideas That Your Followers Will Love to Share.

What are some ways you repurpose your content? Or is this a new idea for you? Share below!

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Dave Huntsman
Dave Huntsman
10 years ago

Love your stuff Kim.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Dave Huntsman
10 years ago

Thanks, Dave 🙂

Ginger Harrington
Ginger Harrington
10 years ago

This is a really great list! Thanks. Most of these ideas are really easy to do as well. Win-win!

Kim Garst
Reply to  Ginger Harrington
10 years ago

Thanks, Ginger 🙂

Osby Isibor
Osby Isibor
10 years ago

Great content i must confess. I have always enjoyed your highly educative posts. Keep doing it. Thanks.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Osby Isibor
10 years ago

Appreciate that, Osby!

Katie Courtland
Katie Courtland
10 years ago

Thanks so much for this helpful list.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Katie Courtland
10 years ago

Thanks for dropping in, Katie!

Janice Hostager
Janice Hostager
10 years ago

Great ideas, Kim. From time to time, I hit the “content marketing wall”, and this is a great way to revive topics I have covered in the past. Thanks so much!

Kim Garst
Reply to  Janice Hostager
10 years ago

I think we all hit walls from time to time, Janice :-). Hope you run with some of these tips.

10 years ago

This is brilliant! Thank you for sharing such great tips Kim. I especially love the one on turning blog posts into webinars. That’s so clever!

Kim Garst
Reply to  Victoria
10 years ago

Glad you got value from the tips, Victoria!

Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones
10 years ago

What excellent reminders! Thank you, Kim. I have over 200 blog posts on my first WordPress blog, which I’ve not updated in quite some time. I’m sure I can revisit the blog and find lots of content to share.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Yvonne A Jones
10 years ago

Sure beats starting from scratch 🙂

Lisa Magoulas
Lisa Magoulas
10 years ago

Perfect timing for me Kim. I’m stuck on a recipe post today and I have some older ones that I can resurrect. This just relieved a lot of stress. Thank you, Lisa

Kim Garst
Reply to  Lisa Magoulas
10 years ago

Excited that you can use some of these content repurposing ideas!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Glad you picked up a few tips, Scarlet.

Kim Garst
10 years ago

YES, that’s a great one too, Julie!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Glad it was helpful, Swadhin 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Hope you run with them all, Neha 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

So glad to be helpful!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Thanks Mohd!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Love hearing this 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Constantin, thank you!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Thanks for sharing another great tip, Joy!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Awesome! Glad it came your way when you needed it!

Kim Garst
10 years ago


Kim Garst
10 years ago

Glad you dropped by, Sherman and yes, it’s all about working smarter!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Try the ones that work into what your time allows for 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Yes, agree! Great tip!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Yes, definitely a trend towards visual content.

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Sounds like you have been repurposing content in some great ways, Mitch.

10 years ago

Hello Kim, Good Day. Thank you so much this post for writing! You put this together in a very clear, smart way for old to new content all of us to understand! Well done my friend. I am sharing with my communities. 🙂

Tushar Chopra
Tushar Chopra
6 years ago

Hey Kim Very good article..

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