3 Mobile Marketing Case Studies to Help You Perfect Your Strategy

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How many of you have gotten a new smartphone within the past year?

A couple months ago, I got my hands on the brand new iPhone 5, and I LOVE it! (let's forget the whole Apple Maps fiasco for a moment)

The navigation has improved, the touch-screen feels nicer (if that’s even possible), and the screen size expansion has my eyes and fingertips glued to the high-res display all day.

This got me thinking…

If people love being on their fancy new smartphones so much, how can we engage them through these mobile marvels to enhance their customer experience with a brand?

If you've been thinking anything like me, welcome to the Mobile State of Mind. Read more to see how easy it can be…

Here are some current 2013 stats to get your mental gears turning…

• 330+ Million users are on Facebook Mobile
• Mobile web users are growing 2x faster than desktop users, and will pass them in 2013
• 50% of all local searches are performed on mobile devices
• 91% of mobile web traffic is socializing, compared to only 79% of desktop traffic

So, how we can actually use this technology for good, rather than as just another spam channel? I’m glad you asked!

It’s all about providing value to the customer – value apart from direct interaction with your product or service.

Here are a few case studies on mobile marketing to help you start thinking about how to apply some techniques to your own mobile marketing strategy:


1. Big City Burrito Giveaway

Big City Burrito was much like any brand new small business – management was working long hours and struggling to solidly differentiate from the competition. So, they decided to take the mobile leap and ended up launching a viral campaign, bringing in 300 new customers in just one month!

Heyo2This is an excellent example of how a brand new start-up business can build an email-marketing list in just a short period of time.

 2. TED-X SMU Mobile App

An independent TEDx event, held at Southern Methodist University in Texas, utilized a mobile app to build interest and keep people coming back for more.

They had a 3-pronged objective for this campaign:

  1. Build hype amongst users before the conference
  2. To create an interactive conversation with users during the conference
  3. To foster a continued conversation and develop a community that will still exist far after the conference ends

Once it was all said and done, they got nearly 25% of the conference attendees (physically present and virtual) to download and use their mobile app. Talk about a sweet conversion rate!


3. Turquoise Cottage and The Buddy Stamp

This is one of the coolest mobile marketing strategies I have ever seen – these guys get it!

Turquoise Cottage, a bar/restaurant in New Delhi, decided to get innovative with their marketing efforts. So, in place of a regular admittance stamp, they stamped partiers with a QR code as they entered the bar. They called this The Buddy Stamp

Throughout the night, people could scan the QR code and it would take them to appropriate pages. For example, from 8-10pm, whenever the code was scanned, they would get taken to drink specials; from 10pm-6am a quick scan would provide the user with taxi cab numbers. How freakin sweet is that?

Bottom-Line for Mobile Strategy

Here are some important things to remember when thinking through your own mobile strategy:

  • Make it memorable
  • Make it useful to the user (not just so you can collect info)
  • Be creative
  • Use the physical world too!

PS: I also wanted to give you something printable and tangible that can help your mobile marketing strategy. Edit and print these Facebook signs off and place them around your restaurant, store, studio – heck, you can even put one in your own house! I also LOVE the Text-to-Like mobile marketing strategy – your customers can do it from right inside your store!

PPS: Heyo is holding a ground-breaking State of Mobile Address (heyo.com/som) on January 31st where the CEO will be addressing thousands of smart marketers, discussing how mobile marketing plays a roll in business in 2013.  Come join usand learn exactly how to easily and effectively leverage a mobile strategy for your business.  You can't afford to miss this!

 Author Bio:

Heyo4David A. George (link:https://plus.google.com/u/0/107607384513934878893/about?rel=author) is the Chief Content Creator at Heyo. Connect with me on Twitter (http://twitter.com/DavidAGeorge) and LinkedIn (http://linkedin.com/in/davidageorgemarketing). Or email me at dgeorge@heyo.com.

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Yasmin Anderson-Smith
Yasmin Anderson-Smith
11 years ago

Lots of fresh and creative tips in this article. Thanks for sharing.

Reply to  Yasmin Anderson-Smith
11 years ago

Thanks for dropping in, Yasmin!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

I agree…having a responsive website is sooo incredibly important!

hospitality store
hospitality store
4 years ago

When doing marketing for a business you might want to also make a study on proper source of equipment and tools for business such as restaurants and catering business.

3 years ago

Probably one of the most useful and informative blog posts Ive come across in a while!

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