5 Quick and Easy Ways to Find New Content Ideas For Your Blog

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Do you sometimes sit at a blank screen trying to think of good blog ideas, or feel like you're writing about the same thing over and over again?

Keeping blog content fresh and relevant is not always an easy thing. It means being creative and captivating for your reader's multiple times a week, 52 weeks a year.

What if I told you it didn't have to be so hard or take you so long to come up with that perfect title!

Check out these 5 quick and easy tips to find new content ideas for your blog below. You will find yourself swimming in ideas.

#1. Utilize Magazines.com

Now, magazines.com is a site that is set up to sell you magazines and books. However, its hidden secret is that it is actually a gold mine for blog titles.  The best part is that you don’t have to buy anything to have access to these amazing titles…they are all in one place.

First, when you visit http://magazines.com, search broadly for your niche.  For example, you can search for fitness, or cooking, or sports.  Or, if your niche is not that concrete, you might want to search for something like, “women lifestyle”.

Second, browse the magazine covers that come up in your search results.  When you find a cover that speaks to your topic, click on it.

Here's where you gain access to the gold mine.  Viewing the covers of relevant magazines can give you inspiration for blog titles. These magazines have paid top copywriters in the industry to come up with great titles.  Now you can repurpose them for your blog.

#2.  Table Of Contents

Visit sites like amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com and search for books on your topic.  First you want to find other books on your topic because this proves that your niche is profitable. Second, you can glean a lot of ideas from the table of contents and the back covers. 

A great book series to search for on Amazon or Barnes and Noble is the Dummies series.  The Dummies books have a large, detailed table of contents full of rich ideas for your next blogs.

#3.  Play on Topsy!

The website: Topsy.com is a great place to see what fresh, relevant content is being written about your topic on Twitter or Google Plus. 

When you first log onto Topsy, you will want type your niche into the search box.  It will automatically bring back all results from Twitter.

However, you can also choose to narrow your search by time, date and you can switch networks from Twitter to Google Plus.  These options can be found in the column on the left hand side of the website.

The search results are often great for finding fun, entertaining blog topics and they alert you to what's most important to people on Twitter and Google Plus in your niche.

4.  What Type of Questions Do People Ask In Facebook Groups?

Are you apart of any Facebook groups that focus on the topic of your niche?  If not, it's time to find them!  Some groups are private, but many are public and you definitely want to jump into the conversation.

Of course, joining groups is a great way to build your visibility and engagement; however, it can also be an amazing way to get blog ideas.

Often in active Facebook groups, participants will ask questions of one another. For example, “have you tried ____ site, I'm thinking about signing up.”   This is a great question! Don't let the answer pass you by, Instead, you can write and publish a commentary blog post on that site.  Your post could include a list of pros and cons. 

Then, if you're able to turn around and produce the blog quickly, you can let the participant know of a great article on the topic. Be sure, however, to check with the group rules before you promote your website in the group.  You don't want to lose your source for great blog ideas!

5.  Create an Electronic Swipe File

A swipe file is a folder on your computer that holds information on a certain topic within your business.  Often Entrepreneurs will have many swipe files. They may have one for product ideas; great sales page language, keyword phrases and so on.

Another great swipe file folder is a blogging folder. Anytime you come across an idea for a blog title, or great content to repurpose for your own blog, you will want to copy and paste it into your blog swipe file. 

Now this does NOT mean that you can copy and paste another websites information into your actual blog. But, you can use their content as inspiration. 

Creating an electronic swipe file is helpful because then you have access to it anytime, anywhere. Additionally, when you are short on time, it is a quick and easy way to grab an idea and start writing.

Which tip are you going to use the next time you need a creative spark?

How do you find blog material in a quick and easy way?

Please comment and share below…

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Gionni Crawford
Gionni Crawford
12 years ago

Hey there, Mrs. Kim! I received this post in my inbox and I really enjoyed it! Now, I have some new resources to generate ideas for my blog. My audience is mostly made up of young people — high school students, college students, and student leaders — as i am a student myself. What I usually do to gain readers on my blog is use the "Share to WordPress" option on these news articles and then quote the article and link to the source by creating a hyperlink saying "click here to read the rest of this article __." So, I am never really out of topics, call me a news junkie 🙂 

Kim Garst
Reply to  Gionni Crawford
12 years ago

That’s a great idea too 😉

Kim Garst
Reply to  Kim Garst
12 years ago

Glad you got value from the article, Chantal!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Awesome! Glad you got value from it, Karen!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Glad to hear this, Geoff!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Hope it helps, John!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Yahoo…music to my ears! I hope you find all kinds of ideas!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Those are great ideas too! Thanks for sharing ’em.

Raychel Chumley
Raychel Chumley
12 years ago

Kim, Oh my goodness!! Thank you so much for this post! I will be using ALL of these ideas. It's sometimes so difficult to think of another topic to write about each week. This also will help you keep your post topics current and on-trend. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Kim Garst
Reply to  Raychel Chumley
12 years ago

Glad this was helpful, Raychel!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Thanks Dee!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Thanks for the link!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Jen, check out Topsy and let me know what you think!

Enstine Muki
Enstine Muki
12 years ago

Hey Kim, Good to be here and thanks for sharing these tips. Sometimes we run dry and need some fresh ideas on getting new content. It's always exciting to come across such blog posts that show us the way out. BRW, congrats for being listed on SocialMediaExaminer's Top Ten Social Media Blogs of 2013! 

Kim Garst
Reply to  Enstine Muki
12 years ago

Thank you! Glad you dropped by!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Glad to see that you got some value from this article, Susan!

Leslie Strovas
Leslie Strovas
12 years ago

Brilliant! Great ideas for us new bloggers, thanks for posting.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Leslie Strovas
12 years ago

Glad you got some value from this one, Leslie!

Kim Garst
12 years ago

Thanks for popping in, Liz!

Kim Garst
11 years ago

Bob, glad you liked the ideas 😉

Kim Garst
11 years ago

Glad they were helpful, Dave!

11 years ago

I am so happy that you are getting value from the content! Thanks for tuning in!

11 years ago

the worst thing in blogging is routine, it is good when blogger can write about something new each time when he decide to write somethin new, but indeed it is a very hard to do

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