5 Quick and Easy Ways to Use Periscope to Drive More Sales

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5 Quick and Easy Ways to Use Periscope to Drive More Sales - Kim Garst

Are you using Periscope for your business? While it only launched about a month ago, businesses are already finding creative ways to use the livecasting app to drive sales. But before you start to think livecasting is the perfect way to make direct sales, a word of warning: as with all social media, use it to offer value and build community with your followers, and sales will follow! This post will look at 5 quick and easy ways to use Periscope to drive engagement, offer value and ultimately drive more sales!

5 Quick & Easy Ways to Use Periscope to Drive More Sales.

1. Periscope Your Product Launches

Apple is the king of product launches. Millions of people tune in to watch (and re-watch) each and every new product they release. While your product launches may not be quite as popular, livecasting the release of your new products can still be a great way to generate some buzz around your brand.

Since you can’t currently schedule your livecasts on Periscope, promoting your product launches in advance can be a challenge. However that is also part of the beauty: your product launches will be (or will at least seem to be) more candid, spontaneous and timely.

Remember, people love to see behind the curtain and feel that they are a part of something bigger than themselves!

2. Periscope Live Tutorials

Tutorials are an extremely effective way to sell products, however many businesses still aren’t utilizing them (or at least aren’t utilizing them right!). While there is nothing new about using video for product tutorials, Periscope lets you shoot them live, anytime, anywhere, using just your iPhone.

Live tutorials are also a great way to promote complimentary or add-on products. For instance, if you are showing your followers how to decorate a cake, you will likely be using a variety of products to make the task easier (pastry bag, spreading knife, cake stand, etc.). Feel free to mention that you offer these products in your store, just be careful about making your tutorial overly promotional!

3. Periscope Behind-the-Scenes Tours

Candid, behind-the-scene videos are one of the best ways to show there are real people behind your business. Take your followers for live tours of the office, and put your employees or co-workers on the spot.

It is these unplanned, unrehearsed clips that really help your followers feel connected to your brand!

4. Use Periscope for Special Promo Codes

This is a strategy that works well alongside product launches and tutorials. If your Twitter followers are tuned in to see a new product or to learn how to use one of your products, why not offer an exclusive discount? Better yet, make your discount or promo code time-limited: valid within 30 minutes of the end of your livecast.

5. Answer Q & A’s Live on Periscope

Because viewers can post live comments in your Periscope stream, you can answer questions live, on air, as they are asked. This is the beauty of the livecast: while video Q&A’s have been around forever, the ability for viewers to ask questions ‘as it happens’ is what takes it to a whole new level.

The team over at Hootsuite has been using this strategy with great success. Using a casual chat format, hundreds of followers tune in to ask questions, offer feedback and even inquire about jobs. The company reports that this strategy has led to surprising levels of trust with viewers.

Livecasting is still in its infancy, but it is sure exciting to see what a difference it is making for businesses. While you may be hard pressed to get thousands of people at a time to view your livecasts, the timeliness and intimacy of a live, interactive broadcast make them well worth your while.

Wondering which livecasting app is right for you? Check out my post Periscope Versus Meerkat.

That's it…5 Quick and Easy Ways to Use Periscope to Drive More Sales! Are you using Periscope to drive sales? If so, how? Share with us in the comments below!

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Michael Kawula
Michael Kawula
9 years ago

Actually perfect timing as of this morning Periscope is now finally available for Android users. Super exciting and love these ideas. Definitely going to start doing some behind the scenes for our business.

Kim Garst
9 years ago

I can’t wait to see where it goes 🙂

Sue B
Sue B
9 years ago

I am having HUGE success with live broadcast. It’s such an intimate way to connect and share your passion. I have done crowdsources, Instagram tutorials, behind the scenes, and motivational broadcast. 🙂

Kim Garst
Reply to  Sue B
9 years ago

Loving it too, Sue! Thanks for dropping in!

Kim Garst
9 years ago

Love those hearts 🙂

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