5 Ways the Pros Get More Blog Comments

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5 Ways the Pros Get More Blog Comments
5 Ways the Pros Get More Blog Comments

Do you ever wonder why you don’t get more blog comments?

It is not uncommon to receive a decent amount of traffic to your site, only to find that your visitors just aren’t interacting with your content.

That is why I have pulled together 5 strategies that the pros use when it comes to eliciting more comments on their blog posts.

Be sure to leave YOUR best tip in the comments at the end of the post! 

1. They ask targeted questions.

Take a look at this recent post on the ProBlogger site that has received 54 comments just in the past few days. The post is surprisingly short; in fact, I would guess this post took him no more than a few minutes to write.


So, how can such a short post elicit such great engagement? The key was asking a very relevant and targeted question to his readers: “Where do you get your blog ideas from?”.

Not only do people hate to leave questions unanswered, but they love ‘crowdsourcing’: getting ideas by soliciting ideas and opinions from a group.

Not only will asking targeted questions likely lead to more engagement, but your readers will also be more likely to read through all the previous comments, keeping them engaged with your content even longer.

2. They have content worth commenting on.

I know this one sounds obvious, but it is too important to leave off this list. If you are not offering anything unique or original to your audience, why would they feel the need to leave a comment?

Take this blog post from the CopyBlogger site that quickly racked up 44 comments.


The content of the article is original, witty and chocked-full of practical examples and tips of ways you can become a better writer.

You will be hard pressed to find many of these tips anywhere else online. In fact, most of the reader comments are simply along the lines of, “Wow, I had never thought of most of these ideas before!”.

Plus, how can you resist that image? 🙂

3. They keep the conversation going.


Even the biggest blogs can benefit from keeping the conversation going by giving thoughtful responses to blog comments. Responding to comments can be a great way to extend the life of the conversation, and keep people coming back to your site.

Take a look at this blog post from Neil Patel on the QuickSprout site that has already received 107 comments (and counting). Now, if you are already familiar with Neil Patel, you probably know he is a ‘pretty big deal’ and yet he takes the time to respond to nearly every single comment posted on his site!


4. They end with a call to action.

This is another simple technique that can have huge results. Sometimes all it takes to elicit engagement from your readers is ending your post with a simple question that acts as a call to action.

For instance, in this post by SEO experts Moz, the author explicitly asks readers to add their own thoughts in the comments.


Letting your readers know that you value and appreciate their ideas and opinions can be just the encouragement they need to interact with your content; just be sure that you do actually read, appreciate and respond to any comments they do leave!

5. Recycle your old content.


Let’s face it: Don’t you find you’re more likely to comment on a blog post that already has a ton of interaction?

When you see that a post has gotten some traction, you are more likely to feel it’s an important conversation, and to want to leave your own comment. I bet your readers feel the same way!

A great way to build up a conversation on your blog is to recycle and re-promote old content. For instance, if you promote a popular blog post a few times a year through social media and to your email subscribers, the posts will, over time, build up a healthy number of comments and increased interaction.

These comments will serve as ‘social proof’ that your content is valuable and interesting, and your readers will be more likely (over time) to want to leave their own comments. Once the ball is rolling, your content will really begin to take off and gain the traction it deserves!

Keep in mind that this is a long-term strategy for steadily building increased engagement, so be prepared that you may not see results right away!

What is YOUR best tip for getting comments on your blog? Please share with us below!

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Kim Garst
11 years ago

Great question, Robert! Personally speaking, I use social media as my #1 tool to drive traffic to my blog. I share every post on all the platforms, not just once, but quite frequently (as long as it is evergreen), to keep people coming back to my site.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Kim Garst
11 years ago

Marisa, tell people what you want them do…it truly works! If you want them to leave their comments on your blog post itself, state as much when you share it on Facebook. I would invite them to do both so that you get double the benefit.

Emyr Thomas
Emyr Thomas
11 years ago

Hi Kim, Congrats on the listing with Social Media Examiner – well deserved!

Kim Garst
Reply to  Emyr Thomas
11 years ago

Thanks Emyr!

Patricia Knight
Patricia Knight
11 years ago

These are all great tips. I belong to a few different blogging groups and we support each other by going around and leaving comments on each others blogs. I have found that seeing comments encourages others to comment as well.

Mark Schutter
Mark Schutter
11 years ago

Great post and ideas Kim! I especially like the idea of recycling older popular content. I have done very little of that but will do more realizing that it takes time to build a true following. Thanks again, Mark

Raquel M Ramirez
Raquel M Ramirez
11 years ago

Very cool article Kim. I was actually in the middle of writing a post when I came across your article. Thanks for the tips on how to create a more engaging call to action to invite others to comment. Now watch me share this 🙂

11 years ago

Thanks for the blogging tips. I need as many as I can get.

11 years ago

Very smart list of suggestions, although I guess having some luck is also a factor: I’ve been applying all of these on my own blog but can’t get many comments. Clearly I still need more quality traffic…

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Glad ou got some value from this one, Mike!

10 years ago

This is a great post, I was thinking the other day of ways I could get my interaction up on my blog and this post was what I needed. But like you said Kim, at first you might not see results but with consistent action we will get there. Thank you for this post-Kim

Kim Garst
Reply to  Javier
10 years ago

Love that you got some great value from this one, Javier! Thanks for dropping by!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Consistency is sooo huge. Totally agree with you, Stacey!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

I pose questions at the end of every blog post and it definitely works!

8 years ago

Hey Kim, thanks for the post. I’m blogging, and starting to get blog out better in the socials, but interaction is not where I want it. I’ll try the targeted questions more.. again, thanks for the post.

Kim Garst
8 years ago

Glad you landed here too and hope you can get some good info that will help you!

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