5 Ways To Write Super Sticky Content

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If you are creating content as part of your online marketing campaign, then your ultimate goal should be to create “sticky content.” What exactly IS sticky content? Basically, sticky content is the type of content that is so GOOD that it brings readers back and back again. It “sticks” in their minds and they remember it right when they need it.

If you have access to analytics, you can see how many unique visitors you have versus the number of page views. This is a good indicator of how sticky your content is. If you have more page views than unique visitors then you most likely have articles or blogs that are bringing in return readers — which is great!

So, what exactly does it take to create sticky content? It is a combination of quality content, timeliness and consistent publishing. Here are a few ideas:

Think Like Your Customer

It is easy to write over and over and over again about why your product is so wonderful or why your service is the best. But that is not what your customer is looking for when they fire up their computer or do a Google search. They are searching for something. They are trying to solve a problem.

You will create sticky content when you start digging in and answering customer questions. If you sell essential oils for example, a post about how to calm a bee sting is going to be a lot more sticky than a post about the quality of your oils.

Be Unpredictable

Nobody wears the same outfit everyday or listens to the same music. Well, maybe music, but you get what I mean! People love the element of surprise. As writers, it is easy to get into a rut — pumping out the same “type” of content day after day. Break that cycle. Mix it up.  Readers love seeing something new, seeing a different side of you. This could mean bringing in guest authors that can offer a new perspective. Or it might just mean conducting an interview when you normally do informational articles.

Do Not Hide Your Emotions

Some of my most popular blog posts have a personal element to them. When I share my emotions, readers respond — and that is completely natural. People are hardwired to listen to their hearts. When we share stories (about ourselves or even about someone else) that have a personal element, people are going to connect.

If you are building a coaching business, do not be afraid to share where you have come from. Readers will find it inspiring and REAL. If you have had a bad day, do not be afraid to pull back the curtain a bit and share. Likewise, be sure that YOU are a part of your blog. Is your photo easily found? Can readers quickly navigate to a bio? These simple design elements go a long way towards building relationships.

Go Interactive

Getting readers to participate somehow on your blog is a great way to get them to return! Encourage comments, hold a competition, have readers vote on something, host a giveaway, encourage readers to subscribe, etc… These types of interactions encourage readers to come back to comment again or view the results.

When readers are commenting on your posts or articles, be sure to comment back. Look at each comment as an opportunity to connect. You never know where that relationship may lead!

Publish Consistently

I know I say this often, but it begs saying again. Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining readership and creating sticky content. Nothing is worse than discovering a great new blog only to find the author has not actually updated it in months. Believe me when I say that once readers have found you and decided they like you, they want more content from you!



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Arrash Syed
Arrash Syed
11 years ago

Its very Nice Blog

Reply to  Arrash Syed
11 years ago

Thanks Arrash!

Vatsala Shukla
Vatsala Shukla
11 years ago

Sweet and sticky tips and core essentials if you want to build credibility on the internet with prospective clients or even if you want to build a following of readers. I have noticed that there are posts that get read and then reread but no comments despite calls to action.

Reply to  Vatsala Shukla
11 years ago

Almost all of my content gets comments…I use calls to action and specific open ended questions to try to encourage people to comment. Great question, Vatasia!

Susie Caron
Susie Caron
11 years ago

I liked and pinned this article. Speaking of sticky content and well written content, you always provide. I thank you for everything you offer. You are my favorite social media authority,

Reply to  Susie Caron
11 years ago

Awwhhh, thank you, Susie!

Roberta Alluzio
Roberta Alluzio
11 years ago

I love your comments about sticky content. I think it is so true that sharing the non perfect human side in content can really draw readers in. Thanks for your great advice. I am just starting out and learning the ropes.

Reply to  Roberta Alluzio
11 years ago

Thank you for spending some time with us, Roberta!

11 years ago

Hi Kim – I subscribed to your mailing list after seeing you on YouTube. I love your content. It is always interesting, relevant, up-to-date and usable. I enjoy reading it each week. Keep up the good work.

Kim Garst
Kim Garst
Reply to  Vanessa
11 years ago

Awwwhh… thank you so much Vanessa! I am so glad you are getting value out of them!

Shelley Webb
Shelley Webb
11 years ago

It’s always important to be yourself so that you will attract the perfect readers, clients and personal relationships, for YOU and not someone else. We all crave that interpersonal exchange. It’s no different on-line.

Vicky Savellis-Grant
Vicky Savellis-Grant
11 years ago

Great tips especially #2 love the surprise element. Thank you Kim.

11 years ago

Content is a pain in my butt. 🙂 Even though consistency and high quality, entertaining info are of utmost importance, I still get stale from time to time and find myself just going through the motions. I always appreciate the occasional reality slap in the face to wake me up and get me focused again. Thanks for the reminders Kim!

Reply to  Christopher
11 years ago

Christopher, I know it can be tough but keep moving! It is what drives so much of your success today!

Katrina Moody
Katrina Moody
11 years ago

Man – consistency will kill me – it IS killing me – I find it very difficult to keep up with posting when I get busy with life and client work *grin* – so this will be one of my big goals … building that consistency! Woot! Great post and tips Kim!

Kim Garst
Kim Garst
11 years ago

Thank you Cody! Take things step by step, don’t think you have to change everything at once. I am honored that you are sharing my content and finding value in it.

11 years ago

Don’t focus on your flip flops…what do people care about that would buy your products? That’s where you focus 🙂

11 years ago

Thank you for the compliment, Michael!

11 years ago

Anton, we will be in touch for sure.

11 years ago

Thanks Gary! How is business?

Kim Garst
11 years ago

I have tested this quite extensively and find no correlation between using another source to schedule and decreased visibility. Hope this helps!

Kim Garst
Reply to  Kim Garst
10 years ago

Yes, it can be difficult. This is why I recommend finding a few people to tune into and unsubscribe from the rest 🙂

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