6 Facebook Marketing Tips Specifically for Authors

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Are you an author struggling to figure out how to use Facebook to promote your books? Are you looking for information specifically about how authors – not just general business owners – can effectively use Facebook?

Well, following are 6 tips specifically for YOU! Whether you're an aspiring author, or an established, best-selling writer, these simple Facebook marketing strategies will ensure you are using Facebook to it's full potential.

1.  Use your cover photo to show off your books

Facebook Marketing Tips for Authors

In case you weren't aware, over the past several months, Facebook has removed most of their previous restrictions and rules regarding cover photos. This means that you are now allowed to have as much text as you want in your cover photo, as well as a call to action (previously a big no-no).

While you certainly have enough room in the cover photo to promote a multitude of books or events, I would recommend focusing on one at a time. For instance, include a photo of your most recent book, or use the space to promote an upcoming event – just not both at the same time.

 2.  Create a page for yourself, NOT just for your book

I have seen some authors create Facebook pages for each and every book they publish. While it may seem like a great way to focus the attention on the launch of your latest book, there are a few problems that can occur with this strategy:

  • Your influence will be diluted. Rather than having one page with 1000 fans, now you may have 5 pages each with 200 fans.
  • More pages = more work for you. Rather than managing one page, you now have to keep up with multiple pages. This is not only time-consuming, but can be extremely confusing.

If you are not convinced you even need a Facebook page, check out my post Why a Facebook Fan Page is a MUST!

3.  Use a platform like Odyl* to step up your efforts.

Facebook Marketing Tips for Authors

If you are looking to invest in something that will allow for greater flexibility, less design work on your part, and the ability to easily offer giveaways and promotions, you may want to consider signing up with a service like Odyl.

Odyl allows you to create professional-looking Facebook campaigns, offer book excerpts in exchange for ‘likes', hold giveaways, and even import user-reviews right onto your page.

Although using a service like Odyl can be pricey – ranging from around $250-$1000 per month – it may be worthwhile when you consider the time and money you save on design work, coding, and contest set-up.

*I am not connected with Odyl in any way, and am not receiving any form of compensation for this post 🙂

 4.  Balance interaction with promotion.

Although this is a tip that applies to all businesses on Facebook, it's worth repeating: make sure you balance interaction with promotion.

What does this mean exactly? The majority of your posts should be educational, inspiring, humorous, or helpful, and should not include any form of promotion. Then, once in a while, feel free to mention your latest book, just not all the time!

80/20 is a good rule of thumb for page owners, and the same goes for authors. 80% content, 20% promotion or marketing message.

5.  Connect with other authors through popular Facebook groups

I would be remiss if I didn't mention one of the most obvious uses of social networking for writers: networking with other authors!

As with any networking, you never know where these connections might lead. Join popular Facebook groups for authors and reach out to authors you admire, and ones who could perhaps benefit from your experiences.

Some Facebook author groups you can check out:

6.  Build your following to attract potential publishers

Keep in mind that having a strong community on Facebook can also be attractive to potential publishers. If you are scoping out publishers for an upcoming book, having a large pre-established fan base can signal that you are worth taking a risk on.

Growing your Facebook community should be primarily be about interacting and connecting with your fans, but attracting a publisher is certainly a nice bonus!

Are you an author using Facebook? Have you found it beneficial in terms of making connections or increasing sales? Leave a link to your Facebook page below so we can check it out!

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Rob Alice
Rob Alice
11 years ago

This is very helpful to promote our business, really now facebook is one of the wonderful social media platform to reach more targeted potential customers of a business.

Kim Garst
11 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, Ajay.

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Love hearing this, Emma! Keep up the good work 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Glad you picked up some tips, Ananth!

jigyasa sewkani
jigyasa sewkani
4 years ago

We should always keep our eyes on facdebook updates and its algorithms. great content thank you for sharing.

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