6 Ways to Instantly Blow Up Your Instagram

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As of late February 2013, Instagram announced that it has over 100 million active monthly users.

With this amount of potential exposure for your brand, it would be a shame to let such a great online photo-sharing and social networking site go to waste.

But how do you get people to follow you? To engage with your brand? To like and comment your photos?

Here are 6 ways to “instantly” blow up your Instagram:

1. Add an Instagram “Badge” on Your Other Social Networks

Many people may not know that you have an Instagram account, so adding a “badge” to your Facebook, website, or blog that links to your Instagram will be sure to gain you more followers.

You can do this simply by clicking here, choosing which badge you want on your page, and copying and pasting or you could also get really creative and make your own badge.

2. Like Pictures and Leave Comments

Liking other people's photos and leaving comments can help you receive more followers and likes, as well. Engage and be human!

Try liking pictures from the popular page to start engaging with people that you don't know or search a hashtag that has to do with your niche to find people that are more likely to follow and keep engaging with you.

3. Consistently Post Pictures 

As usual, consistency is key. A daily picture or two is perfect to keep growing your audience.

To go above and beyond just consistently posting, try to consistently post aesthetically pleasing (the most popular filters are Lo-Fi, X-Pro II, Amaro, and Hudson and around half of Instagrams use no filter) and creative (try using an app like Diptic to make your photos into a cool collage).

4. Follow Your Established Followers and Suggested Users

If some of your established followers on other social media sites have an Instagram account, follow them on that platform as well.

Instagram also has a feature called “Suggested Users.” Follow your suggested users by selecting “Find Friends” and then “Suggested Users.” Following users that have similar interests as you may encourage them to follow you in return.

5. Share Your Instagrams on Other Social Networks

You'll see a list of other social networks that you can link to your Instagram account so that your photos are automatically uploaded there in addition to Instagram. You can automatically share your photos with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, and Foursquare.

The more social services you share your Instagram account with, the more you can promote your photos and increase your following on the platform.

6. Include Your Hashtags on Your Pictures

Does your brand have some specific hashtags that you use on other sites like Twitter or Google+? Use them on your Instagram pictures as well. For example, I might include #youcandosocial and #boomsocial on my pictures.

Also, use hashtags if you're at an event to connect to others that are also attending. I recently attended an event called Social Media Marketing World 2013, so while there I included the hashtag #SMMW13 on all of my pictures. By clicking on this hashtag, it was easy for me to find the pictures that others at the event were posting so that I could engage with them.

What other ways do you use to engage, promote, and gain followers on Instagram? Sound off in the comments below!

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Daniel Adetunji
Daniel Adetunji
11 years ago

Hello Kim, This post is an eye-opener. You really opened my eyes to my mistakes. I’d implement these tips and blow up my Instagram account; Lol

Kim Garst
Kim Garst
Reply to  Daniel Adetunji
11 years ago

Thanks for stopping by! I am so glad you are finding these tips helpful!

Winston Crosbie PA
Winston Crosbie PA
Reply to  Kim Garst
9 years ago

These are awesome tips! I can see I have much to do, just to correct what I have been doing; then I will be ready to move forward. PS!! We still need to better understand hashtags and how to create them. Thanks again!

11 years ago

One more thing 🙂 – this one is fun too!

Kim Garst
Kim Garst
11 years ago

It is mobile app based so you need to sign up and sign in on your phone.

10 years ago

I’ve never really understood Instagram lol. I never really understood the point of it either. It seems like Facebook is so much more useful. But that’s just my opinion.

9 years ago

Hi Kim…..thanks for your great information…i really needed.

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