7 Steps to a Highly Converting Opt-in Page

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7 Steps to a Highly Converting Opt-in Page

You may have already figured out that getting people to opt-in to your email list isn’t as easy as slapping an opt-in box in your sidebar. Sure, you will get some signups that way, but the real trick is getting website visitors to your opt-in page.

The singular purpose of your opt-in page should be to get visitors to sign up for your email list. The problem is, this is much easier said than done.

That’s why I have pulled together 7 of my top tips for getting visitors to your opt-in page to convert (i.e. sign up). Be sure to read through to the end, because the last tip is the most important.

7 Steps to a Highly Converting Opt-In Page

1. Meet the expectations of your visitors.

There are any number of ways your visitors may arrive at your opt-in page. They may click on a link from within your site, they may click through from another site, or they may click on an ad. Regardless, your opt-in page should meet their expectations.

What I mean is this: If you were to click on an AdSense ad that claimed, “Click here to see funny pictures of cats”, and you arrived at an opt-in page for a web design business, you would quickly leave the site, right? You would feel disappointed and/or annoyed because the page did not meet your expectations.

This is an extreme example, but hopefully you see the point I am trying to make. Do not bait and switch is the real message. People typically don’t arrive at your opt-in page by accident: so your page should clearly deliver on what they were hoping to achieve when they clicked through.

2. Use buttons rather than text.

Generally speaking, buttons will convert better than text-only links. For instance, if your call to action is ‘Click here to sign up’, try using a button with this text, rather than a simple text link. You will also want to play around with the color, size, wording and placement of your buttons: you will be amazed at what a little tweaking can do to your conversion rates!

3. Minimize distractions.

When someone arrives at your opt-in page, you want them to be focused on only one thing: signing up for your email list. This means that each and every element of your landing page should lead them to this one goal. Your job is to make sure nothing on the page distracts them from this goal.

This means:

  • If possible, remove the main navigation bar from the top of the page
  • Remove the sidebar (single column opt-in pages tend to convert better)
  • Don’t include links to other pages of your site…if they leave the page, they may never return!

4. Include Testimonials

Many marketers use testimonials on product landing pages, but don’t realize the importance of using them on opt-in pages. It’s one thing to tell people why they should sign up, but it’s another to have an unbiased third party tell them.

If you’ve received positive feedback from your current subscribers, ask them if you can include a quote from them on your opt-in page. If possible, use a photo or video as well as their full name to add to the credibility of the testimonial.

5. Less is more.

Research shows that the less information you ask for, the better. When people see a long, convoluted opt-in form, their first reaction is ‘I don’t have time for this!’, or ‘It’s not worth sharing all this personal information’.

Make it quick and painless for people to opt-in by asking only for the information that’s absolutely necessary. In some cases this may mean only asking for an email address, or an email address and first name.

6. Make the “what's in it for them” very clear.

In a time when every single website is asking for its visitors’ emails, the benefit of joining your list must be clear. It’s not enough to say, ‘join my list’. Ask yourself what unique information, tools, strategies or results your email subscribers receive, and make this clear in your opt-in page copy.

The benefits may include:

  • Secrets and tips that will help them grow their business
  • Information that will save them hundreds of dollars
  • Instant download of an e-book or white paper (and how this info will help them)
  • Exclusive access to a webinar or video series (and how that webinar or video will help them)

7. Test, test and test some more.

I could write a list of hundreds of ‘best practices’ for opt-in pages. The thing is though, what works for one website or business may not work for another. The key will be to try variations of your opt-in page to see what works for you and your business.

This will mean testing every element of your page:

  • The overall design (colors, fonts, etc.)
  • The placement of your call to action
  • The length of your copy
  • Images
  • Call to action
  • Your headline

Sometimes all it takes is one seemingly minor change to dramatically increase your conversion rates, so don’t be afraid to test even the smallest details!

And that's it – My 7 steps to a highly converting opt-in page!

For even more tip on building your email list visit:

How to Increase Your Email by 200%

How to Double Your List with Your Fan Page

How to double Your Email Subscribers in 30 Days

Do you struggle with getting people to sign up for your email list? What strategy/strategies are you currently using? Share with us in the comments below!

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Kim Garst
11 years ago

Great to hear this! Thanks for dropping in!

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