7 Tips to Become an Instagram Rockstar!

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7 Tips to Become an Instagram Rockstar!
7 Tips to Become an Instagram Rockstar!

Are you actively using Instagram for your business? I know some business owners are hesitant to use the platform, and many ask me: “Do people really want to see picture after picture of my products on Instagram?”. The answer is NO! The most successful brands know that Instagram is about far more than just sharing product shots (although this can and should be part of your strategy too!).

Here are 7 tips to come an Instagram Rockstar, today!

1. Share photos that convey an emotion you want associated with your brand.

Starbucks on Instagram

starbucks on Instagram

Starbucks does a GREAT job of this. Of course they post photos of their stores, customers and products, but they have also figured out what kinds of images evoke positive emotions in their followers.

The Starbucks brand is commonly associated with warmth, friendship and sharing special moments. If you look through their Instagram photos, you will see many shots that actually have nothing to do with coffee; rather, they convey the feelings associated with sunshine, cozy winter days, and sharing time with the important people in your life and yes, this does drive sales!

2. Show the human side of your brand.

Kim Garst on Instagram

People want to know there’s a real human being on the other side of their computer screen.

Don’t be afraid to share personal images from time to time. These don’t have to be family photos, however sharing photos from an office party, conference or even your pet can make you and your brand more relatable. Remember, people buy from those they know, like and trust!

3. Follow back.

Ford on Instagram

ford on Instagram

If you look at some of the big brands who are using Instagram, you will notice a funny thing: many of them have hundreds of thousands of followers, yet they don’t follow anyone themselves.

I don’t know about you, but to me this conveys an attitude of ‘I’m only interested in broadcasting my message, not in engaging’. You don’t have to follow ALL your followers, however make an effort to follow back the users who regularly interact with your content, and, more importantly, are your ideal prospect. These are the people who care about your brand and are helping you to build it!

4. Share image quotes.

Honda on Instagram

honda on Instagram

If you have been following me on social media, you likely already know how much I love sharing images (and more specifically, image quotes). Quotes have a special way of inspiring, encouraging and motivating; not to mention, people love to share them! Remember, it's not all about your product or service, it's about what your community cares about, what they will engage with you around and share within their communities.

5. Announce an event or promotion.

Nathan Latka on Instagram

nathanlatka on Instagram

Using images to announce an event or promotion can be a great (non-salesy) way of creating buzz around your brand on Instagram. 

You will want to keep the promotions to a minimum, as your #1 goal should always be to connect and engage. However, when done from time to time it can be a great method for catching the attention of your followers.

6. Sell your products on Instagram.

Arnold Daniel on Instagram

Arnold_daniel on Instagram

Wait, Kim, didn’t you just say to keep the promotions to a minimum?! Yes, for the most part, that is true. However there are ways you can use the platform to generate sales – even direct sales.

For instance, one photographer has figured out how to use Instagram to directly sell his images as prints. In fact, on the very first day he started selling his images, he sold $15,000 worth of prints!

For more ideas for direct selling on Instagram, see my post

Little Known Ways to Sell on Instagram.

7. Use tools to optimize your posts.


Want to know what’s working for you on Instagram and what’s not? A tool like Iconosquare (previously Statigram) can help by giving you access to valuable information and analytics like:

  • Most liked and commented on photos
  • Which filters perform the best
  • Optimal posting frequency
  • Best days and times to post your photos
  • Stats about your followers and who you’re following

That's the skinny…7 tips to become an Instagram rockstar! Looking for more tips? You may also like my post 7 Steps to Insta-Success: How to Use Instagram for Your Business.

What are your best tips for becoming an Instagram rockstar? Do you have a loyal, dedicated following on Instagram? Share your username with us so we can see what you’re doing right!

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Kim Garst
10 years ago

Me to, Manda!

Reply to  Kim Garst
10 years ago

I’m interested please ☺️

Kim Garst
10 years ago

So excited that you found some nuggets that will help your business, Ruth!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Let’s definitely connect over on Instagram, Beth!

roseline cod
roseline cod
6 years ago

So amazing. It is so powerful. Thanks for sharing.

Skylar smith
Skylar smith
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing with us this post, it is amazing.

4 years ago

Very helpful post and awesome content.

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