Top 10 Things You Should Never Post on Social Media

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Social media has made it possible to share your thoughts and ideas with thousands of virtual strangers, literally within seconds. You barely need to have formed a cohesive thought, and BOOM! There it is, posted for the world to see.

social media

But before you hit that ‘publish’ button, do me a favor: run through this list of the top 10 things you should never post on social media. It just may save you from causing hurt or embarrassment to yourself or others!

1. Offensive content on social media

social media

Where do I start? There are so many types of posts that fall into this category. Racial slurs, graphic images, crude jokes, swearing (except in the rare event this is an integral part of your brand), to name just a few.

Some business owners don’t think it’s a big deal to occasionally post a distasteful joke or questionable picture; I strongly disagree. This lack of awareness and respect can cause irreparable harm to your brand. When in doubt, leave it out!

2. Gossip or attacks against specific people in social media

social media

If you’ve been hurt or harmed in some way, you may feel justified in lashing out on social media. However, there are two big problems with this: First, when you specifically call someone out in such a public venue, you often leave that relationship in a state of disrepair. It’s pretty hard to recover from that type of attack! Second, this type of public shaming often says more about you than the person you’re talking about. It sends the message that you don’t respect others and may damage the trust your audience has in you (“Why should I trust you when I see how easily you can turn on others?”).

3. Claiming other people’s content as your own

Claiming other people’s content as your own

Any time you use someone else’s content without attribution – images, quotes, or original ideas – you run some pretty serious risks. Remember that copyright infringement is a serious offense that can lead to legal action, and that can do serious damage to your brand. While you may get away with it in the short term, it’s just not worth it!

4. Speaking negatively about an employee/boss/co-worker

social media

Social media isn’t the place to air grievances against employees or co-workers. It also isn’t the place to give specific details about mistakes your employees have made, or about how insufferable your boss is. Sharing this type of content on social media is not only unprofessional, in rare circumstances, but it can also be grounds for legal action.

5. Sharing specifics about an upcoming holiday or business trip

Sharing specifics about an upcoming holiday or business trip

Sharing images or videos from a trip is great for helping your followers feel like they’re in on the action. The trouble is, you don’t know exactly who’s listening in! Avoid mentioning specific details about your trip (dates, locations, etc.). Better yet, share pictures once you’re back!

6. Private conversations (without permission)

social media

Have you ever received an email or private message from a follower that you couldn’t wait to share with your audience? Maybe it was an awesome tip or trick, or maybe it was a shining testimonial about your product? It’s always a good idea to ask for permission before sharing this type of content on social media. If you’re going to be sharing a screenshot or any identifying information, you DEFINITELY need to get written permission first!

7. Too much personal information

You know I talk a lot about being yourself on social media. This means being authentic and letting your followers see the real YOU. This doesn’t mean, however, that you should let it all ‘hang out’! Make sure you have a good balance of informative, industry-specific content, mixed with some personal tidbits to let your followers know you’re a REAL person!

8. Financial information

Financial information

Obviously, you never want to share sensitive financial information like your bank account or credit card numbers (!). But I also discourage business owners from sharing info like financial projections, quotas or earnings. While this can be acceptable in certain industries (e.g., online marketers often share monthly income reports), this isn’t the norm in most industries.

9. Sharing posts or links that aren’t substantiated in social media

Sharing posts or links that aren’t substantiated

Before sharing a post or article that could be controversial or sensational, always be sure to do your homework. Sharing posts that end up being scams (or that are simply inaccurate) can send the message that you’re naïve or that you don’t care enough to fact-check. And it goes without saying: before sharing ANY link, be sure to click on it yourself first!

10. Anything you don’t want to be online FOREVER

Anything you don’t want to be online FOREVER

When you put something on social media, you have to assume it’s out there permanently. In the age of screenshots, there is no ‘taking it back’, even if you’ve made a big mistake. Before you post anything remotely personal or sensitive, ask yourself, “Do I want this to be online forever?” If the answer is no, don’t hit the ‘post’ button!

What would you add to this list? What do you think should never be posted on social media? Share below!

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9 years ago

I agree we should be mindful of what we post, in this day & age everything goes viral & cant be taken back. Even if we feel strongly about a specific topic check the words we post.

9 years ago

Getting robbed at hime or TAKEN without Liam Neeson on standby

9 years ago

Doing so can make you vulnerable to would-be thieves. If they know no one is home, they may take advantage of the opportunity to visit your house.

9 years ago

If you post that you’re going away, you’re telling everyone “I’m not home come a steal my stuff” it happens alot

9 years ago

Cool! Just tell me where you live, and next time I see you’re out of town, I’ll stop over.

9 years ago

Criminals use that information to know when your house is going to be vacant for an easy burglary. That is the main reason that I post pictures after we return.

9 years ago

It’s been said that nefarious people will know when you are away and rob you.

Bob Crooks
Bob Crooks
9 years ago

unfortunately if you tell the public you are leaving your home on vacation it is open for robbery.

Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly
9 years ago

Except the bad guys know you are not home and your residence is unoccupied.

9 years ago

Original ideas can’t be copyrighted. Only content in a fixed, tangible form.

Vinh Nguyen
Vinh Nguyen
9 years ago

That’s how burglars know you’re not home and decide to break in to steal your stuff. It has been happening a lot.

9 years ago

Except for the fact that then they know when you’re on vacation, and no one’s home. If they can locate your address, it’s the perfect time for a break in. This happens all the time.

Leonora Raye
Leonora Raye
9 years ago

Thank you, great thoughts on this and other page, too. It is easy to hit post…

Kim Garst
9 years ago

Totally agree with you, Eren. I don’t believe that I said anything to reflect any differently in this post.

9 years ago

Awesome content, thank you!

Carl Ashfield
Carl Ashfield
9 years ago

Awesome list, and it’s safe to say that I didn’t fit into any of them. The one I hate most is the personal stuff. Keep that to yourself!

Kim Garst
9 years ago

Definitely a fine line. Ultimately, you are taking a risk by posting a graphic you didn’t create.

Judy Thompson
Judy Thompson
9 years ago

Great tips Kim. I totally agree with you. If business don’t take these points into consideration, their reputation will be hurt on the Internet. But for some companies, it’s better not to have social profiles at all.

8 years ago

I have learned that its probably in your best interest not to share certain oppinions IE: Politics especially now with the current Elections nearing if you attack someone elses choice you could damage reputation in their eyes.

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