67 Web Apps Every Business Owner Must Check Out

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67 Web Apps Every Freelancer Must Check Out

In August, media Bistro published a survey done by Best Vender.  The survey shares the top 5 most popular apps for freelancers.  However, the survey only gathers data from around 100 freelancers.

I decided to create my own list of popular and user friendly Freelancer apps.  The list includes many of the ones found in the Best Vender survey as well as many, many more!

Better than that, I've organized them for you! Now, depending on your businesses need, you can check out the following apps.

Check out the ones we have listed below and share others you like in the comments section below.

Your Financial Organization


Mint: http://mint.com – It's your money. Get to know it.

Book Keeping

Freshbooks: http://www.freshbooks.com/ – Say hello to cloud accounting

Outright: http://outright.com/ – Your small business finances all in one place

QuickBooks: http://quickbooks.intuit.com/ – Organize all of your business finances in one place

FreeAgent: http://www.freeagent.com/ – Accounting software, simplified.

Time Billing & Time Sheets

Get Harvest: http://www.getharvest.com/ – Because Time Tracking Should Be Easy

Replicon: http://www.replicon.com – Leading Cloud Based Time Sheet

Boku: http://www.boku.com/ – Mobile Payments. Better Pay

Expense Reports

Expensify: https://www.expensify.com/ – Expense Reports That Don't Suck

Website Creation, Design & Tracking


WordPress: http://wordpress.org/ – Beautiful sites of any kind

Drupal: http://drupal.com/ – Get Small Businesses On The Web Fast

Magento: http://www.magentocommerce.com/ – Grow Your Online Business

Posterous Spaces: https://posterous.com/ – Easily Manage and Customize Multiple Paces



Balsamiq: http://www.balsamiq.com/ – A Rapid Wireframing Tool

Django: https://www.djangoproject.com/ – The Web framwork for perfectionists with deadlines

GetFireBug: https://www.getfirebug.com/ – Web Development Evolved

Notepad: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ – Free Source Code Editor

Photoshop: http://www.photoshop.com/ – Something to Smile About

Jing: http://www.techsmith.com/jing – Share Ideas Instantly


Google Analytics: http://www.google.com/analytics/ – Enterprise-class web analytics

Project Management

Layout and Brainstorming

FreeMind: http://freemind.sourceforge.net – Free mind mapping software

MindView: http://www.matchware.com/en/products/mindview/default.htm – Software for Creative Minds

MindMeisterhttp://www.mindmeister.com/ – The leading online mind mapping software

Host a Team Project

Asana: http://www.asana.com/ – The place to plan, organize and say in sync.

Pivotal Tracker: http://www.pivotaltracker.com/ – Build better software, faster.

Basecamp: http://basecamp.com/ – Manage Your Project

Assembla: https://www.assembla.com/home – Next Generation Agility

Time Tracker

Tomato.es: http://tomato.es/ – Pomodoro Technique Time Tracker

Get Harvest: http://www.getharvest.com/ – Because Time Tracking Should Be Easy

Note Taking / To-Do Lists

Workflowy: https://workflowy.com/ – Organize Your Brain

Evernote: https://evernote.com/ – Remember Everything

Remember The Milk: http://www.rememberthemilk.com/ – The best way to manage your tasks

Product Development

Presentation Tools

Prezi: http://prezi.com/ – Make Your Presentations Zoom

Skitch: http://blog.skitch.com/post/9083996519/huge-skitch-is-acquired-by-evernote-a-great – Say it faster. Show them in seconds, not minutes.

Jing: http://www.techsmith.com/jing – Share Ideas Instantly

Camtasia: http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia – Screen Recording & Video Editing Software

Cloud Storage

Dropbox: http://dropbox.com – Simplify Your Life

AmazonS3: http://aws.amazon.com/s3/ – Simple Storage Service

Google Docs: https://docs.google.com – Edit Your Online Documents From Any Computer

iCloud: http://www.apple.com/icloud – iCloud does more than store your content

Online Doc Sharing

Dropbox: http://dropbox.com – Simplify Your Life

Google Docs: https://docs.google.com – Edit and SHARE Your Online Documents From Any Computer

Posterous Spaces: https://posterous.com/ – Easily Manage and Customize Multiple Paces 

Online Advertising

Google Adwords: http://www.google.com/ads/adwords2 – Advertise Your Business On Google

Adroll: http://www.adroll.com/ – #1 Retargeting Platform

Customer Relationship Management

Social Media                                                                          

Batchbook: http://batchbook.com/ – Build Meaningful Relationships with Your Best Customers

Sprout Social: http://sproutsocial.com/ – Social Media Management Tool

Hootsuite: http://hootsuite.com/ – Social Media Management and my preferred choice.

SocialOomph: https://www.socialoomph.com/  Boost Your Productivity

Bring My Blog Visitors Back:  http://bringmyblogvisitorsback.com/

Customer Service

Click Desk: http://www.clickdesk.com/ – Turn your website visitors into happy customers

CapsuleCRM: http://capsulecrm.com/ – The easy online CMR for doing business


aWeber: http://www.aweber.com– Email Management System

                   Gmailhttp://mail.google.com – A Google approach to email

MailChimp: http://mailchimp.com/ – Email Newsletters

ConstantContact: http://www.constantcontact.com/welcome.jsp – Grow Your Business

iContact: http://www.icontact.com/ 0 Build your business with email marketing

Business News/ Updates/ Polls

Google Alerts: http://www.google.com/alerts – Monitor the web for interesting new content

Pulse News: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pulse-news-for-ipad-your-news/id371088673?mt=8 – Your News, Blog, Magazine and Social Organizer

Qwanz: http://www.qwanz.com/ – Start your own conversation or poll, to be heard and have influence. 

Client Meetings

Client Calls

Google Voice: http://google.com/voice – One phone number and online voicemail

Skype: http://skype.com Internet Calls and Cheap Calls to Phones Online

Go To Meetings: http://gotomeeting.com – Enjoy the Freedom of Online Meetings

Free Conference Call: http://www.freeconferencecall.com 

Maestro Conference: http://maestroconference.com/ – social conferencing

Join.me: https://join.me/ – instant screen sharing

gTalk:  http://talk.google.com

Calendar Tools

Google Calendar:  http://google.com/calendar

Tungle.me: http://tungle.me – Scheduling made easy

iCal: http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/calendars/

Time Trader: http://timetrader.com/

Which of the apps listed above are you going to add to your repertoire?  Do you love any apps that aren't listed here? Please share in the comments section below. 

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Kim Hawkins
Kim Hawkins
11 years ago

I love Evernote for keeping track of book notes. I also use WordPress.org, Google Analytics, & MailChimp. I would like to add iCloud to my repertoire. Thanks for the list Kim!

11 years ago

What a great list of resources! I am going to look into workflowy, that looks interesting! Thanks, Kim!

raspberry ketone
raspberry ketone
Reply to  Sherie
11 years ago

Wonderful blog! I found it while surfing around on Yahoo News. I’ve been trying for a while but I never seem to get there! Thank you

Reply to  raspberry ketone
11 years ago

I Google “how to get listed on Yahoo news” and found a lot of articles that share tips and techniques. Hope this helps!

Suzanne Jones
Suzanne Jones
11 years ago

Great resource list! Many I use and many I haven't heard of. Thanks!

Reply to  Suzanne Jones
11 years ago

Hope they help, Suzanne 😉

Sara Nickleberry
Sara Nickleberry
11 years ago

This one is going in my social media reference guide!

Reply to  Sara Nickleberry
11 years ago

Hope they are helpful Sara!

11 years ago

Thanks Denny 😉

Susan Preston
Susan Preston
11 years ago

Thanks, Kim for such an Amazing Resource Guide. this is wonderful 🙂

Reply to  Susan Preston
11 years ago

Enjoy ;-)!

11 years ago

Hey Ron! Thanks for dropping in.

Kim Garst
11 years ago

I have never heard of apptegic.com, Ryan. I only included apps that I have used or that were brought to my attention. I will definitely check it out.

11 years ago

“Very informative post !!!! Thanks for the great information really enjoyed the read ..great stuff !!!Thank you so much for sharing this informative and useful post !!!!

Kim Garst
Kim Garst
Reply to  EasyLifeApp
11 years ago

Thanks for stopping by! I am so glad you found it useful!

Jimmy Wills
Jimmy Wills
9 years ago

Thanks for sharing this great list.

Kim Garst
9 years ago

Thanks Parmod!

Ashish Singh
Ashish Singh
5 years ago

Great collection of all the must resources. This post contains all the tools needed to run a business smoothly and effectively. Thanks a lot for compiling this.

3 years ago

Great post! thanks for sharing such useful stuff while searching for frelancing platforms found this post quite useful. Thanks.

3 years ago

Thank you for sharing these apps with us. It would be helpful for our accounting business. I will check those apps and try them out. I will update you and see how it goes.

Lindsey John
Lindsey John
5 months ago

Great list, Kim! Toggl has been a game-changer for my time management, and Canva is my go-to for quick and stunning designs. Thanks for sharing these essential web apps for freelancers!

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