AI Tutorial: Mastering ChatGPT’s New Vision Feature Step-by-Step

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Ready to unlock a whole new world of possibilities with ChatGPT's Vision Feature? This tutorial will guide you through the how-tos, so you can start leveraging this incredible tool today. Let's get started!

What is the ChatGPT Vision Feature?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's clarify what this feature is all about. ChatGPT's Vision Feature allows the AI to “see” and “understand” images. Yep, it's as futuristic as it sounds! 🤖👁️

With the Vision Feature, you can upload an image to ChatGPT and ask it to analyze, describe, or take action based on what it sees. This opens up a whole new realm of possibilities compared to text-only prompts.

Some key benefits of the ChatGPT Vision Feature include:

  • Image Analysis – Have ChatGPT describe an image, identify objects/people, suggest tags, extract text, and more.
  • Multimodal Content – Generate image captions, alt text, social posts, ad copy, emails, and other content using visual prompts.
  • Personal Assistant – Ask for suggestions based on images of receipts, ingredients, maps, documents, and real-world objects.
  • Creativity Boost – Visual inspiration for written content, product ideas, design concepts, and beyond!

As you can see, integrating visuals with ChatGPT prompts unlocks a whole new level of functionality. But enough chatter – let's get to the step-by-step guide!

How to Use It: A Step-by-Step Guide

Accessing the Feature

First things first – you need access to the Vision Feature. This is currently only available for ChatGPT Plus subscribers.

Once subscribed, open your ChatGPT interface and look for the “Vision” icon (usually represented by an eye or camera symbol).

Uploading an Image

First, click on ChatGPT 4 at the top of the ChatGPT window. It does not currently work with GPT-3.5.

The Vision icon will show up in the prompt area and when you click on the image icon you'll be prompted to upload an image from your computer or take a new photo directly in the chat window.

Supported file types include: JPG, PNG, GIF, and SVG.

Setting Your Prompt

Once your image is uploaded, you'll have a text field to type your prompt. This is where you tell ChatGPT what you want it to do with the image.

Your prompt should be clear, concise, and detailed. Establish context upfront when possible.

For example:

  • “This is a photo of my garden. Please describe the plants and make landscaping suggestions.”
  • “This screenshot shows an error message on my website. Explain what is causing the error and how to fix it.”

Executing the Command

Hit “Enter” or click “Submit” to have ChatGPT analyze the image and provide a response based on your prompt.

That's the basic workflow! Now let's look at some specific examples and use cases.

Prompt Examples & Use Cases

The possibilities are endless, but here are some ideas to spark your creativity:

1. Descriptive Text

Prompt: “Describe this image.”

How-to: Upload any image and use the prompt “Describe this image.”


Outcome: ChatGPT might responds with: “The image showcases the lower portion of a cat, focusing predominantly on its hind legs and paws. The cat appears to have a multicolored coat, with one leg being primarily black and the other displaying a warm, orange hue. Both paws are white, resembling cute little mittens. The fur appears soft and well-groomed. The cat stands on a surface that looks like a tile or a laminated floor, with a reflection giving it a subtle shine. The background is softly blurred, emphasizing the details of the cat's fur and paws while hinting at a sunlit indoor environment.”

This helps when you need descriptive language for image alt text, social media, presentations, reports, and more.

2. Brainstorm Ad Copy

Prompt: “Suggest three advertising headlines and call-to-action combinations based on this product image.”

How-to: Upload an image of your product. Use the prompt above.


Outcome: Catchy ad headlines tailored to your product visual!

Example Headline 1: “Unlock the Power of AI: Your Content Creation Game-Changer!”
Call-to-Action 1: “Dive In Now!”

Example Headline 2: “Revolutionize Your Content Strategy: Harness AI to Drive Sales!”
Call-to-Action 2: “Claim Your Spot Today!”

Example Headline 3: “Become an AI Content Wizard: Elevate Your Marketing Efforts!”
Call-to-Action 3: “Start Your Transformation!”

Get creative ideas for Facebook/Google ads, landing pages, banners, etc., quickly and easily!!

3. Social Media Marketing Copy

Prompt: “Create a social media caption for this image.”

How-to: Upload an image of people enjoying your product. Use the prompt above.


Outcome: “Life's sweeter with friends and a box of Garth's Cookies! 🍪🥳 Grab yours and join the cookie party! #CookieCraze #BiteIntoHappiness”

Get creative captions and ad copy to boost engagement!

4. Color Palette Generation for Your Brand

We have used this trick for years when creating the color palette for brand clients but this takes this process to a whole new level!! The trick is this…take a series of photos of our client and then pull those colors out to create the palette. The strategy behind this is that if they are wearing certain clothing options, they obviously like those colors, they are representative of their personalities, etc.! This can be labor intensive but NOW with the help of ChatGPT's Vision feature this is a breeze!!

Prompt: “Create a color palette based on the dominant colors in this image.”

This is a previous client: Darin Kidd.


How-to: Upload any image. Use the prompt above.


Based on the dominant colors present in the two images, here's a color palette:

Charcoal Grey – From the laptop and suit details.
Light Grey – Background and lighter parts of the suit in the first image.
Cream – Light tones from the background of the second image.
Warm Brown – Wood elements in the second image and the table in the first image.
Soft Blue – From the gentleman's shirts in both images.

Get a visually pleasing color scheme for your brand from a simple photo! How cool is that?!

5. Text Extraction

Prompt: “Convert the text in this image to editable format.”

How-to: Upload an image with text, like a screenshot. Use the prompt above.




You'll get the text in a format you can copy and paste!

Easily grab text from images to save retyping efforts.

6. Step by Step Action Suggestions

Prompt: “Based on this image, what steps should be taken next?”

How-to: Upload an image requiring action, like a flower garden. Use the prompt above.


Outcome: ChatGPT Vision provides suggestions for next steps.

  1. Maintenance and Upkeep: Regularly prune and trim plants to ensure they don't overgrow the pathway or encroach on each other's spaces. Remove any weeds and fallen leaves.
  2. Soil Health: Check the soil's health and nutrient content. Different plants may have different requirements, so adjust the soil accordingly with organic compost or specific fertilizers.
  3. Watering: Establish a consistent watering schedule. Depending on the plants, some may require more frequent watering than others. A drip irrigation system can be a water-efficient method.
  4. Plant Diversification: If you notice gaps or areas in the garden that could benefit from additional plants, research plants that would thrive in your garden's conditions (e.g., shade-tolerant plants for shadowy areas).
  5. Pest and Disease Management: Regularly inspect plants for signs of pests or disease. Use organic or environmentally-friendly pesticides or fungicides when necessary.
  6. Lighting: For evenings or early mornings, consider adding garden lights along the pathway. Soft LED lights can provide both function and ambiance.
  7. Pathway Care: Ensure the pathway remains clear and safe for walking. Periodically check for any loose stones, debris, or areas that need repairs.
  8. Seasonal Preparation: Depending on your region, prepare for changing seasons. This might involve protecting plants from frost, planting seasonal flowers, or preparing for the rainy season.
  9. Garden Furniture: Consider adding benches or seating areas where visitors can relax and enjoy the garden's beauty.

Make data-driven decisions faster with visual cues.

7. Text Integrity

My sweet friend and California trial attorney, Mitch Jackson, shared this awesome example of this

Setting the scene…during a jury trial, the opposing accident reconstruction expert showcases an equation to argue that the impact speed between vehicles was only 15 MPH. Wanting to verify its accuracy, you, as the opposing attorney snap a picture of the equation and consult ChatGPT-4's Vision feature.


The AI swiftly points out the equation's error. Armed with the correct formula, you challenge the expert's testimony in court, leading to a favorable outcome for your case. ChatGPT-4's Vision feature proves its value in real-time decision-making.

Prompt: “Check the accuracy of the text in this image.”

How-to: Upload an image of text you want to verify. Use the prompt above.

Outcome: ChatGPT might say “The text claims X, which is verified to be true/false based on source Y.”

Cross-check accuracy of quotes, data, and facts pulled from images.

The possibilities are truly endless! Get creative and don't be afraid to experiment.

My Two Cents

ChatGPT's Vision Feature isn't just a novelty – it's an incredible asset for marketers, entrepreneurs, creators, and beyond.

Some key takeaways:

  • It makes content creation faster, easier, and more visual. No more guesswork for descriptive language!
  • Multimodal prompts lead to higher quality, unique content.
  • Leverage it for on-demand image analysis and insights.
  • The applications for daily tasks and problem-solving are endless.

Simply put, this isn't just a feature – it's a game changer! 🎲 Don't leave this tool sitting on the sidelines. Put ChatGPT's Vision capability to work for you as part of your digital marketing and content creation strategy.

I hope this tutorial provided a helpful introduction to getting started. But as with anything new, practice makes perfect. So go ahead and give the Vision Feature a spin! I can't wait to see the creative ways you put this tool to use. 😉

Let me know if you have any other questions. And if you found this helpful, don't forget to share it with a friend!

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