Do you feel like you’re constantly giving away valuable content to your email subscribers…but getting nothing in return?
Unfortunately, this is common – and it’s usually for one specific reason: you’ve built a list of freebie-seekers instead of real buyers.
Now, I’m not negating the need for freebies.
But…I bet if you had your preference, you’d rather create a list of buyers, rather than a list of people who are only looking for free stuff … am I right?
The reason a list of buyers is way more valuable to you is this: they’ve already spent their first dollar with you, and that’s THE hardest dollar to get!
If you can really deliver on the first product they buy, they’re much more likely to buy from you again; and this gives you a way to generate revenue consistently.
In this post, I’m going to teach you a little-known strategy for populating your list with people who want what you have to offer…and who are willing to PAY for it.
But first, I want to share the opportunity we have right now – today – even in the midst of all the chaos and craziness in the world.
Why You NEED to Have an Offer (Not Just a Product)
Let’s go back in time a bit.
Back in the early days of the internet, you could put up a website and start selling a “widget” (basically any kind of product or service). Traffic usually came from Google and other search engines, because there was no social media.
This evolution has continued to evolve, obviously. There are now all sorts of different traffic sources, and different ways of getting people to your offers.
And while the whole process can seem pretty complicated, the reality is, it pretty simple to generate money online today.
You only need two things to generate revenue online:
- An offer: something that people know is going to solve a pain point for them, and
- A traffic source: a way to get that offer in front of the right people.
Now, chances are you already have a product or service that you sell (or want to sell!). But does that mean you have an offer?
The answer is NO!
Let me explain with an example.
Let’s say you go to the Nordstrom website and see a dress you really want, and it’s $120. Then you go to the Macy’s site, and they have the same dress…but it’s 20% off, PLUS free shipping.
Which one are you more likely to choose?
You’re going to buy the one from Macy’s because it’s cheaper and comes with free shipping. And THIS is why having an irresistible offer for your buyers is so important.
But, let’s back up to what I was talking about before. In spite of the economy and the craziness happening all around us right now, there are certain people who aren’t struggling to sell online.
And guess who they are? They’re people who have a sales funnel.
The Freebie Funnel Model
A traditional sales funnel looks like this: It starts with a free offer that’s going to solve a problem, and people trade their email address for that freebie. Then once they’re on the list, they are immediately asked to buy something via an upsell.
I’m not saying you need to totally ditch this freebie model, because there is still value in building your list. But, I think a lot of us are totally over the freebie!
Personally, I almost never give out my email anymore for something that’s free, because I don’t believe that that freebie is going to be in-depth enough to actually solve my problem.
The Irresistible Offer
I would much rather spend a bit of money to get something that’s actually going to solve my problem, save me time, or shorten my learning curve.
This is why I’m getting ready to share with you what’s absolutely working right now….and it’s negating the free offer.
If you look through your Facebook feed right now, you’ll see what I’m getting ready to tell you. Here are just a couple of offers I found on my own feed:
Some people have totally embraced this model: they’re no longer offering freebies, but are developing a paid, irresistible offer.
They’re asking for money straight up via an introductory or entry-level offer, usually charging somewhere between $27 and $47.
They know that the point is to get people to spend that first dollar.
I would rather create a list of buyers with 50 people that will spend $27 with me, than have 200 people who just signed up for a freebie..because I can 50x my revenue off of 50 buyers, versus making no money off of 200 freebie-seekers.
But…there’s a problem.
As you may have already figured out, it’s hard to put together all the pieces of a sales funnel! You have to start at a baseline – at an introductory offer. You have to figure out the irresistible offer that’s going to make people say, “Heck yeah, I’ll buy that for $27!”.
That’s where you have to start. Because the reality is that if you’re selling something for $500 or $1,000, and you don’t have that “know, like, trust factor” yet, are people really going to pay that amount of money?
Or, would they be more likely to want to spend $27 or $37 to see if you know what you’re talking about first?
Now, some people will say they don’t want to waste time with low-cost buyers. But honestly, if you don’t get people to spend a little bit of money with you, it’s going to be very hard to get them to spend a lot of money with you.
This is why you want to put together an irresistible offer or introductory offer that’s less than $50, and that solves a specific problem. It shortens the learning curve, saves people time, and provides a transformation.
If you do this, you’re absolutely going to create a list of buyers instead of a list with freebie-seekers.
Does This Work if I Sell a Physical Product?

Absolutely! Let me give you a couple of examples.
Remember way back when those CD clubs would offer 9 CDs for a penny? That’s an irresistible offer. They got you to open up your wallet (even if it was just a penny), and that’s how they got you in the door.
Here’s another example. Let’s say you’re in the weight loss industry and are selling a weight loss supplement. Now say someone else is selling that supplement on Amazon for $19.97, but you want to charge $59.97.
How are you going to compete with that, when they have a great traffic source (Amazon) and the lowest price? The way you compete is to augment your offer. For instance, you might include a weight loss calculator, an eBook that gives them additional tips, or a set of recipes that comes with the supplement.
In other words, you make your offer irresistible by surrounding it with value.
I don’t care what product or service you have, you can build an irresistible offer that is low cost. You just need to figure out what this looks like for you, and how you can get them to spend that first dollar with you.
How Do I Make Money if I’m Only Charging $27 or $37?
Let me share an example of some friends who are social media managers, and who went from having a 6-figure business to no revenue overnight. My first thought was, “Oh my gosh, how can I help them?”. I wondered, how can I help people who are struggling right now, or who are just starting out and don’t have this knowledge yet?
Again, it all goes back to the components at the beginning of your funnel. You have to have an introductory offer, and you have to wrap that offer up, put a bow on it, and then present it to the people who need it.
Now that you created a list of buyers and if that offer is irresistible to your prospects, you now have the opportunity to sell them other things.
PDF To Profit
This is why I decided to create something called PDF to Profit. It’s a course where I’m delivering the down and dirty on exactly how to create, market and sell your irresistible offer.
I want to share the knowledge that I have to help people create that irresistible offer. I’ve been doing low-cost offers myself for years, but have never shared that knowledge before.
But now, I’ve decided it’s the right time to do it! So, I put together a course that is delivered LIVE inside a Facebook group. It’s very hands-on, and I offer a lot of feedback on people’s offers. It’s been hugely successful!
If you want to know how to create your own offer for your business, so you can lean in instead of shrinking back right now…or if you need a revenue stream that you don’t currently have, this is a wonderful opportunity to skip first base.
The very first piece of your funnel is your irresistible offer, and if you want to create yours right now, check out my PDF to Profit course. You’ll get all the details at that link.
At the end of the day, my hope is that I can shift your mindset from “I need a bunch of freebies” to being more intentional with your list building, and really building a list of buyers.
When you do this, you’ll find it has the potential to 50x your business. I’m not even talking 10x – I’m talking 50x your bottom line. Because once you get a buyer, they’re anywhere from 60-80% more likely to buy from you again. And I’m saying this is from over 30 years of experience of doing this!
Because once you get a buyer there, they’re anywhere from 60-80% more likely to buy from you again.Click To TweetHow Does the PDF to Profit Course Work?
The training takes place inside a Facebook group, because it’s the best way I can really connect with you and give you feedback – as opposed to an online course, where you get all the information and then have to figure it out yourself.
The content is also delivered in the group, but the personalized feedback is what’s really invaluable – that’s what I’m seeing with my previous students.
In a traditional online course, you might see only a few people get results. But with this training, almost everybody is getting to the finish line.
I can’t tell you how much I love seeing people actually get their transformation! For any of you who are teachers or trainers, you know how that feels.
I’m so committed to changing the course of as many business owners as I can; because the beautiful part is as long as you send traffic to your funnel and to your offer, you will always have revenue coming in the door.
Getting people to spend that first dollar with you is SO important. But, if you try to do everything all at once, it’s overwhelming. And the reality is, most people quit.
But, if you can start to build out the components of your funnel by creating just the first piece of it – your irresistible offer – everything is so much more simple. Package something into a PDF, sell it at a low price point, and that’s your first piece.
The PDF To Profit Training

I am literally rock-bottoming this course, because I want as many people as possible to create their irresistible offer and start generating revenue. It’s a one-time payment of $37, and we’re doing this down and dirty!
The training goes on for 7 days inside our private Facebook group, but you have access to the group for about two weeks to make sure you get all the help and feedback you need.
And don’t worry if you can’t make it at specific times, because everything will be recorded. You can always circle back to it later in the day, or even the next day.
All the deliverables, checklists and worksheets are organized inside the group using the guides feature, and you’ll have access to all that content via a special member’s portal after we’re through.
Will This Work For Me if I Don’t Have an Email List?
Yes! Now’s the time to fix that. This is your opportunity to start building a list – not of freebie-seekers, but of buyers.
Everyone wants something for free, but when you get somebody to commit to spending that first dollar with you, you have a much more valuable resource at your fingertips.
What if I Sell a High-End Product?
You still have to build toward that. If you put together a low-cost offer and then start building that relationship out, you can sell them your higher-ticket offers.
Normally in an ascension model (aka value ladder), you have everything from a free offer, to a low-cost introductory offer, to your core offer, which is little bit more expensive. And then you have your premium ($$$) signature offers on the back-end.
It’s usually a journey, where people start with the free or low-cost offer, and then move through your funnel.
What I’m saying is you can skip the freebie. I think people are over freebies, and will spend money on low-cost things. In fact, I know they will, because I’m doing it!
Still Think You Have Nothing to Sell?
If you’re sitting there thinking you have nothing of value to offer, think again.
People buy knowledge, so they don’t have to hunt and peck for it. There is nothing new under the sun. Everything I’m telling you right now, you could read on Google or watch on YouTube until your eyes bleed.
You just have to synthesize that information and figure out if that’s the way you want to go. The reason people buy from you is that they have a problem. If you can present a solution to that problem that leads them to an entry-level sale, you can then lead them to higher-cost, more fleshed-out offer.
As long as you know the transformation you’re offering, anyone can come up with an offer around what they do and what they sell.
If you’re ready to start building your offer and bringing buyers in the door, join us here:
Let’s get your irresistible offer created and out into the world where it belongs to finally create a list of buyers you've always wanted!
About Author
Kim Garst
Kim Garst is a renowned marketing strategist and speaker who is trailblazing the use of artificial intelligence in digital marketing. With over 30 years of experience as an online entrepreneur, Kim helps entrepreneurs grow their business and authority online by using AI technology. She is leading the way with proven AI frameworks that help entrepreneurs build authority in their space.
She is keynote speaker and an international best-selling author of Will The Real You Please Stand Up, Show Up, Be Authentic and Prosper in Social Media.
Named by Forbes as a Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer, Kim is well-known for her skill to simplify complex technology and make the use of AI understandable for business growth. Her relatable, actionable advice helps guide new entrepreneurs to harness the power of AI to succeed in digital marketing. Kim is leading the way in combining human and technological skills to create a new model for AI-powered marketing.