The Most Profitable, Popular Digital Products to Sell Online

Table of Contents

If you’ve been thinking of creating a digital product to sell online, you’re in good company.

Selling digital products is super-hot right now!

There are tons of different types of digital products out there, but you may be wondering exactly which one is right for you.

This article will give you tons of ideas on profitable digital product ideas to sell online, so you can work fewer hours, help more people, and STOP trading time for money!

While I won’t be able to cover every single type of digital product below, I’m going to give you lots of examples (52 to be exact – I know it's a lot but hang in there with me!) in each broad category of digital product:

  • Text-based
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Image-based
  • Tools and Software
  • Two Hybrid Models – Online Courses and Membership Sites

Let’s jump in!

Text-Based Digital Products

This is perhaps the most common type of digital content (with video running a close second!).

It would include any type of digital product that’s strictly text-based.

Common examples include:

  • eBooks
  • Guides (e.g., study guide, “how to” guide, etc.)
  • Tutorials
  • Checklists
  • Resource lists
  • Reports
  • Kits (e.g. A compilation of tools, documents, and resources)
  • Templates (e.g., email, blog post, business documents, etc.)
  • Online magazines (“e-zines”)
  • Buying guides
  • Spreadsheets
  • Sewing patterns
  • Premium website content (e.g., blog post upgrades)
  • Article aggregates (i.e., a downloadable package of popular blog posts)
  • PDFs
  • Whitepapers
  • Downloadable workbooks

Text-based digital products are often the quickest and easiest to create, so they are ideal for anyone just getting started on the passive income journey.

Text-based digital products are often the quickest and easiest to create, so are ideal for anyone just getting started on the passive income journey.Click To Tweet

An added benefit to text-based products is that they usually require little to no ongoing work so once you’ve written them, you can sell them, and usually don’t need to provide any additional support to customers past that point (meaning true passive income!).

Need some inspiration? Here are some examples!


Via Worthy Written Words


Via The Thrifty Couple


Via AmazonWhole_Products_to_Sell_Online

Via Whole 30

Audio-Based Digital Products

Audio content can be a great choice for the busy, time-crunched audience because unlike text-based content, audio can be consumed virtually anywhere – in the car or bus, during a workout, while cooking or cleaning, etc.

Some common examples of digital audio products include:

  • Spoken books or eBooks
  • Audio courses
  • Podcasts (though these are usually free)
  • Music or sound effects
  • Explainer audios (e.g., audio tutorials)
  • Recorded lectures or presentations

Keep in mind that the best options if you actually want to charge for your audio-based products (and you do!) are probably going to be spoken eBooks, original music or audio courses.

Keep in mind that the best options if you actually want to charge for your audio-based products (and you do!) are probably going to be spoken eBooks, original music or audio courses.Click To Tweet



Via Centre of Excellence


Via Alan Watts


Via Ben Cottrill on Band Camp

Video-Based Digital Products

According to this infographic by Ethos3, 65% of people are visual learners and this means that offering purely written or audio content could be a HUGE mistake!

If you want to reach these visual learners, video-based content is the way to go and some of the most common types of video-based digital products are:

  • Video courses (more on this below)
  • Video tutorials
  • Original movies
  • Vlogs (though these are usually free)
  • Paid webinars (live or recorded)
  • Recorded presentations or lectures

In terms of earning passive income, a video course, in-depth tutorial or paid webinar are probably your best bets.

In terms of earning passive income, a video course, in-depth tutorial or paid webinar are probably your best bets.Click To Tweet



Via Project Squared Solutions


 Via The Message of You


Via Best Quality Pomskies

Image-Based Products

Do you have a knack for graphic design? If so, you’re in luck because there’s a huge market out there for high-quality image-based content.

Some of the most common types of image-based digital products include:

  • Made-for-you graphics packages
  • Photos (often for use on blogs or social media)
  • Fonts
  • Icons
  • Logos
  • Templates (business cards, invitations, presentations, etc.)

One of the nice things about graphics is that there are tons of online marketplaces where you can sell your stuff: for instance, Creative Market, My Fonts, Café Press and You Work for Them, just to name a few.



Via Round Icons


 Via Creative Market


 Via Visual Society

Online Courses and Training

There is a HUGE market for the online course right now! I’ve put these into their own category, as courses are typically made up of a variety of types of content (video, audio, text, etc.).

You can create an online course on virtually any topic in any niche, and your price point can range anywhere from $50-$1000…or more!

You can create an online course on virtually any topic in any niche, and your price point can range anywhere from $50-$1000…or more!Click To Tweet

Some types of online courses you can create include:

  • A paid email course
  • Online training via a private Facebook group
  • An audio-based course
  • 10, 14, or 30-day challenge (delivered via email or a Facebook group)
  • A full-fledged course with video, audio, text, etc.



Via My Absolute Beauty


Via DKNG Studios on Skillshare


Via Heiner Fruehauf on Classical Pearls

If an online course is something you’re considering, check out these helpful blog posts:

How to Turn Your Expertise into Passive Income: Create an Online Course to Stop Trading Your Time for Money

11 Ways to Practically Guarantee that You're Creating an Online Course People Want to Buy

A Membership Site

Are you interested in monthly or annually-recurring revenue?

Does the idea of offering online support and content to clients on a regular basis appeal to you?

Then, a membership site may be a good option for you.

A membership site is a members-only site that typically consists of a combination of:

  • A private forum or Facebook group
  • Access to members-only content
  • Live Q&As
  • Member Calls
  • Cheatsheets or templates
  • Free eBooks and guides

While a membership site can require a fair bit of regular upkeep and attention, if you’re looking for a source of steady income, it’s a great option!

While a membership site can require a fair bit of regular upkeep and attention, if you’re looking for a source of steady income, it’s a great option!Click To Tweet



Via Tracy O’Rourke on Slideshare


 Via Slender Kitchen


 Via The Savvy Community

Tools and Software

If you’re a developer or coder, creating and selling software and other tools may be your ticket to passive income success!

Some types of software you can sell online include:

  • WordPress themes
  • Plugins
  • Apps
  • Website templates
  • Snippets

Keep in mind that while selling software can be a GREAT option, you will likely need to offer some technical support and updates once your product is created. So, unlike with some other forms of digital products, there is some ongoing commitment required!



Via Theme Forest


  Via Theme Isle


 Via Bambino

Final Thoughts

With literally dozens (hundreds?) of different types of digital products out there that you can sell online, it can be overwhelming figuring out which one is right for you.

Hopefully, this post has given you some ideas to work with – so you can start creating your very own digital product today!

Looking for more passive income ideas? I’ve got ya covered! Check out my massive “how to” guide, Passive Income: The Ultimate Guide on How to Stop Trading Your Time For Money to Enjoy More Freedom and Love Your Business Again.

So, what type of digital product are YOU going to create to start earning passive income? Let us know in the comments below!

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Gaurvanshi Gurjar
Gaurvanshi Gurjar
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Laura Olson-Oxley
Laura Olson-Oxley
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Alexa Julia
Alexa Julia
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Wow! What an amazing thought!
I also appriciate that.
Unique thinking

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