Facebook & SEO: 5 Ways To Optimize Your Business Page

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Having a Facebook page for your business is a great first step, but to truly maximize it as a marketing machine and capitalize on the promotional power that Facebook offers, business owners need to successfully optimize their pages using proven SEO tactics and strategies.

Top Optimizing Tips For Transforming Your Facebook Page

If you're ready to transform your existing Facebook page into an effectively optimized promotional resource, read on. Incorporating these five critical SEO techniques can help ensure that your organization is operating at the top of its Facebook game.

Tip #1 – Consider your featured photos: You may want to renovate your top five featured photos feed to ensure that visitors see your images in the order you want them to see them, each and every time they check your page out. These images can refresh each time you add a photo, or you can set them to present a fixed, branded visual to captivate your visitors.

Tip #2 – Tag your followers: Speaking of pictures, be sure to also tag your posted Facebook photos as needed with the names of your followers. The tagging fun doesn't stop there; also tag fans directly in your posts by using the “@” symbol before the client's name that you're connecting with. This will instantly let them (and their entire network) see your update.

Tip #3 – Sprinkle keywords throughout your page: Keywords are still a magnet for search engine visibility. Occasionally use naturally-placed keywords in your status updates, photo descriptions, and overall communication to boost your page's SEO benefit.

Tip #4 – Maximize the value of your page's left-side panel: On the left side of every Facebook page is a list of links that can be displayed for every viewer to see. Adding relevant links such as “events,” “photos,” “discussions,” etc. can make your most important business information easily accessible to your clients. Remember, only 8 links can be viewed at a time before the panel requires visitors to click a “More” drop down menu…choose your links wisely.

Tip #5 – Embrace the vanity URL: Never settle for the standard issue Facebook URL that comes with opening your account; Facebook vanity URL's offers business owners the chance to quickly direct users to an easy to remember link that can also help enhance brand recognition.

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11 years ago

Give it a try and let me know what happens ok?

Shelley Webb
Shelley Webb
11 years ago

Admittedly, I do not do a good job of remembering to use my keywords. New post-it note going on the computer about that immediately!

Reply to  Shelley Webb
11 years ago

I love the post-it note idea, Shelley!

Lermit R. Diaz
Lermit R. Diaz
11 years ago

Excellent post Kim, we will work on all these 5 tips, thank you very much for sharing it!

Reply to  Lermit R. Diaz
11 years ago

Glad you got some value from this, Lermit!

Jackie de Boer
Jackie de Boer
11 years ago

I always learn something new from you Kim, thanks for so generously sharing your knowledge.

Reply to  Jackie de Boer
11 years ago

Thanks for dropping in, Jackie!

Indira Pierrot
Indira Pierrot
11 years ago

I didn’t know about the @ feature being able to work on facebook. Thank you Kim!

11 years ago

Very good tip’s!!

11 years ago

Thanks Niki!

11 years ago

Jackie, you are an amazing implemententer so I know that you will get ‘er done 🙂

11 years ago

Love that you are rushing off to put some of these into play 🙂

11 years ago

Thanks, Kerry!

Kim Garst
Kim Garst
11 years ago

Can’t wait to hear your results Jemma!

Leah Lambart
Leah Lambart
10 years ago

Thanks for the great tips! I didn’t know of some of the options.

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