How to Be a Business Superstar: The 8 Traits You Must Cultivate

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Everyone wants to succeed in business, even to excel – but do you really know what it takes to get there?  It's possible to guess, of course.  You might try to think up a list on your own, or you might try to put together enough motivation and self help books to figure out what the experts think.

But instead of so-called experts, consider the example of the real professionals – the ones who are simply doing it.  They are delivering excellence, overachieving in spite of any limitations or odds against them.

If you look at their stories, there are some traits they hold in common. I'm happy to tell you, though, that those traits aren't ones that some are born with and some aren't, thank goodness <grin>!  With hard work and being intentional, you too can cultivate the traits it takes to become a super achieving in your own life and business, and here's how…

How to Be a Business Superstar: The 8 Traits You Must Cultivate

1.     Know your vision and remain focused on it

An unwavering dedication to your vision is what it takes to see something through to completion – and to success.  But how many people get distracted, either by other ideas or by temporary failure, and give up?  Business superstars stay focused on their vision and let that vision fuel them to get through the challenging times!

2.     Persist – but be smart about it

I'm going to date myself here, but there's a line from the Kenny Rogers song, The Gambler, that says, “You've gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em!” There's a lot of truth in those words, I'm just sayin'!  You have to have the determination to persist- but you need to temper it with the wisdom of knowing when you need to tweak your plan because it won't every work right in its current form. I'm not saying you necessarily have to abandon your plan at that point, but it might require tweaking, and you need to have the wisdom and humility to be able to. 

3.     Connect with your community

I'm huge on connecting with your community for marketing, but the flip side is important also. It's not always about promoting your brand. It's all about keeping your edge and allowing your mind and ideas to be sharpened by connection and conversation with others.

4.     Remain open to new ideas

If you think you know it all, you will fail.  Period.  The world changes too fast for you to be stuck in a rut of what you're thinking and doing without accepting wisdom from others.

5.     Know your story and tell it

If you can capture people's imaginations through the power of story, they're more likely to invest in your brand. As much as you'd like to think that people make decisions based on logic, the fact is this – it's almost always driven by a gut instinct or emotion that we try to later justify with emotion.  Tell your story over and over, and make sure you remain authentic to that story.

6.     Gain control over your emotions

Life happens. Stuff happens. Sometimes you feel hurt, angry, or rejected.  Super achievers in business use those things to learn from, as well as to motivate them toward success.  Learn from those things and move on – don't get stuck because of them!

7.     Know how to choose patience – and do so

The most successful entrepreneurs know how to be patient when necessary, both in the midst of anything volatile and in the long term when focused on a vision.

8.     Find happiness and let it fuel you

Happiness is a powerful feeling! It can give you the passion to work hard, and the payoff of success can fuel expanded efforts.  Find ways to cultivate happiness in your life on a regular basis.

Which of the 8 traits that you must cultivate to become a business superstar comes easiest for you? Which one challenges you the most? Leave a comment below!

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Harold Gardner
Harold Gardner
11 years ago

Sort of reminds me a bit of Seven Habits…

Thomas Yongo
Thomas Yongo
11 years ago

The trait/traits that come easiest for me are traits #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, & #8. I am still working on conquering lucky #7.

Kim Garst
Kim Garst
Reply to  Thomas Yongo
11 years ago


11 years ago

Great and Truthful! Patience and Focus are key points I think yet are too difficult to maintain especially in the business world.

Reply to  luay
11 years ago

It’s a balance for sure, Luay!

Nina Young
Nina Young
11 years ago

I love this list of traits, especially point 5 as that’s not something I’ve ever done enough. Thanks for spelling it out.

Reply to  Nina Young
11 years ago

Sharing your story is so very important. Those who share the best stories…WIN 🙂

Kim Garst
Kim Garst
10 years ago

I am so glad it was there! I commend you for jumping in now! Great job!

Kim Garst
Kim Garst
10 years ago

Thanks for stopping by Kevin!

Gary Coxe
Gary Coxe
10 years ago

So very true and to the point on the traits. With the listed points, anyone can apply and rock it to obtain success. Great article :).

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