How to Become the Expert in Your Niche

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What does it mean to be an expert in a particular niche? What are people looking for in an ‘expert’?  When people start looking for an expert in a particular field, they are looking for valuable information. Information that is valuable to them. They want to be taught something that they do not know. 

Why do you want to be viewed as an expert within your niche? Expert status is a tool to increase the number of people who patronize your business. Creating expert status may be the missing step in taking your business to the next level.

So how do you become an expert within your niche?


How many times have you heard these questions…”how did you do that?”, “can you show me how”,  “how do you know that?” If people are asking you how to do something or how you did something, guess what? You have something of VALUE and you can charge people to learn from you because they value what you know. They want to know what you know and it doesn’t really matter what that knowledge base is. It could be recipes, organizing tips, how to discipline your children,  etc. The facts are this…everyone knows SOMETHING. Start with you and value what you know!!


We all have experiences that have shaped where we are today and where we want to go. Everyone has life experiences that they can draw upon to connect with others. Some have life experiences that some would call dysfunctional and guess what? Many others have had bad experiences or may be in a bad situation right now that you can impact by sharing your stories. Some have great knowledge around specific subjects that can help others in their personal and business life. Don’t be afraid to share your life experiences with your audience…it’s one way people connect with you!


What does your knowledge base revolve around? Who do you want to share it with? Who would be interested? Don’t say no one because, trust me, as I said above, EVERYONE knows SOMETHING that is valuable to someone else. You simply have to figure out what that is and who wants what you know.

Do some research and find out who would benefit from what you know.  That is your potential customer base!


Start putting your knowledge into a format that can be consumed by your audience. This could be an eBook, blog posts, conference calls, videos, a webinar, etc. There are tons of ways to disseminate knowledge.

Think about …have you paid to learn before? Most likely you have and many others do as well! You can be THE voice within your niche!


Much of marketing is about how you share your message. I am sure you have heard this before but it bears repeating because it is so true! STORIES SELL. If you can tell a story, you can sell what you know. You share how your knowledge can benefit them. Remember stories spread; people love sharing good stuff!

You goal should be to serve others and help them either personally, in their business or both.


What are others experts charging for their knowledge?  You are worth more than you think and you need to project that value to others. How much time and money can you save your prospects by sharing what you know?  That’s VALUABLE!


Always be on thinking of other ways to serve your niche.  The most important part of being an expert is to realize that is is not about you…it's all about who you serve!

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Troy Breiland
Troy Breiland
13 years ago

Great ideas. I especially agree with point #6. It's amazing how much the right client will be willing to pay for Expertise. I would suggest that your readers also think about joining an Expert Network like Gerson Lehrman Group, CognoLink, JustAnswer or Maven Research. While some networks specialize in specific topics, many offer consulting opportunities in various niches. 

Terressa Cortez
Terressa Cortez
13 years ago

Thanks for your tips and for sharing your knowledge.  I think everyone has something to offer others, just finding what it is and using it to its full potential.  Believing in ourselves and what we have to offer ! Thanks  

Susan Preston
Susan Preston
13 years ago

I absolutely love these, Kim! The 2 that really resonated with me are #'s 1 & 2. Last year I really started to value what I know as well as to value my life experiences. It is so important and when we do so, our business then takes on a whole new meaning and quickly soars to the next level. Thank you, for all that you do and share with all of us. You are Amazing 🙂

13 years ago

LOVE LOVE LOVE this!  I am working to become the expert in my niche in my community and this post helps!  Thank you for sharing this wonderful information.

Max M.
Max M.
13 years ago

Excellent post and awesome advice. I need to do a better job at following all of the points you mentioned.

Lisa Birnesser
Lisa Birnesser
13 years ago

Great information, Kim! Valuing what you know is so important. It's too easy not to value this within yourself and miss out on providing a service that other people need. There is a self-esteem component to this tip to value yourself then you value what you know. Thanks so much!

Jennifer Bennett
Jennifer Bennett
13 years ago

This is truly one of my favorite articles as I am still just trying to make sure that I know who my specific niche is and how I can best reach them and market to them. I also love how you bring up that we must value ourselves and really see just how much we are worth. It's so easy to get caught up in thinking that what we have to offer is nothing, no big deal. But oh how false that is!  Thanks so much for this article…it's a keeper in my book!

Beau Henderson
Beau Henderson
13 years ago

Great advice for anyone with a product and  or service that they are trying to share with others.

13 years ago

Becoming an expert on a particular niche is very important especially if you want to gain respect from your audience.  It is important for a blogger to know what he or she is doing in order for the readers to trust him or her.

13 years ago

Great advice worth printing and posting next to the desk. Solo-preneurs are often struggling with issues of finding value in themselves and their products/services. This is a road map away from those struggles toward financial wellness. Thanks.

13 years ago

Thanks Kim, all of these tips are so on point!  I love the way you encourage people to realize that EVERYONE is an expert in something.  (Usually more than one thing!)  It's funny how when things are second nature to us, we don't even think about being an "expert" in them because we just take them for granted.  Find your niche, find your audience, figure out how to serve them, and shout it from the mountain top!

Michael McDonald
Michael McDonald
13 years ago

Thanks Kim. This is so true in every aspect of my life today whether it's business, personal, recovery or fitness. I do have people asking my advice on many issues or help with their goals yet I feel like the furthest thing from an expert sometimes. I only have my experience to share and if I don't know the answer I'm not afraid to ask someone who does and that gives me more knowledge for the future as well. Never stop learning.

Reply to  Michael McDonald
13 years ago

Agree, Michael! Never stop learning is my motto! A day without learning something new is a day wasted!

13 years ago


13 years ago

Define what you want to share and then figure out who wants what you can share. You can do it!

12 years ago

I do agree but to someone just getting started a book is very overwhelming. I am releasing my first book soon so I get this side of it 🙂

12 years ago

So glad you followed the link, Jeff! You are right…confidence in us is the very core of success in so many parts of our lives. I have a motto ‘YOU CAN DO IT!’. Thoughts are things and I firmly believe we have no limits except those we place on ourselves.

12 years ago

Great post Kim and great tips.  When you've found you're niche – and passion – it's a very nice place to be!

Reply to  Jason
12 years ago

YES, it sure is! What is your niche, Jason?

12 years ago

Amazing, Mary! Excited for you and if I can assist, let me know!

12 years ago

The day I realized that what I knew was valuable was the day my business become a much bigger vision!

Walter Emiedafe
Walter Emiedafe
12 years ago

Nice piece,I have been thinking of how to convert my experience into valuable knowledge,then editing same .These piece would motivate me to action

Reply to  Walter Emiedafe
12 years ago

Thanks for dropping in Walter!

Arinze Nwokolo
Arinze Nwokolo
12 years ago

Great Ideas Kim! Thank you!

Reply to  Arinze Nwokolo
12 years ago

Thank you, Arinze! Thanks for dropping in!

Kruti Mehta
Kruti Mehta
11 years ago

Hi Kim, Great article. I follow your articles regularly.

11 years ago

Thanks for the great post.

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