How To Get More Snapchat Followers

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It can be very difficult to find Snapchat followers and build a connected community if you aren't a celebrity or already have a big social presence.

Unfortunately, Snapchat doesn't have a suggested follower list or a way to easily search for people you might be interested in following.

Worse yet, there aren't any hashtags that you can follow to find good content!

This makes it very hard to grow a following on Snapchat!

The purpose of this article is to share an app that will help you get more Snapchat followers, quickly and easily.

snapchat followers

Introducing Ghostcodes: Get More Snapchat Followers

According to the Statista 2024 data, Snapchat has over 530 million daily active users [source], this little app could be a lifesaver for you!

Ghostcodes is going to solve the Snapchat discover-ability issue for you!

One, Ghostcodes will allow you to find amazing Snapchatters that produce great content.

Two, it allows you to be discovered by others which helps you gain more Snapchat followers who are actually interested in you and your content!

The awesome news is that the app is available for both Android and iOS users!

All you have to do is go to your app store and type in GhostCodes or better yet.

Just click on the links below and you can download the app in a jiffy!

button-app-store download

Although GhostCodes is not sponsored or endorsed by Snapchat, the App is designed so that you can browse Snapchat users by category, name and/or interest.

This is HUGE!

There is also a feature included in which anyone using GhostCodes can download a Snap user by ‘downloading their snap code.’ This is an amazing feature!

A Few GhostCode Nuggets To Know

Your Profile

Just like any other social platform, think of your profile like a preview of what you do, who you are and who you serve.

On your GhostCode social profile, you will also be able to see how many “kudos” you have and how many times your Snapchat code has been downloaded. 


This is the HUGE part!

There are over 30 categories; such as Entrepreneur, Marketing, Fitness, Techie, Family, Entertainment, Business, Photography, Vlogger, Beauty, etc. listed within GhostCodes.

In a nutshell, this means you can choose your own category so that others can find you.

Plus, you can browse specific categories to find good Snappers to follow yourself.

Every user is listed under a category, thus making it easier to connect with other people within your niche or area of interest.

You may be thinking… “Can I change my category down the line if I want to?”

And the answer is, “Yes!.”

If, for example, you might fall into a few categories and want to test which one produces the most followers for you, you can change your category at any time.

One week you might want to focus on connecting with other ‘Vloggers’ and then move to focus on connecting with others in the ‘Beauty’ industry.

You simply change the category preference in the ‘settings’ screen of your profile.



This is a really cool feature! You can ADD up to eight interests on your profile so that others with similar interests can find and follow you!

Gretchen's interest



This is the ranking system that GhostCodes uses within each category.

The number below the picture of any GhostCodes user is how many “kudos” (or hearts) they have been given.

The more “kudos” you have, the higher your profile rises to the top of the category list.

Save SnapCodes

This feature is the whole reason GhostCodes was created. Image this…no more searching for Snapchat codes and user names!

You can simply SAVE the code of the Snapper you want to follow to your camera roll.

You can batch them all together and follow people of interest to you or those you are looking to connect within one fell swoop!

Other Bennies

Another great feature of the GhostCodes app is that you can connect, not only your Snapchat code.

But, your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube Channel, LinkedIn account, Pinterest and Periscope channels all together on your profile.

Think of it as a “one-stop-shop” where thousands of people can find YOU and connect with you on your other social media platforms.

Not only can you connect with other like-minded individuals, but you can also connect with them on other media platforms with one click!

(As of right now, those are the only eight media platforms capable of being linked up with GhostCodes, but there is talk of the App developing over time and it may even include some live streaming!)

5 Important Things to Remember When Using GhostCodes:

1. The GhostCode app is a way for others to get a preview of you and your brand BEFORE they decide if they want to follow you.

Make sure you choose a category that you would like your prospective followers to find and connect with you.

2.  As a business owner, this is an amazing FREE way to grow your audience and expand your reach.

GhostCode also provides additional social proof to you, your brand and your other social media platforms.

**Tip: Make sure that you include the platforms where you are active and want to be found.

(no need to include all available options unless you are active on all)

3. If you are solely using Snapchat for business, make absolutely sure your ‘Story’ is in line with how you have categorized your GhostCode profile.

You will want to keep your Snapchat Story engaging, share behind-the-scenes stuff, ask questions of your Snapchat audience and reply to your Snapchats. (it’s a bit tacky NOT to engage!)

4. Make sure you give “kudos” to others. This a great way to get noticed and have others check out your profile.

5.  Be authentic. As simple as that that may sound, stay true to what you and your brand are about within your interests and how you categorize your business.

Hopefully, this article has given you are a great resource and somehow to's on how to get more Snapchat followers!

If you liked this resource, please connect with me on Snapchat @kimgarst!

Another great resource to check out: 10 Ways to Use Snapchat To Market Your Business.

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7 years ago

Thanks for this, Kim. I’m the worst millennial in that I really don’t *get* Snapchat. Still, I see how it can be beneficial for businesses. I’ve been playing around with it more and more lately, but this post has definitely been enlightening!

Kim Garst
Reply to  Yasmin
7 years ago

Glad I could help, Yasmin :-)!

4 years ago

Thanks for this informative article. I’m using snapchat from many years but today I learn something new.

3 years ago

Thanks a lot for this article. I learned some new things about snapchat.

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