How To Leverage Google Social Search To Your Business Advantage

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Last week, I shared an article entitled So…What is Google+ Social Search?. Essentially, it is a way to tie in the Google+ platform and use it to provide a unique and social search experience. Now that we KNOW that Google is using Google+ to influence our search results, how do we leverage this to our advantage?

5 Ways To Leverage Google Social Search To Your Business Advantage

1. Get or Update Your Google+ Profile 

This is where Google pulls all of the information it wants for a social search.  Thus, it is imperative that the content here be up to date.   A good first impression is key.

Also, as mentioned earlier, pay attention to what you are sharing publicly and what you are keeping private.

2.  Only Post Appropriate Content

This helps gain visibility and traffic in two ways.  First, the more relevant and content based your social media posts are, the more search results you will show up in.  Likewise, include keyword phrases whenever you can so that your posts will show up in your followers search results!  

Second, demonstrating the knowledge you possess within your niche builds your know, like and trust factor.  Visitors will frequent your site because they can identify with you.

3.  Upload Photos of your business, yourself, and (if applicable) your location to Picasa

Picasa is Google's photo album program.  If you choose to publicly share photos via Picasa, then those pictures will come up in social search results.

Picture Tip – Use keyword phrases to name the images on your computer.  If the Keyword phrase is apart of the image name and URL, then the image will rank more highly in Google.

4.  Put your Business on Google Maps

If you own a local business, get it put on Google Maps.  When followers add local keyword phrases to their searches, your business will show up. To get started, visit: and click on the phrase “Put your business on Google maps”.

5.  Conduct Social Searches Yourself

When you are logged into your Google account, conduct a Google search on a topic within your niche.  Your own social search results will top the page.  These are the people that Google believes to be most relevant from your social circle. 

Click on them to find out what they've posted.  Then go to that post, blog or video and leave a relevant, helpful comment.  It is a great way to connect with others in your market in a meaningful way.  Likewise, if that same thread shows up in someone else's social search, they will also see your comment.  This further increases your visibility and traffic.

What about you? 

How do you use social search to improve your traffic and visibility?

Which tip from above are you going to implement this week?

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Olga Hermans
Olga Hermans
12 years ago

I am definitely going to implement tip 4 and the rest I will do as well! Thanks Kim It's always great to come to your website to find valuable information!!

Mandy Edwards
Mandy Edwards
12 years ago

These are great tips Kim!  I see Google+ having a huge impact in the next few years.

12 years ago

Google+ is next on my list to tackle.! 🙂

12 years ago

These are great tips.  I'm still learning about Google + so the more info the better!

Hugh Walter
Hugh Walter
12 years ago

I didn't pay too much attention to Google+ and Picasa, but that is about to change thanks to you, Kim!

12 years ago

So agree, Michelle!

12 years ago

I get good search results from Google+ as well. Thanks for dropping by, Kim!

12 years ago

I think there are many who could help you with the SEO for your site. I would immediately recommend Tara and Christine at

11 years ago

Thanks kim, those TiP$ were essential! THANK YOU, Once Again!!!!!

11 years ago

Thanks for stopping by!

Dyane Bradley
Dyane Bradley
11 years ago

Fantastic tips Kim! I’m so glad I’m already using G+ but I’m so excited about the Picasa tip. 🙂 I already have an account there and, obviously, need to use it more. Dyane

Reply to  Dyane Bradley
11 years ago

Awesome to hear that you got a specific tip to run with!

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