How To Move Past The “Everything’s Been Done” Trap

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BLOG - How to Move Past The -Everything's Been Done- Trap
Let's be completely honest with one another. Who hasn't struggled with finding their next big idea? Have you ever had this amazing idea and then when researching the idea, realize that someone else already had that same idea? You just want to groan out loud right? The first thought is to simply set that idea aside because it's been done. Don't do that! This article shares five ways to move past the “everything's been done” trap.

The reality is that no matter what creative idea you come up with, someone else has had it already. There is nothing new under the sun when it comes to business ideas and marketing those ideas. It can be hard to get around the feeling that everyone is doing the same ole same ole.

But here is the deal; when we hold back our God given gifts and talents, you are stealing from those you are here to serve.

When you hide your God given gifts and talents, you are stealing from those you are here to serve. @kimgarst #MarketingTipClick To Tweet

I have five fixes to getting around this fear and moving past the ‘everything's been done' already trap.

1. There is enough to go around

There is more than 7 billion people on the planet earth. While not all of them are looking for what you sell, some of them ARE! I assure you there is enough to go around, as long as you offer something that people want. To quote Louise Hays, “somewhere someone is looking for exactly what you have to offer.”

Somewhere, someone is looking for exactly what you have to offer. -Louise Hays #MarketingTipClick To Tweet

It only takes a small sliver of the amount of people who want what you are selling to build a thriving, successful business.

2. Embrace your uniqueness

We all have God given gifts and talents. Unfortunately, in many instances, because you think someone else is doing it or doing it better, you decide that you are going to hide your possibilities, your light under a bushel and not let it shine.

Think about it for a second…there are thousands of Mexican restaurants, right? Some good and some bad. The good ones stand out in a unique way. Typically, good service as well as good food will increase customers in the food industry. The point is that they bring a unique value to those that they serve but they ALL serve Mexican food.

What if Adele had looked around and said, hey, there are a ton of amazing female singers in the world today. Why would I even try?

No one has your uniqueness, nor will they ever have it. The key is to embrace your uniqueness!

3. STOP with compare and despair

At the root of compare and despair is the “not enough” fear.

  • Not smart enough
  • … expert enough
  • … good enough
  • … worthy enough
  • … funny enough
  • … disciplined enough

The list could go on forever, right!? This leads you to comparing yourself with others. What is so and so expert doing that I could do? The first problem with this bad habit is that you waste a ton of time. Secondly, you almost always compare yourself to someone who isn't in the same place as you are, in this moment. It's like comparing apples to oranges. When you compare yourself to someone who is 10 steps ahead of you, you will always feel lacking.

STOP setting yourself up for failure by comparing yourself as well as your entrepreneurial journey to others. Instead, focus on your talents and how you can put them out into the world in a way that will build your business.

STOP setting yourself up for failure by comparing yourself and your entrepreneurial journey to others. #BizTipClick To Tweet

4. Start small and think big

Every great business success started with a tiny idea that got bigger and morphed into something successful through small, baby steps taken every day. No one starts out at the top. What I mean by this is just because you aren't the most successful in your niche today, doesn't mean you won't be. Remember all those people you have been comparing yourself to? They didn't start off successful! Nope, they started off just like everyone else…at ground zero. As an amateur. Every single “expert” starts off as an amateur.

Every single 'expert' starts off as an amateur. #BizTipClick To Tweet

Wherever you are, just START! Stay true to yourself and focus in on those small, baby steps every day so that you build towards that those big dreams you have for your business.

5. Train yourself to turn fear into your BFF

Every day, you have to make choices and yet, many times, you don't think of the term “choices” from a fear standpoint. You CAN choose your thoughts, your words and your actions. Training yourself to embrace fear versus letting it paralyze you is the key to turning fear into your BFF.

When you stay stuck in fear, you waste time and you don't get things done. But the worst part, you are being selfish. You have gifts and talents given to you for a reason. When you stay stuck in fear, you are withholding your genius from someone who needs it.

If you push past the fear, I promise there is something amazing on the other side!

If you push past the fear, I promise there is something amazing on the other side! #BizTipClick To Tweet

Final thoughts on moving past the “everything's been done” trap

You are here to make a difference in some unique way and you can co-exist and thrive with a whole bunch of other people who are here to do the same. When you feel that it's all been done before, remember these five tip on how to move past the “everything's been done” trap and let your genius shine.

I would love to hear from YOU! If you have been caught in the “everything's been done” trap, which one of these tips resonates the most with you? OR if you have a tip to add, please drop it into the comments below!

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8 years ago

What an inspirational post! Thank you for sharing. Its never too late and nothing is impossible you just have to believe in yourself!

8 years ago

Pretty good post! I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed and interested reading your blog posts. Any way thank you for the five fixes to getting around fear and moving past the ‘everything’s been done’ already trap. and I hope you post again soon.

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