How to Overcome the Fear Factor of Going LIVE

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You may have heard that using live video can make a huge difference in your business BUT you may have a fear factor of going live on social media. Sound familiar?

You can now live stream on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Periscope, aka Twitter, and even YouTube!

What if you know live streaming is the next step for you or your business, but you just can’t seem to get past your own fears?

Well, you know the old saying: nothing worthwhile is ever easy!! I'm here to tell ya…there is GREAT things on the other side of that fear factor of going live! You gotta push through!

This post will help calm your nerves so you can prepare for and broadcast LIVE like a pro!

Write Out Your Main Points Before You Plan to Go Live

Probably the #1 way to both quell your fears and produce the best possible LIVE experience is to think through what you want to say, and then create a talking points list.

I DON’T recommend writing out what you are going to say, word for word! This often ends up making you seem stilted and rehearsed…which is the exact opposite of what you should be shooting for. You simply want to make a small list of your main “things” to keep yourself on topic and help you to not forget things.

I would even include references to any actions you want to take during your broadcast – like asking for audience feedback, saying hi to your viewers, panning in on an object, etc.

When you know you’ve covered all your most important points, you’ll find you start to relax and start to enjoy yourself.

Focus on Your Audience…Not on Yourself

This one is HUGE!

If you find yourself getting hung up on yourself – on what you look like, how you sound, what you’re going to say – you lose your most important focus: your audience. You have to remember, this isn't about YOU…it's all about serving your tribe!

If you find yourself getting hung up on yourself – on what you look like, how you sound, what you’re going to say – you lose your most important focus: your audience.

? If you find yourself getting hung up on yourself – on what you look like, how you sound, what you’re going to say – you lose your most important focus: your audience. #BEYOUClick To Tweet

Before you go LIVE, take a minute to think about who you’re trying to help and what they need.

What are their biggest struggles right now? What issues do they need to overcome? What do they need to hear from you?

Focusing on others can really help to get you in the right mindset, thereby calming your nerves and making for a MUCH better LIVE experience!

Do a Dry Run

Running through your LIVE beforehand can be invaluable for calming your fear factor of going LIVE and making sure you’re ACTUALLY prepared for what’s ahead.

There are a few ways you can do this:

  • Pretend broadcast in front of your mirror: Basic, I know. But if you just need a quick run-through, this can be a good option.
  • Record yourself: This is a good option if you have fears about how you look or sound, or just want to get a feel for being in front of the camera.
  • Do a private broadcast: If you’re worried about the technical aspects of going live, you may want to do an actual broadcast…but one that only YOU (or a close friend or two) can see.

Here’s how to do this on Facebook: Go to your status update box and change the privacy setting to “Only Me”. Then click on “Live Video”. You can now run through your Live as usual…without anyone actually seeing it.

Here’s how to do this on Periscope: It’s a similar process on Periscope. When you go to the Broadcast tab, click on “Public”. You’ll now be able to create a group of followers you want to broadcast to.  Choose one or two trusted friends to invite to your broadcast.

On Instagram, you can click on the circle up in the left hand corner of the LIVE screen to choose who sees your LIVE video.

Make Sure Your Battery is Fully Charged and That You Have Reliable Access to WIFI

This is maybe a “no brainer” tip…but more than a few people have neglected this with terrible results!

Before you go LIVE, double check that your phone or computer is fully charged and that your WIFI is working as it should.

You have enough to worry about without being concerned that your battery will die or you’ll lose your signal partway through your LIVE broadcast!

Remind Yourself That No One Cares as Much About your Voice/Hair/Clothes as You Do

It’s common to assume that everyone is as critical of your appearance as you are.

In reality, most people will never even notice that you’re having a bad hair day or that your shirt is slightly wrinkled.

While looking and feeling your best can boost your on-air confidence, keep in mind that your audience is far more interested in the content of your broadcast than in what you look or sound like!

While looking and feeling your best can boost your on-air confidence, keep in mind that your audience is far more interested in the content of your broadcast than in what you look or sound like! ☺️ #JustSayin'Click To Tweet

Speak to Just ONE Person

Imagine speaking to a room packed with 100 people…how would you feel?

Now imagine having a one-on-one conversation with one of your customers or clients.

Big difference, right?

Before your live, visualize who your ideal customer is. As above, think about his or her biggest pain point and desires.

When you go live, imagine you’re speaking directly to this one person. Not only will this help reduce your fear, it will result in a much more personal, relatable LIVE experience!

?️ When you go live, imagine you’re speaking directly to this one person. Not only will this help reduce your fear, it will result in a much more personal, relatable Live!Click To Tweet

When you go live, imagine you’re speaking directly to this one person. Not only will this help reduce your fear, it will result in a much more personal, relatable Live!

You are Going to Mess Up…Embrace It!

Know that (before you even begin your first Live) you will mess up…probably multiple times.

This is part of what makes live streaming so engaging…you never know WHAT’S going to happen!

But here are a few things to keep in mind:

First, most people will never even know when you mess up. They’re not scrutinizing your LIVE video looking for mistakes, and are much more concerned about what they can learn from you than whether you look or sound perfect.

Second, remember that your viewers WANT to see a real human on the other side of that screen…not someone who’s so rehearsed and polished that all spontaneity is lost.

Finally, remember that live streaming WILL get easier the more you do it. You’ll become more comfortable and you’ll start to develop your normal “bag of tricks” for each Live without having to think about it. Just don’t give up when you mess up for the first, second or even third time!

Understand the 10 Rules of Public Speaking

To be as comfortable and effective as possible when on air, familiarize yourself with pubic speaking guru Dale Carnegie’s 10 rules of public speaking (adapted slightly for the internet!).

Many of these are covered in the points above but there are a few new gems!

  1. Know your material
  2. Practice ahead of time
  3. Get to know your audience beforehand (say hi to those who tune in at the beginning of your broadcast)
  4. Get a feel for the room you’ll be broadcasting from
  5. Take some time to relax before going live
  6. Visualize yourself going live
  7. Realize that your audience wants you to succeed (they don’t want to see you fail any more than you do!)
  8. Don’t apologize for being nervous
  9. Focus on your message, not on your fear
  10. The only way to get better is to keep practicing!

Final thoughts

If you haven’t spent a lot of time in front of a camera, doing your first Live can be a nail-biter.

Just remember that as you do it more and more, your nerves will settle….and you may soon have trouble remembering why you were so nervous in the first place!

Need more guidance for your live broadcasts? Check out these helpful resources:

5 Ways to Broadcast LIVE on Facebook on any Budget

7 Ways to Engage your Audience on Periscope

Top 22 Ways to use Facebook Live to Market Your Business

Hopefully, these tips on how to overcome the fear factor of going live have been helpful! Still unsure? Share below…I’m sure you’re not the only one!


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Patti Ann Ridgway
Patti Ann Ridgway
9 years ago

Enjoyed this…..a little late! did my first live broadcast yesterday. It was a quick interview/introduction/presentation of a donation we made through Project Feed It Forward. It was fun and exciting and I look forward to implementing your suggestions. Thanks for your contribution Kim.

Randi Stinson
Randi Stinson
6 years ago

Loved your article and great advice Kim! I’m going to follow your advice to the letter because I’ve been anxious to start my video series but I’ve been putting it off all due to my fear. So many thanks!

Ronda Moore
6 years ago

Great question, Rikki! Yes, you should put your phone on airplane mode so that you don’t get interrupted by phone calls. Good luck with your next LIVE!

Allison Baker
Allison Baker
6 years ago

well going live is the most important part, and you gave very cool suggestions so thanks for giving tips.

Craig Chitty
Craig Chitty
4 years ago

Just an interesting Article.

Sam Gibson
4 years ago

You bring up an excellent point about how most people who are watching a live stream want to see someone human and that anyone who’s so rehearsed and polished runs the risk of losing any type of spontaneity. My sister-in-law has mentioned that she’d love to start a weekly live webcast on how to bake different types of desserts with an emphasis on chocolate. I would also assume that it could be helpful to hire an experienced professional to ensure the production looks spontaneous and professional.

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