How to Use Pinterest to Grow Your Business Interview

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 This week, I had the privilege of being a guest speaker for the BIB Podcast radio blog show. Jonathan Taylor & Russell Portwood have created a huge audience that tunes in to their weekly show. They focus on sharing information for the beginner who is just starting a new business on the Internet. They have some great resources and I would encourage you to check their review when you have a minute. 

They connected with me because they keep hearing all the excitement about Pinterest from their wives and others. They did exactly what I did when I found Pinterest, they started trying to find quality information on how to use it. They stumbled across my book on Amazon and because it has the highest rating of all the Pinterest books, they bought it. Ultimately, that led them to contacting me for the interview!

I shared some great tips on how business owners can benefit from this growing phenomena called Pinterest. Some topics we discussed:

  • How to benefit from SEO using Pinterest.
  • Targeting User’s Interests with Your Images
  • Driving visits to your site using linked images
  • Using Crowd Sources Promotions to get more traffic to your site.
  • And more!

Hope you enjoy and get a lot of benefit from the interview!

My Pinterest Blog Radio Interview

You can also download it to your iPhone or iPad if you want to listen on the go.




Have a blessed week!

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13 years ago

Thanks for sharing Kim!  Great interview!

Noelle Motley
Noelle Motley
13 years ago

Loved the insight. Can always count on this blog! 

Gina Parris
Gina Parris
13 years ago

Oh I can't wait to listen to this interview. I love Jonathan and Russell. I was on their show once too and we had a great time all together at David and Sherrie Dutton's wedding. This will be just the Pinterest beginning I need.

Juli Becker
Juli Becker
13 years ago

Great interview! 
You mentioned Pinterest will not be a viable platform for all businesses….I am hoping it is going to bring more traffic to my Network Marketing blog. Hopefully. We'll see. =)

12 years ago

What are you doing to get traffic through Pinterest? Might need to tweak some.

Kim Garst
11 years ago

Thanks for dropping in!

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