26 Must-Have ChatGPT Plugins for Marketers

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Unlock the full potential of your ChatGPT experience with ChatGPT plugins! These nifty add-ons are not just frills; they're essential tools that can take your marketing game to the next level.

Whether you're a content creator, SEO guru, PPC strategist, or social media maven, there's a plugin designed just for you.

Before you dive in, there are some prerequisites to keep in mind.  To access most of these plugins, you'll need to be a ChatGPT Plus user. Additionally, some plugins may require you to have a separate account, either free or paid, with the plugin developer. Now, let's dive into how to access plugins in ChatGPT…

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Plugins with ChatGPT

1. Access ChatGPT

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is access ChatGPT. Note that you'll need the paid version to use plugins.

2. Activate the Plugins

Step 2: Once you're in the ChatGPT interface, click on the three dots at the bottom left corner and select “Settings” from the menu. Then, click on “Beta Features” on the left-hand side menu and toggle on the “Plugins” option.

3. Navigate to the Plugin Section

Step 3: After activating plugins, you'll see a ‘Plugins' option under the GPT-4 menu. By default, this will be empty. Click on the “Plugin Store” to see available plugins. Pro Tip: Plugins can only be added in a new chat thread.

4. Select Your Plugin

Step 4: Browse through the list of available plugins. Once you find the one you want, click on it. You'll see an ‘Install' button. Click it to add the plugin to your ChatGPT interface. You can repeat this process to add other plugins. Pro-Tip: You can use of max of 3 plugins per chat thread.

5. How to Use Your Plugin

Step 5: Now that your plugin is activated, you can start using it! Simply type a command or question related to the plugin's functionality into the ChatGPT interface. For instance, if you've activated a Zillow plugin, you could type, “Show me homes for sale in Austin, Texas.”

ChatGPT Plugins for Content Marketing

1. Speedy Marketing

Speedy Marketing is designed to help you craft compelling content for your e-commerce site, blog, or business website. It's like having a content strategist and writer rolled into one, optimizing your content for both SEO and user engagement.

How to Use: After installing the plugin, you can initiate it by typing a prompt related to the content you need. For instance, you could ask for “blog post ideas about sustainable fashion” and the plugin will generate a list of topics or even a full-fledged article.

Marketing Example: If you're running an e-commerce store that sells eco-friendly products, you could use Speedy Marketing to generate blog posts that educate your audience on sustainable living, thereby driving more organic traffic to your store.

Pricing: The basic features are free, but for more advanced capabilities, premium plans start at $19/month.

2. AskYourPDF

AskYourPDF is a game-changer for content marketers who deal with a lot of PDF documents. Whether it's research papers, e-books, or whitepapers, this plugin can summarize the key points or even answer specific questions you have about the document. It's like having a personal assistant that reads and summarizes PDFs for you!

How to Use: After installing the plugin, you simply upload the PDF document you want to summarize or query. You can then ask specific questions like, “What are the main arguments in this whitepaper?” or request a general summary.

Marketing Example: Imagine you're a marketer who needs to create a blog post about the latest trends in AI. Instead of sifting through a 50-page research paper, you could use AskYourPDF to summarize the key points, saving you time and making your content creation process more efficient.

Pricing Information: The plugin offers a free tier with basic summarization features. For more advanced queries and larger documents, premium plans start at $10/month.

3. Link Reader

LinkReader is a must-have for content marketers who need to synthesize information from various sources. This plugin can summarize key information from webpages, PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, and other documents. It's like having a research assistant that can quickly give you the gist of any content, making your research process a breeze!

How to Use: After installing LinkReader, you can input the URL of the webpage, PDF, or any other document you want summarized. The plugin will then provide you with a concise summary, highlighting the key points you should focus on.

Marketing Example: Let's say you're working on a comprehensive guide about “The Future of AI in Marketing.” You could use LinkReader to summarize articles, reports, and presentations related to the topic. This will help you gather diverse insights without spending hours reading through each source.

Pricing Information: The basic features are available for free, but for more in-depth summaries and additional functionalities, premium plans are available starting at $15/month.

4. Shownotes

Shownotes is a game-changer for podcasters and content marketers alike. This plugin can summarize podcast episodes and even find specific information from its transcript. It's like having a personal assistant that listens to podcasts for you and gives you the highlights. Perfect for staying updated without spending hours on end!

How to Use: After installing Shownotes, all you need to do is provide the URL or name of the podcast episode you're interested in. The plugin will then generate a summary and can even pinpoint specific topics or segments within the episode.

Marketing Example: Imagine you're a marketer in the tech industry and you want to create a blog post about “The Latest Trends in AI.” You could use Shownotes to summarize key episodes from top tech podcasts. This way, you can include expert opinions and current trends in your post without having to listen to hours of content.

Pricing Information: Shownotes offers a free basic version with limited features. For more advanced functionality, they have premium plans starting at $9.99/month.

5. Video Summary

Video Summary is a must-have for anyone who wants to get the gist of YouTube videos without watching the entire thing. This plugin can summarize the key points of a YouTube video, saving you time and effort. It's like having a personal video editor that cuts straight to the chase!

How to Use: After installing Video Summary, you'll need to input the URL of the YouTube video you're interested in. The plugin will then generate a concise summary, highlighting the most important points and topics covered in the video.

Marketing Example: Let's say you're a digital marketing consultant, and you want to create a comprehensive guide on “How to Optimize Google Ads.” You could use Video Summary to quickly gather insights from multiple expert YouTube tutorials. This way, you can offer a well-rounded view without spending hours watching videos.

Pricing Information: Video Summary is available for free on the Chrome Web Store. However, they do offer a premium version with additional features for $4.99/month.

6. Daigr.am

Daigr.am is a game-changer for marketers who love data visualization. This plugin allows you to generate charts, graphs, and other visual representations directly within your ChatGPT conversation. It's like having a mini graphic designer right at your fingertips!

How to Use: Once you've installed diagr.am, you can initiate it by typing a specific command to tell diagr.am what kind of chart you want. For example, if you want a bar chart, you might type /generate bar-chart. After the command, you'll need to provide the data that you want to visualize. This could be in the form of numbers, categories, or even text. For example, /generate bar-chart [Revenue, 2000, Expenses, 1500].

Marketing Example: Imagine you're a content marketer who needs to present quarterly social media performance to your team. Instead of fumbling around with complex software, you can use diagr.am to quickly generate a bar chart that shows the engagement rates for different platforms. It's quick, easy, and super effective!

Pricing Information: The basic version of daigr.am is free, but they offer a premium version with more advanced features for $9.99/month.

7. WebPilot

WebPilot is a versatile ChatGPT plugin designed to enhance your online experience by overcoming ChatGPT's information limitations. Initially created as Fluentify, this plugin has evolved into a robust tool that serves as the “eyes and ears” of ChatGPT. It's particularly useful for content creators, editors, and anyone who needs quick insights into current web content.

How to Use: Summarize Web Page: Simply input a URL, and WebPilot will generate a concise summary of the page's content, along with three thought-provoking questions or insights.

Smart Q&A: Have a question about a webpage? Type it in, and WebPilot will provide answers based on the page's content.

Customized Tone: Want ChatGPT to sound like Steve Jobs? Specify the tone, and WebPilot will adjust its responses accordingly.

Language Preference: Start your conversation in your preferred language, like saying “Bonjour,” and WebPilot will continue in that language.

Marketing Example: Imagine you're a content marketer who needs to quickly understand a competitor's blog post. Use WebPilot to summarize the page, get key insights, and even ask specific questions like “What is the main call to action?” to tailor your strategy.

Pricing Information: WebPilot is open-source and free to use.

8. Paraphraser

The Paraphraser plugin is a marketer's dream for content repurposing and SEO. It allows you to take existing text and rephrase it in a way that retains the original meaning but with new wording. This is perfect for avoiding duplicate content issues and enhancing your SEO strategy.

How to Use:  Install the plugin and copy and paste the text you want to paraphrase into the ChatGPT prompt. The plugin will return a new version of the text.

Marketing Example: Let's say you have a well-performing blog post that you want to repurpose for a guest article. You can't submit the same content, so you use the Paraphraser plugin to create a new version of the article that retains all the valuable information but avoids duplicate content issues.

Pricing Information: The Paraphraser plugin offers a free basic version with limited features. For more advanced paraphrasing options, they have a premium version for $20.00/month.

9. VoxScript

The VoxScript ChatGPT Plugin is a versatile tool designed to enhance your ChatGPT experience by integrating with the GPT-4 model. This plugin specializes in searching for and summarizing YouTube transcripts, financial data, and Google search results. Imagine having a personal assistant that can quickly pull up YouTube video transcripts or the latest stock prices at your command.

How to Use: To use VoxScript, you don't need to do anything special beyond installing and enabling it in the ChatGPT plugin menu. Once it's active, you can start using its features right away by simply typing your queries or commands into ChatGPT. It's designed to be user-friendly and intuitive.

Marketing Example:

Let's say you're a marketer who needs to analyze the latest YouTube videos about digital marketing trends. You can simply ask VoxScript to “provide the latest 5 YouTube videos about digital marketing trends posted on the Neil Patel channel.” This saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus more on strategy.

Pricing Information: The plugin is currently in BETA mode, and users can use up to three plugins at the same time. However, you'll need a ChatGPT Plus account to access it.

ChatGPT Plugins for Pay-Per-Click

10. PPC – StoreYa.com

The PPC – StoreYa.com plugin is a marketer's dream for managing Google and Microsoft Ads. This plugin simplifies the PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising process, helping you optimize your campaigns for maximum ROI.

How to Use: Install the plugin and enter the specifics of your PPC campaign, such as keywords, budget, and target audience. The plugin will provide suggestions for campaign optimization.

Marketing Example: Imagine you're running a PPC campaign for a holiday sale. Use the StoreYa.com plugin to set your campaign parameters once, and let the plugin handle the rest. It will automatically adjust bids, pause low-performing ads, and reallocate budget to ensure you get the most bang for your buck.

Pricing Information: A free trial is available for new users.

11. PPC Optimizer – GCS AI

The PPC Optimizer – GCS AI plugin is designed to take your PPC campaigns to the next level. It uses AI to analyze your campaigns and offers real-time optimization suggestions.

How to Use: Once installed, activate the plugin in your ChatGPT dashboard. Input your PPC campaign details for the plugin to analyze. Get actionable insights and suggestions for improving your campaign

Marketing Example: Suppose you're marketing a new tech gadget. Use the PPC Optimizer – GCS AI plugin to analyze which ad sets are performing well and which need tweaking. This way, you can reallocate your budget to maximize ROI.

Pricing Information: The plugin offers a free basic version with limited features. Premium plans with more functionalities are also available.

ChatGPT Plugins for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

12. SEO Assistant

SEO Assistant by WebFX is your trusty sidekick for keyword research and content optimization. This plugin helps you discover the most relevant keywords for your topic, making your content not just engaging but also search engine friendly.

How to Use: After installing, activate the plugin in your ChatGPT dashboard. Type in the main topic or keyword you're focusing on. The plugin will churn out a list of keyword suggestions.

Marketing Example: Imagine you're crafting a blog post about “Sustainable Marketing Practices.” Use SEO Assistant to find relevant keywords like “eco-friendly marketing,” “sustainable advertising,” and so on. Sprinkle these throughout your post to boost its SEO score.

Pricing Information: The plugin offers a free basic version with limited features. Premium plans are available for more advanced functionalities.

13. SEO Plugin for On-Page Analysis

The SEO plugin specializes in on-page SEO analysis. Whether it's your webpage or a competitor's, this plugin provides a comprehensive breakdown of how well the page is optimized for search engines.

How to Use: Once installed, activate the plugin in your ChatGPT dashboard. Type in the URL of the webpage and the keyword you want to optimize for. Receive a detailed analysis of the webpage's on-page SEO elements.

Marketing Example: Let's say you're eyeing the top spot on Google for “Digital Marketing Tools.” Use this plugin to analyze the current top-ranking page. Gain insights into their keyword usage, meta tags, and more, and then apply these learnings to your own page.

Pricing Information: The plugin offers a free basic version with limited features.

14. Bramework

Bramework is an AI-driven plugin that's a game-changer for content creators, bloggers, and digital marketers. This tool offers a plethora of features like keyword analysis, SEO optimization, and content generation. Whether you're stuck with writer's block or need to scale up your content production, Bramework has got your back.

How to Use:

Overcoming Writer's Block: Type in a prompt like, “I want to write a blog post about the latest trends in digital marketing, but I'm not sure where to start. Can you help me generate an outline?”

Blog Post Creation: Use a prompt like, “I want to create a blog post about the importance of cybersecurity. Can you help me generate the content?”

SEO Optimization: For SEO-friendly content, use a prompt like, “I want to optimize my blog post about home workout routines for SEO. Can Bramework suggest relevant keywords?”

Marketing Example: Let's say you're a digital marketer focusing on sustainable fashion. You could use Bramework to generate a catchy title and an introductory paragraph for a blog post. Just type, “I need a catchy title and an introductory paragraph for a blog post about sustainable fashion,” and voila! You have your content ready to go.

Pricing Information: The plugin offers a free basic version with limited features.


ChatSpot is a ChatGPT plugin that allows you to access marketing data, website domain details, and keyword suggestions from HubSpot. It's a one-stop-shop for all your HubSpot data needs, right within your ChatGPT interface.

How to Use: Enable the ChatSpot plugin in your ChatGPT settings. Type in a query like “Show me website domain details for example.com.” ChatGPT will then fetch the relevant data from HubSpot and display it.

Marketing Example: Imagine you're running an email marketing campaign and want to know how your website is performing. Just ask ChatSpot to pull up your website's domain details and analytics from HubSpot, and you'll get real-time data without leaving your ChatGPT window.

Pricing Information: Free to use but requires a HubSpot account.

16. Keyword Explorer

Keyword Explorer is a ChatGPT plugin that offers a variety of related keywords to enhance your content optimization. It's like having an SEO expert on your team, suggesting keywords that can improve your website's search engine ranking.

How to Use: Activate the Keyword Explorer plugin in ChatGPT. Type in a primary keyword. Receive a list of related keywords to include in your content.

Marketing Example: If you're writing a blog post about “digital marketing,” use Keyword Explorer to find related keywords like “online advertising,” “SEO,” and “content marketing” to sprinkle throughout your post for better SEO.

Pricing Information: Free to use.

17. Sembot

Sembot is designed to provide detailed reports on keywords, CPC rates, domain visibility, and SEO results. It's like having a data analyst in your ChatGPT, offering insights to improve your online presence and drive traffic.

How to Use: Activate the Sembot plugin. Ask specific questions like “Show me the CPC rates for keyword ‘organic food'.” Receive comprehensive data and insights.

Marketing Example: If you're running a Google Ads campaign for “organic food,” Sembot can provide you with CPC rates, impressions, and competitiveness data to help you allocate your budget more effectively.

Pricing Information: Try for free for 14 days and then it's $75 EUR/month thereafter.

18. Scraper

Scraper is a ChatGPT plugin that allows you to scrape content from webpages by providing a URL. It's a handy tool for marketers who need to extract information from various online sources quickly.

How to Use: Enable the Scraper plugin in your ChatGPT settings. Provide the URL of the webpage you want to scrape. ChatGPT will fetch and display the scraped content.

Marketing Example: Suppose you want to analyze customer reviews from a competitor's product page. Use the Scraper plugin to extract those reviews for further analysis.

Pricing Information: Free to use.

ChatGPT Plugins for Social Media

19. Visla

Visla is a game-changer for video content creation. This ChatGPT plugin allows you to create short videos from stock footage based on a specific topic you provide. It's like having your own AI-powered video editor at your fingertips!

How to Use: Input Video Prompt: Start by prompting ChatGPT with the subject of the video you want to create. Be as detailed as you like. Preview Video: Watch the AI-generated video created by Visla based on your prompt. Customize Video: Save the video to your Visla account, where you can customize the footage, text, voice-over, and more.

Marketing Example: Imagine you're launching a new product and need a quick promo video. Just type in “Create a 30-second promo video for my new skincare line” and let Visla do the magic. You'll get a video that you can further customize and share on your social media platforms.

Pricing Information: Visla is an external platform that integrates with ChatGPT. While you can use the basic features for free, a premium Visla account is required to export videos containing premium stock footage.

20. QR Generator

QR Generator is designed to quickly generate QR codes. This can be useful for marketers who want to provide a quick link to a website, product, or service.

How to Use: Once the plugin is enabled, simply type “Generate QR code for [your URL here],” and a QR code will be generated.

Marketing Example: If you're hosting an event, you can use QR Generator to create QR codes that link to your registration page, making it easier for attendees to sign up.

Pricing Information: The plugin is free to use.

21. Meme Generator

Meme Generator allows you to create memes on demand using AI. It offers over 100 popular meme templates and can even create memes based on specific captions or text you specify.

How to Use: After enabling the plugin, you can ask ChatGPT to create a meme for you. For example, you can say “Create a meme about Monday mornings,” and the plugin will generate a meme for you.

Marketing Example: Use Meme Generator to add some humor to your social media posts. A well-timed, relevant meme can go viral, giving your brand massive exposure.

Pricing Information: Meme Generator is free to use.

22. Social Search

Social Search is your go-to plugin for sifting through the Twitter universe to find tweets that matter to you. Whether you're on the hunt for the latest news, trending topics, or tweets from a specific user, this plugin has got your back.

How to Use: First, decide what you want to search for. This could be a keyword, a hashtag, or even a specific Twitter user's handle. For instance, if you're curious about Elon Musk's thoughts on Dogecoin, your query could be ‘dogecoin (from:elonmusk)'.

Initiate the Search: Simply ask the plugin to search for tweets based on your query. You could say, ‘Search for tweets about dogecoin from Elon Musk.' No need to navigate away or do anything special.

Wait for Results: The plugin will then scour Twitter to find tweets that match your query. It will return a list of relevant tweets for you to browse through.

Browse and Analyze: Once you get the results, you can read through them to find the information you're after. It's like having Twitter's most relevant content delivered straight to you.

Marketing Example: For marketers, this plugin is a goldmine for social listening. Imagine you're launching a new product and want to gauge public sentiment. You could use Social Search to find tweets about your product or industry, giving you valuable insights into customer opinions and market trends.

Pricing Information: Social Search provides a flexible pricing model to accommodate various needs and financial plans. You can start with their FREE plan or opt for their premium services, which kick off at a budget-friendly $3.70 per month.

ChatGPT Plugins for Visual Content

23. Wolfram

The Wolfram ChatGPT plugin is a powerhouse of computational intelligence. It enhances ChatGPT by integrating it with Wolfram|Alpha and Wolfram Language, giving you access to accurate math, curated knowledge, real-time data, and visualizations. Whether you're diving into chemistry, geography, or even popular culture, this plugin has got you covered.

How to Use: To get started, ChatGPT Plus users can install the Wolfram plugin from the plugin store after logging in. Once installed, you can activate it by typing your query into ChatGPT with the Wolfram plugin enabled. The plugin will then provide you with a wealth of information, from mathematical functions to real-time data.

Marketing Example: Imagine you're running a health and wellness blog and you want to write an article about the nutritional value of different fruits. You can use the Wolfram plugin to pull up accurate nutritional data, compare different fruits, and even generate charts for a more engaging reader experience.

24. Show Me Diagrams

The Show Me Diagrams Plugin is designed to enhance ChatGPT's capabilities by allowing it to display diagrams directly within its interface. Previously, ChatGPT would generate a script in Mermaid or PlantUML that needed to be manually transferred to another application for rendering. Now, with this plugin, you can effortlessly showcase diagrams without leaving the ChatGPT environment.

How to Use: Add Your Prompt: Type in a prompt asking for a specific diagram. For example, “Show me a diagram of the human circulatory system.” View the Generated Image: The diagram will be displayed right in the chat, so you don't have to go anywhere else. Examine in Detail: Click on the provided link to view the diagram in a new tab for a closer look. Edit if Needed: Some diagrams come with an option to edit them online. A link for this will be provided, although this feature may not be available for all diagram types. Technical Details: If you're interested in the technical aspects like the diagram type or the language used to create it, this information will also be provided.

Marketing Example: Imagine you're a marketer who needs to explain a complicated sales funnel to your team. You could use the prompt, “Show me a flowchart for a sales funnel,” and the plugin will generate a detailed flowchart that you can use in your presentation.

Pricing Information: The plugin doesn't specify pricing, so it's safe to assume that it's free to use for ChatGPT Plus users.

25. B12 AI Websites

The B12 AI Websites ChatGPT plugin is a game-changer for anyone looking to create a professional website without the hassle. With the combined power of ChatGPT and B12's AI website generation capabilities, you can go from concept to a published site in mere minutes. This plugin offers scheduling, payments, and intake functionality, making it a one-stop solution for your website needs.

How to Use: Once the plugin is installed, ask ChatGPT to create a website for you.

Marketing Example: Imagine you're a marketing consultant who needs a website to showcase your services and book client appointments. With the B12 AI Websites ChatGPT plugin, you can create a professional-looking website with built-in scheduling and payment options in less than a minute. This saves you time and money, allowing you to focus on what you do best—helping your clients succeed.

Pricing Information: The plugin offers a limited-time promotion where you can try B12 for $1/mo for the first 3 months.

26. Video AI by InVideo

Video AI by InVideo is a game-changing plugin that transforms your text prompts and scripts into narrated videos. This plugin is your go-to for creating videos for platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Shorts. Whether you're in the education sector, advertising, or just want to make fun videos, this plugin has got you covered. It supports male and female voices in over 100 accents and offers a video length range from 0.25 minutes to 30 minutes.

How to Use: Enable the Plugin. Type Your Prompt: Type in what you want your video to be about. For example, “Create a video about the importance of recycling.” Choose Features: Utilize commands like generate Video From Brief or generate Video From Script to specify your video's details. Personalize: Add your own flair, creativity, and opinions to make the video unique. Generate: The plugin will then generate a video based on your input.

Marketing Example: Imagine you're launching a new eco-friendly product line. You could use Video AI by InVideo to create a compelling video about the importance of sustainable living, featuring your products. This could be a fantastic addition to your social media marketing strategy!


And that's all, folks! Your ultimate guide to 26 must-have ChatGPT plugins that every marketer should consider. These aren't just bells and whistles; they're essential tools that can redefine your marketing game. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie, these plugins offer something for everyone. So go ahead, dive in, and let AI elevate your marketing strategies to new heights!

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8 months ago

Thanks, Kim, these are awesome tips on valuable plugins for ChatGPT.

Lamila Mat
Lamila Mat
8 months ago

I love these great findings! Thanks for sharing!

Raybotix Digital
Raybotix Digital
4 months ago

This comprehensive list of 26 ChatGPT plugins for marketers is a game-changer!

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