New Year Resolutions SUCK!

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INCREASEAs we start 2015, I wanted to take a minute and THANK YOU! Thank you for being a part of my life and business in 2014. WOW, what a year it has been! It has been my honor to serve you and your business and I am looking forward to more great things in 2015!

I have been reflecting on my 2014, as we often do, right? So often, as a new year starts, we all start focusing on our New Year resolutions. In some cases, we go so far as to make a list! Unfortunately, usually, the things on the list are so big and general, that by the end of the year, we can't even remember what was on our list to begin with, right?

Things like, I am going to lose weight this year. How much, in what time frame and what's the plan to do it? Hmmm…”those things” don't make the list 🙂 This has happened to me more times than I care to count!

The reality is that New Year's Resolutions don't work for most! 

This year, I challenge you to throw out the concept of New Year Resolutions…don't even make those lists! Instead choose one thing…one simple thing that is doable for the first month or even the first quarter of 2015.

You have heard the saying, “eat the elephant one bite at a time”? If you try to accomplish it all, in most cases, you simply fall short. Once you eat the first bite, choose the next thing and set a realistic timeline to accomplish that goal.By the end of 2015, you will be amazed at how far you have come if you take one bite at a time!

What is your ONE thing? The one “bite” that will help you get to the bigger goal by the end of 2015?

As you get started on your 2015, I it is my prayer that you are in the PERFECT spot to be starting a fresh new year! I hope you are ready to make 2015 an EPIC year for you and your business!

Remember…it only gets better when we only get better!

2015 here we come!

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Kim Garst
10 years ago

That’s a great starting place, Marie! Love it!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

YES! The plan being bite sizes so you can get the one amazing goal to the finish line. Thanks Ben!

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