Opportunity Seekers vs. Business Owners

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Is social media the same for all types of businesses?  Absolutely not.  For example, an opportunity seeker versus a business owner who uses social media to "connect" with like-minded individuals.  How many times have we all been inundated with someone who is “spamming” their latest and greatest business opportunity through a private message or directly on our own walls? 

In comparison, a smart business owner will use social media as a marketing channel and be very strategic with their posts, links, offers, etc. The relationships formed in this manner are more credible, valuable and will benefit your business in a much stronger capacity.  I am not saying that business opportunities cannot be successfully marketed through social media…au contraire!  My point simply is that there are ways to be more effective when using social media. With this said, let’s look at Facebook in particular…


How should you use Facebook to market your business, product or service?

Create A Business Page That Is Valuable To Viewers. As an alternative to pitching your product or services directly, give your viewers information that is of value to them.  This information can come from a variety of sources.  You don’t have to generate content on a daily basis.  Perhaps you stumble across a really great article that complements your business, product or service.  If you found it interesting, chances are someone else will too!  Share this link, video, blog discussion; whatever it is, on your page.  If you provide engaging and informative content with your viewers, they will keep coming back.

Make Friends and Start Conversations. Every Facebook page has a News Feed area where posts from each of your Facebook friends are recorded. When someone interacts on your page, this interaction is listed on every friend’s news feed AND their friend’s news feed. The more you interact the more opportunity to expand your visibility.

Start A Facebook Group On The Topic Of Your Business. Creating a Group permits your Facebook friends and customers to discuss issues and share ideas concerning your business, product or service. As the group moderator you can send messages and updates to those who join your group.  This gives you a means of quickly sharing information with those who have an interest in your business, product or service.

Promote Your Facebook Business Page. Let everyone in your friend and business circle know that your Facebook page exists. One way to share this would be to write a blog post containing valuable content, share this post with everyone on your email list and mention it in your company newsletter. The more people in your circle of influence who find out about your page, the more friends you can make, and the larger your friend following on your business page becomes.

Remember That Facebook Is NOT an Email Platform. Do not use Facebook messages, invites or notifications to spam people in your network.  This is why the business page is so useful.  Then you can communicate information that is valuable to those who really want the info.  Remember, you can be de-friended just as easily as you were friended. Treat people with respect and it will come back to you.

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LIanne-carla Savage
LIanne-carla Savage
12 years ago

All very important points. You see so many people and pages going one way or the other. Either it's all about them and buy buy buy OR it's all random stuff like cats and quotes which people engage with but won't do anything for your bottom line. Brand experience is everything. If you want the right people to join your on social networks who are engaged with the things you love to talk about, a good fit for the products and/or services you offer and will actively seek you out or refer someone to you when looking for the type of thing you offer brand experience is key. 

Reply to  LIanne-carla Savage
12 years ago

Definitely agree, Lianne!

Christer Edman
Christer Edman
12 years ago

Thanks Kim! Very valuable content you are sharing as always. This is so important!

Jacqueline Thomas
Jacqueline Thomas
10 years ago

Great info/ideas as usual. I appreciate You!

Lana Manis
Lana Manis
10 years ago

Thanks for all the information, Kim! I struggle with what to put on my Facebook page. This will certainly help!

Boom! Care Squad
Reply to  Lana Manis
10 years ago

Thank you for your comment, this is so great to hear… We would love to hear back from you once you try some of these. – Boom Care Squad – Aida

Elly Camron
Elly Camron
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing

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