Simple Yet Powerful Tips To STOP Procrastination

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It was no surprise. “Make cookies for children’s event” had been on the calendar for more than a week. Baking day arrived with the discovery that there were no chocolate chips in the pantry. It didn’t help that I had waited until late evening to get started on the project.

It was tempting to blame my busy schedule and focus on how tired I was.

Then I remembered something I had read earlier in the week, about how the most successful people take full responsibility. Making excuses rather than cookies was getting me nowhere.

It turns out that how we think about what we have to do is often more important than what we have to do.

I’ve baked so many cookies over the last thirty years that I could do it with my eyes shut. But I talked myself into procrastinating on baking a measly three dozen cookies. It wasn’t that the job was so big. It was how I was thinking about it.

This cookie-baking session reminded me of some important principles that can also be applied to managing a business. Here are some simple yet powerful tips to stop procrastination, while the lesson (and the cookies) are fresh:

Don’t wait until time to perform a task to check whether you have what you need to do it. Realizing you’re short on supplies or information at the last minute costs time and causes stress. Knowing that you’re prepared eases the pain of getting started.

Realize that using a planner and taking action are two different things. It’s one thing to put “write article” on our smartphone calendar and it’s quite another thing to actually write the article. It’s easy to fool ourselves into thinking we’re productive because our calendar is organized.

Dreading a task takes longer and costs more emotional energy than just doing it. We make mental mountains out of our ant-hill tasks. Getting them done usually isn’t as bad as we built them up to be.

There are enough unexpected events in life and business without us pretending to be surprised by regular, recurring events like blog posts and taxes. Somehow we think we’re off the hook if it sneaks up on us. It’s a subtle form of evading responsibility. Let’s tell ourselves the truth:  we knew it was coming.

The excuse “I don’t have time” usually isn’t quite true. We make time for what we want to do. We have time to browse Pinterest and watch YouTube videos but we don’t have time to write an eBook? Instead of baking cookies earlier in the day I had perused the newspaper and gone shopping. When it came time to face the task it was easy to console myself with the old “I didn’t have time” trick. No, I had time. I made a choice on how to spend it.

Sometimes we struggle with getting started on a task, but we all love how it feels when the task is done. It helps to remember that when we’re tempted to procrastinate.

Step back and observe yourself. Spend a couple of days observing how you spend your time. A simple time log could be very revealing. Sometimes just keeping a record will help you stop procrastination.

Break large tasks into smaller, less-overwhelming chunks. For instance, rather than procrastinating on gathering information for taxes, make a list of every document you need to print or locate. Do ten minutes’ worth every weekday. You’re much less likely to procrastinate on a ten-minute task than a giant looming project.

Even if you have been dealing with procrastination on some projects, don’t label yourself a procrastinator. We get more of what we focus on, so think of yourself as someone who is moving towards better productivity.

Whether it’s baking cookies or writing a report for your optin, do the work rather than dread the work. The time will pass either way, and you might as well get closer to your goals rather than wish you had. You don’t have to reach perfection in order to stop procrastination, just make some progress. And make those cookies.


Charlotte SiemsCharlotte Siems is a happy wife, mom, Master T-Tapp Trainer, teacher, speaker and author.  Her story of losing over 100 pounds with T-Tapp has encouraged thousands of people all over the world.  She specializes in making home management and T-Tapp “doable” for real people and real life.  She is the homeschooling mother of twelve children, five of whom are still living at home in Oklahoma, and “Minky” to four grandchildren. Charlotte writes about family life and T-Tapp at

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Lisa green
Lisa green
11 years ago

I found these are really effective tips for procrastination. Now I will arrange my schedule and will do every task in time rather than delaying the tasks.

Kim Garst
Kim Garst
Reply to  Lisa green
11 years ago

I am so glad you found these tips for helpful! Charlotte is amazing with time management! Thanks for stopping by Lisa!

10 years ago

So glad you got some value from this one 🙂

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