The ‘SECRET’ to Success REVEALED

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Everyone wants to know that one little thing that will propel their business into the SUCCESS column. What is that one little secret that people who are successful have that you don't have?  What is “it” seems to be the million dollar question. Today's article is going to address what I believe to be the ONE thing that will propel you to success but there is the story behind how I discovered this secret that I want to share.

I was at church yesterday morning and something was said that gave me the idea for this article. No, that isn't quite right; something was said that was just another addition to a series of things that have happened to me recently. What was said at church just cemented the fact that I needed to share this.  As many of you are aware, I attended a Mastermind event in Chicago last weekend. While I was there, I met some amazing business owners; one was a woman who made me realize how many of us struggle with using our life experiences in our business. Then during the course of the week this same topic kept popping up. I spoke to a number of people who shared that they struggle with sharing their life in their business. I struggle with this myself from time to time so we are all in the same boat which is exactly my point! We all have life experiences that we can use to connect with others. Why is this important? I hope you will read my lips when I say this; BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS ONLINE IS DEPENDENT UPON BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS.  

So what is the big SECRET to SUCCESS?


It is Y-O-U!

You have the secret right inside of you and what your life experiences bring to your business. The key words in that sentence are “what your life experiences bring to your business”.  Someone might say, “I am just a Mom, why would anyone want to know about my life?” Ok, let's take a look at that statement. How many Moms are there in this world? Hmmm…millions, hundreds of millions? Yep! Now I am willing to bet you that you have experiences in your Mom life that thousands of other Moms have had as well. There is your CONNECTION to thousands of people right there. Maybe something you have experienced will save another Mom from having to go through the same experience or at least she will know that she is not alone.

How about someone who grew up in a dysfunctional home? Maybe they come from a divorced family? Had a father or mother that was always working? You are a twin or a triplet? Come from a large family? Maybe you are an only child? Maybe you had a great family member that instilled incredible values in you. Maybe you had someone else in your life that greatly impacted your direction. Our individual list of life experiences is absolutely endless! We all have experiences that someone else has had or, at a minimum, had experiences that are similar in some way.

Let me put this into perspective using an example of meeting someone new in person for the first time. You are at a social event and someone introduces you to someone you have never met before. You start by small talking, trying to find something that you have in common.  You discover that you both have children that play sports at a high level and now it is on! You are animated and thoroughly enjoying your conversation with a complete stranger.

CONNECTION! That is the key and how do you do that online? By sharing Y-O-U!

Sharing Y-O-U will help build connections online and that is how you propel your business in the right direction.

With that said, IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU! Now you might be saying, WHAT? One minute she says YOU are the path to success and now she is saying IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU? What I mean is that while sharing your experiences will generate connections with others, you have to remember to give more than you receive. The real secret to success is to SERVE a lot of people. Sharing Y-O-U will open the door to impacting more people and then you need a servant based heart to propel your business to great heights.

I would greatly appreciate any comments you have on this article. This topic is very near and dear to my heart and I would love to know what you think. There is a comment box below and I would love to hear your thoughts.


Kim Garst has been a Mompreneur for almost 20 years and has built a 7 figure income from her home.  Currently she shares her business and marketing savvy through coaching and consulting with clients around the world. Kim specializes in helping you get more sales, more leads and more clients utilizing social media and the Internet as a whole. Her systems are easy to implement and get quick results for small businesses as well as new and established solopreneurs.

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Lisa J Wood
Lisa J Wood
13 years ago

Good Morning Kim, What a great story.  I have been encouraged by several close friends and family to one day write a book.  I came up with a theme, and it is based on the secret(s) so many seek…and like you…I figured out the same one.  We all have the power within to be great.  It takes a willingness to be open to what God brings our way.  If we embrace who we are and realize our potential, we can make such a difference in this world.  And it can all start with a simple word, "Hello".  I love waking each morning with anticipation of what and WHO God has planned to bring into my life.  It makes each day an adventure.  here's to a new day!  And thank you for the "secret". 🙂

Reply to  Lisa J Wood
13 years ago

I love this, Lisa!

Ali Davies
Ali Davies
13 years ago

Your post reminded me of the saying that "people buy people". This is particularly relevant to remember for those of us that are sole traders.

13 years ago

Katrina, may I share this? You were one of several that made comments during the week about sharing their life in their business and it really made me realize how hard it is to be open sometimes but you are right! People reach out when they know you are in need and they can identify with you on ANY level! Whether it is as a Mom, the fact that you have a special needs child or you are part of their church family. So glad that you got support when you needed it my friend!

Charlotte Siems
Charlotte Siems
13 years ago

Great encouragement, Kim!  We have our own unique perspective and experiences to share with the world, and everybody benefits when we step out and share.  We have to get past our fear of being vulnerable–it's not about us!

13 years ago

Kim,  I am in total agreement with what you have written and what Katrina said.   I do pro bono work for a local non-profit that works with gambling addicts and their families.  My goal in life is to help this place stay open because they literally saved me.  I too am writing a book about my experiences and am donating a good portion of the proceeds to the Center.  What has amazed me is the majority of the people I have shared with are so supportive and it has deepened many bonds.  Thank you for putting it in words.

13 years ago

Wow, Kim! This is really a great article! I was just listening to a teleclass last night and one of the big "aha's" I took from that is "You must become your best client: – meaning you have to become the kind of person you want to serve. You attract WHO you are. If you haven't dealt with a lot of crap, you will attract clients and customers who will mirror back to you what's going on inside. So it's about YOU – but you have to continually be working and improving yourself so you can attract delightful clients.

Debbie Thaut
Debbie Thaut
12 years ago

Wow, never looked at it this way. My best relationships are with people that shared a cmon life experirnce. Great article & lesson, Thanks!

12 years ago

Cynthia, the best plan is just to get started. That is the first step. Then I would find a coach that can shorten your learning curve. It will make a huge difference; especially if you find the right one.

12 years ago

Your on 100% this is great, it leads into a blog that I will be starting next week, thanks for the info and inspiration to continue my plan.

11 years ago

Absolutely!! Thanks for dropping in!

11 years ago

excellent inputs Kim. really a great article. i success factor YOU defined clearly. building connection and maintaining the relationship with people is the greatest secret of the every business. if anyone wants business more smarter these are the good tips need to follow. this is not only focusing on the business also every people who really looking for success.

Kim Garst
11 years ago

Glad you enjoyed it, Kristen!

11 years ago

LOVE, love love this Kim,
Be Y.O.U serving others!

Loida Pearson
Loida Pearson
11 years ago

Kim, Thanks for the great article. You always seem to write about something I have been thinking about. Thanks for
putting it into words. I always learn so much from you!

Kim Garst
Kim Garst
Reply to  Loida Pearson
11 years ago

Awwwhh… thank you for your kind words and stopping by Loida!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Personally, I am not a huge fan of the term “expert” because I think we are always learning…especially in social media 🙂

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