Video Will Help Build Your Personal Brand FAST!

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Personal video branding is the latest and greatest new marketing trend online. People are embracing this movement regardless of whether or not they are corporate executives or home based business owners. The video aspect of online marketing is a crucial piece of your personal branding efforts. It allows you to connect with your audience, tell them who and what your business is all about, using your own voice and image to share this message. People like to connect with real people!

Video branding is one of the most entertaining, exciting and useful tools businesses can employ to place their products and services before potential customers. It can also create a lot of fear and anxiety for business owners. Overcoming the fear of being in front of people is well worth the return! People love to connect with authentic people. Putting your image and your voice out there will make you more real, warm and welcoming.  Your audience will be able to connect with you on a deeper level; in turn, making you more memorable and building your personal brand much more effectively. With the technology available today, anyone can create and post a mini commercial for their product or service.

The number of people watching videos has increased dramatically. YouTube, the most prevalent video sharing website has over 2 billion views a day which is about double the prime time audience of all 3 of the major networks COMBINED! Many viewers watch for entertainment purposes, product reviews, how-to videos and of course there is a huge demand for music videos. Tapping into your niche with video branding will definitely increase your personal brand.

With that marketplace of BILLIONS of viewers who watch countless videos each and every day, business owners can easily create their own videos to promote their products and capture some of this market share. Videos that feature the business name, logo, product or service is important for establishing what the business is and what it does, and can easily boost traffic and sales. Including this information in each video is important to your branding efforts. Videos can reach potential customers that might not otherwise know about a specific business. The face that a business shows to the world is its brand and businesses want to cultivate that image to their best advantage.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth thousands of views. Today’s busy Internet users are much more likely to view a short video than they are to read a page full of text. The use of video branding is one of the quickest means of introducing a business to the public, especially for new or small businesses who lack a large advertising budget. Videos can be serious or humorous, and should be memorable, but care must be exercised – inaccurate branding can lead viewers to wonder what the business does or what industry it occupies.

It doesn’t matter whether a business creates its own video or hires someone to do it; the return on investment is well worth the cost. However, video branding is one of the most overlooked and neglected means of advertising. Most new and small companies are more interested in day-to-day operations. They often believe video branding is too expensive, won’t make a difference or don’t know any other way to advertise other than traditional mediums. Videos represent the medium of today and businesses would be well advised to utilize any tool available with the fierce competition they face.

The type of branding a business cultivates determines how potential customers will perceive that business and its products or services. It’s imperative that businesses create awareness with potential customers of who they are and what they do, and how it can serve the needs of customers. Video branding can easily accomplish that, while making it clear to customers that the business is a desirable company with which to do business.

If you are looking for the perfect video branding platform, I would like to suggest you take a look at Talk Fusion. Talk Fusion offers an incredibly easy to use, branded video platform. Their services include video email, video conferencing, video broadcasting, social networking, and video responders. All can be branded with your corporate look to ensure brand recognition.  Video tools will build brand loyalty, increase your customer relations and retention, reduce advertising costs, qualify sales leads and increase response rates.

Bottom line…videos can bring a lot of traffic to your business!

Questions About Using Video as a Personal Branding Tool?

If you have any questions about how to use video in your branding efforts, please comment below and I will respond as quickly as I can.

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Angela Goodeve
Angela Goodeve
12 years ago

Hi Kim!  You have a lot of high value, well written content!  I have been thinking that I would like to create a Youtube video for my business and your article certainly confirms how much it can help you connect with a wide audience!  Thank-you.

Ethan Beute
Ethan Beute
12 years ago

Completely agree.  We have literally all kinds of customers all over the world adding video to emai to make it more personal and powerful. Excellent for lead follow up, nurturing, and conversion.

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