What is Retargeting and Why Should You Use It?

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What is Retargeting and Why Should You Use It?
What is Retargeting and Why Should You Use It?

While you may not have heard the term retargeting before, you have definitely seen it in action. For instance, have you ever been browsing the web and seen an ad promoting a product or website you just looked at or visited? It can be kind of creepy, actually, until you understand how retargeting works. This post will look at what retargeting is, and how you should be using it for your business!

Jon Loomer Remarketing - Retargeting Example

Example of retargeting (a.k.a. remarketing) on Facebook

What is Retargeting?

Retargeting is essentially a type of advertising strategy that lets your ads ‘follow’ your website visitors around the web. It is an extremely popular strategy that many big brands are now using for one simple reason: it works.

Typically, when you purchase an ad spot, you have the opportunity to put a static banner ad on a particular site. If you are using Google AdWords, for instance, your static banner ad gets shown across their network, either next to search results or on their display network (or both).

With retargeting, however, you have the opportunity to have your ads shown to visitors who have already visited your site.

This is HUGE! These people have already visited your site, so you know they have an interest in what you’re selling or promoting. Retargeting lets you reach out to these visitors, and target your message in a more specific way.

If you are interested in checking out some cost-effective retargeting options, check out the following:

Google Adwords Remarketing

Facebook Retargeting

Twitter Retargeting

AdRoll Retargeting Service

How to Use Retargeting for Your Business

Remarketing or retargeting, when done right, can result in better conversion rates, increased brand recognition and improved advertising ROI.

Rather than having to introduce your business or products to ad viewers, you can jump right into the good stuff: convincing them to come back and buy from you.

Following are 5 ways to make the most of retargeting for your business.

1. Target visitors who have abandoned their cart.

If you have ever bemoaned the number of visitors who leave your site and abandon a full shopping cart, you are going to love retargeting! According to this infographic, ad retargeting brings 26% of lost customers back to complete their purchase. Try offering a discount or free shipping to entice customers to come back and complete the checkout process.

2. Offer a free product related to the product they looked at.

This could be a product sample, related eBook or even free shipping. The point is to entice them back to your site by offering something of value. This can also be a great way to get these visitors into your funnel and email list.

3. Cross-sell to existing customers.

Retargeting can also be a great way to reach out to existing customers to entice them to buy products related to what they have already bought. For instance, for customers who have already purchased cameras from you, you could promote camera accessories like tripods or carrying cases.

4. Reach customers who are part of a limited time membership.

If you offer any kind of free trial on your site, you’ll love this one! Set up a retargeting campaign that advertises to customers who have signed up for your trial. When it starts getting close to the end of the trial, target your ads to remind your customers that their membership is going to expire.

5. Create general ads for all website visitors.

If the strategies above feel a bit daunting, no problem! Start by simply creating a remarketing campaign aimed at all visitors to your site. Entice them back by offering a free eBook, free shipping, or even just promote a great piece of relevant content.

Retargeting is a powerful strategy that all business owners should be incorporating into their marketing mix.

‘Banner blindness’ is alive and well, and remarketing can be just the way to make sure your ad stands out and gets noticed!

Have you tried remarketing? Has it been successful for your business? Let us know in the comments below!

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Kim Garst
10 years ago

I hear ya, Susanna and agree but the concept of retargeting is an amazing marketing tool. PLUS, they WORK. At least for now. I think the more annoying they get, the more people will tune them out. But for now…

Brian Honigman
Brian Honigman
10 years ago

Awesome piece Kim! I’m sure this will be a helpful roundup for many small business owners to better understand the landscape of retargeting. In my opinion, the value of display advertising has fallen significantly over the years, but retargeting is still a highly effective technique to re-engage your audience elsewhere. I’ve seen amazing results from Facebook retargeting my email list. Thanks for sharing!

Kim Garst
Reply to  Brian Honigman
10 years ago

It definitely works 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to add value to the conversation, Brian!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

It’s a great marketing tool, Gertrude 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

When someone visits your website and they don’t purchase. Then they head over to Facebook, for example, your ad could be shown to them again. Great way to ‘follow’ the lead so to speak.

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Thanks Bill! 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Send me more info?

Philippe TREBAUL
Philippe TREBAUL
9 years ago

Hi Kim, A very interesting article, highly useful for me. Thank you for that!

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