10 Mind-Blowing Blogging for Profit Tips

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Do you dream of making a living with your blog? Or maybe just generating some extra income to supplement your current 9-5 job? Well, blogging for profits doesn’t have to be a dream. There are ways you can utilize a blog to make REAL money…you just have to go in with a plan.

That plan will start with finding a web host  and setting up your blog. From there, you’ll need to start adding excellent content and start building your audience.

Once those fundamental pieces are in place, you have the potential to start driving huge returns from your blog! This post will outline the exact strategies you can use to start driving these results yourself.

1.  Create Digital Products

Many think that selling advertising or using affiliate marketing are the best ways to make passive income from their blog. And while these can certainly be part of your revenue model, they shouldn’t be the only strategies you use.

A strategy that often ends up being more lucrative is creating your own digital products to sell on your site. This could be eBooks, webinars, online courses, or a membership program of some sort.

Create your own digital products to sell on your site. #BlogForProfitClick To Tweet

Some of my Digital Products

Which leads us to tip #2….

2.  Options to consider: Products or Continuity Program or Both?

You’ll need to decide whether you’d like to promote and sell a one-off product like a downloadable eBook, or a continuity program like a paid membership forum.

Here’s something to consider when making this decision: would you rather sell a product and make a one-time sale, or generate passive income month after month?

Let’s say you set up a membership program where users pay a monthly fee for access to a private members forum, discounts and a bunch of “membership only” content. You need to attract customers ONCE, but you get paid EVERY month!

Of course, there are benefits to selling a single product too: as you build up a loyal following, you can continue to promote and sell your new products. So in this way, you also have some ‘continuity’.

Eventually, you might choose to do both!

3.  You MUST have a Solid Marketing Funnel

Before you can consistently profit from your blog, you need to decide what your online marketing funnel will look like.

This means asking yourself: what process will I use to move customers from finding me to actually buying my product(s)?

A very basic marketing funnel may look like this:

Social Media -> landing page on blog -> capture email address -> promote and sell product via email

Once you have this process set up, you’ll feel confident that every person who visits your blog will be led through each stage of your value/sales process (and will, therefore, be more likely to convert in the end)…thus blogging for profits!

4.  You MUST have a Call to Action

Depending on your marketing funnel, WHERE you place your calls to action may vary.

For example, if you ultimately plan to make sales through your email newsletter, you’ll want to make sure each of your emails includes a strong call to action (for instance, “Click here to purchase”).

In the same way, if you plan to sell directly through your website, you’ll want to make sure your blog posts contain a call to action to entice people to buy your product(s).

5.  Provide Tons of Free Content

                                                                      Here is one of my FREE content in one of my blogs

Many times blogging for profit and free content doesn't jive for many. A mistake that many make is to immediately try to sell off their most valuable information before they’ve been around long enough to have gained the trust of their audience.

A mistake that many make is to try to sell their products BEFORE they have earned trust.Click To Tweet

Before people will trust you enough to buy from you, they need to know you as a source of valuable information. And the best way to do this is to provide tons of value based content via blog posts, social media and free eBooks, etc.

6.  Niche Down and Specialize

Another mistake many make is focusing on too broad of a topic.

When they do this, they set themselves up to compete with the ‘big guys’…and this usually doesn’t end well!

Instead, focus on a more narrow, focused niche where there isn’t much competition. For instance, rather than building a blog around ‘online marketing’, focus in on something where you can offer highly specialized insights – for instance, ‘Instagram marketing for authors’.

7.  Drive Targeted Traffic

Your ability to really profit from your blog is largely determined by how targeted your traffic is. Blogging for profits isn't about getting thousands of hits a month that have no interest in your content. If these visitors don’t care about your topic, you’ll never make a penny.

Some of the most effective ways to drive targeted traffic to your blog include: using social media, guest blogging on complementary sites and optimizing your blog for relevant keywords.


I regularly guest blog on other sites to reach a new audience and attract targeted traffic

8.  Build a Community Using Social Media

Social media is one of the most effective ways to build connections with current and potential customers and clients.

Social media is one of the most effective ways to build connections with current & potential customers.Click To Tweet

The key is to build a strong presence on social media and make a point of actually engaging with your followers. This means asking AND answering questions, providing valuable information and advice, and letting your audience get to know you.

This is the best way to build community and trust! Remember, people buy from those that they know, like and trust!

Remember, people buy from those that they know, like and trust!Click To Tweet

9.  Don’t Undervalue Yourself

Don’t undervalue your time, effort and expertise by selling your digital products for just a few bucks. Remember: It’s likely taken you years of blood, sweat, and tears to get to the place where you can offer such valuable insights to your audience.

If you don't value your time and expertise, neither will others. Price accordingly!Click To Tweet

It’s also important to keep in mind that the more you charge for your products, the more time you’ll be able to justify spending on providing amazing service and support to your clients.

10.  Consider Getting Help

If you’re used to managing every aspect of your blog or business yourself, it can be hard to delegate or outsource tasks to others. But it’s important to ask yourself the following questions when attempting to profit from your blog:

  • Could someone else do a better job of ___________? (Writing these blog posts, interviewing this expert, designing the graphics for my eBook, etc.)
  • If I hired someone to do this for me, would I ultimately have a better (and more expensive) product?
  • If I hired someone, could I get it done FASTER, and start making money SOONER?

Blogging for Profits is Possible

Whether you fantasize about being a full-time blogger or you're simply searching for supplementary cash, blogging for profits is one way to earn money.

Remember that you'll need a plan, and set your expectations accordingly. From setup to content building, blogging to earn money takes time and patience. And, these tips give you a good starting point.

Looking for more resources for building and profiting from your blog? These posts may help!

How To Start A Blog In 30 Minutes Or Less

How to Make Money From Your Website

But I would also love to hear from YOU: Are you profiting from your blog? What’s your main revenue source?


Share with us below!

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10 years ago

Great check list and goal for 2015. Thanks for all the free content

Kim Garst
Reply to  Rhonda
10 years ago

Woohoo! Love that you found this useful, Rhonda!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Agree with all your point, Soumya! Thanks for taking the time to write such great comments!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Glad to hear you got some value from this one, Citali!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Lead with value without the expectation of reward is my motto :-). The reward is a by product of delivering great value.

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Great looking blog, Nicole!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

So excited that you got some value from this, Janice! Here’s to a great 2015!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Thanks for dropping in, Donna 🙂

Nestor Paul
Nestor Paul
8 years ago

Great post on sharing your thoughts about blogging. Your points seems like the best way to go for those of us who are just starting. Thanks for sharing!

Luke Pais
Luke Pais
7 years ago

Thanks! The tips are helpful for the Emerging Blogger. Love to read your post

6 years ago

Thanks for sharing such a beautiful article dear writter. I Liked it.

Ian Wollermann
Ian Wollermann
5 years ago

Blogging is not only passion now, it is rising as a career also. Thank for the post.

5 years ago

Every brand adopting digital transformation these days. They are giving values to content & blogging in the part of brand building. Your article is covering vital digital marketing tips. Thanks for mentoring us.

Digital Rosogulla
Digital Rosogulla
4 years ago

Really amazing article. Very helpful tips for new bloggers.

jigyasa sewkani
jigyasa sewkani
4 years ago

Small businesses should go for digital marketing to run their business in this pandemic. great content thanks for sharing

Mahmudur Rahman Nasim
Mahmudur Rahman Nasim
4 years ago

Best helpful article for my blogging. I’m fully inspired and get the ways to go forward. Like it. Thanks a lot Kim Garst

Akash Vishwakarma
Akash Vishwakarma
4 years ago

Quite interesting and informative article for new bloggers. Good One.

Akash Vishwakarma
Akash Vishwakarma
4 years ago

Quite interesting and informative post. Good One.

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