How to Choose a Domain Name That Will Drive Traffic & Sales

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Want to sell online?

One of the first steps you’ll need to take is deciding on your domain name.

This is a BIG decision that can have serious consequences for your business…so it’s not something to take lightly.

In this post, I’m going to help you choose the PERFECT domain name for your business; and not just one that sounds cool…one that will actually help drive traffic and sales.

But first…

Why is Your Domain Name so Important?


As you market and promote your business, your #1 goal will be to drive traffic to your store’s website.

Your domain name should be one that’s appealing to your customers, and that accurately conveys what you sell.

When you choose the right domain name, here are just some of the benefits you can expect:

  • Increased rankings in the search engines (which means more FREE traffic!).
  • More initial and repeat visits from customers. A short, catchy name is much easier to remember.
  • Better branding. A great domain name is closely tied to your brand/business name.
  • Increased credibility. A domain like or can seem spammy and therefore untrustworthy.

Sound good? Then let’s take a look at 4 traits of domain names that will help you achieve these benefits!

4 Traits of a Domain Name That Drives Traffic and Sales


As you consider which domain name to choose, keep the following traits in mind. They will help you get your domain name right the first time, saving you the hassle of fixing or changing it later on!

1. It includes Your Keywords.

Yes, keywords are still important in 2021!

These are the words and phrases people are likely to type into Google to find your products or services.

Your domain name should accurately describe what your business is about, and/or what you’re selling.

For instance, if your online store sells kitchen supplies, you’ll likely want to choose from words like kitchen, cooking, baking, supplies, tools, etc.

*A little bit of basic keyword research will help with this! I walk you through how to do this in my post, The Non-Techy Guide to Starting Your First Online Store.

One of the HUGE benefits of using your keywords in your domain name is this: as other websites link back to your site, they are more likely to use “anchor text” that includes those keywords…and this is GREAT for SEO!Click To Tweet

For instance, if your domain name is, other sites are likely to link back to your site using the anchor text, “Halloween store” (which would look like this: Halloween store).

And this means when people search online for a “Halloween store”, they’re much more likely to find YOUR store!

2. It’s Short and Memorable.

With an estimated 366.8 million domain names out there, anything you can do to make yours stand out is beneficial!

With an estimated 366.8 million domain names out there, anything you can do to make yours stand out is beneficial!Click To Tweet

Your domain name will be used across all your promotional and marketing materials and channels, including:

  • On your business card
  • Advertisements (both online and offline)
  • Your social media bios
  • Other people’s social media posts
  • In blog posts linking back to your store
  • Via word of mouth

If you want people to easily remember your URL, make sure it’s concise, descriptive and easy to spell from memory.

That means NOT using domain names like, or

These definitely don’t meet the criteria for concise and easy to spell! <grin>

3. It’s Brandable.

A brandable domain name quickly conveys what you’re all about.

It doesn’t leave room for guessing or confusion; rather, people should know immediately what you’re selling, and THAT you’re selling something!

You’ll also want to make sure your domain name is closely tied to your social media handles. This is great for branding, as it ensures your customers will recognize you…wherever they find you online.

Finally, you’ll definitely want to make sure your domain name isn’t already trademarked.

A search of the US Patent and Trademark database is a great place to start. This will ensure you can use the domain name you’ve chosen, free and clear!

4. It Uses a Great Domain Name Extension.

Your extension is whatever comes at the end of your URL (e.g., .com, .org, .biz, .ca, etc.).

At the start of the internet, the .com domain was the obvious choice. It was the industry standard for websites, as it was easy to remember and there were lots of great .com names available.

Problem is, if you’ve tried to find a great .com domain in the past few years, you’ve likely found all the good names are already taken!

This can lead some business owners to choose domain names that are unnecessarily long, or that contain numbers, hyphens, or misspellings…and this can come across as unprofessional and awkward (for instance,,, etc.).

For this reason, I recommend going with a newer extension that will give you more eCommerce domain name options, and that clearly identifies you as being an online store.

The .STORE extension, for instance, is still a relatively new domain extension, so you’re much more likely to find a short, meaningful name.

It also clearly conveys that you’re an online store, making it easy to remember and promote (and even saving you advertising dollars!).

Final Thoughts

I trust this post has given you some direction as you choose your own domain name.

Your next steps will be setting up your online store, and then getting sales.

I can help! Check out these two helpful posts:

The Non-Techy Guide to Setting Up Your First Online Store

6 Simple Strategies to Boost Your E-Commerce Sales…Fast!

I would love to know: Which domain name did you decide to go with? Comment below!

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Eileen Burns
Eileen Burns
2 years ago

Such important advice, so many of my clients don’t really understand the importance of a great domain name. I bought quite a few domain names and sold them for a good profit 20 years ago. A great domain is definitely worth it;s weight in gold

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