How to Use Instagram Stories to Grow Your E-mail List

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Ready to up your Instagram game AND grow your email list by leaps and bounds? Love using Instagram stories but aren’t sure how to use them to build your list?

Look no further. This post will walk you through a bunch of strategies you can start using TODAY to supercharge your stories, get traffic to your site and grow your email list…all in one fell swoop!

But first….

There are 4 Main Ways to Get People to Your Landing Page (Where You Can Trade Something Ah-May-Zing For Their Email!)

Before we can even start talking about this, we need to first go over how – logistically speaking – you can actually move your Instagram followers to your landing page or opt-in box. Since people will need to physically input their details (name, email address, etc.) to join your list, we have to figure out how to get people OFF Instagram and ONTO your list.

There are four main ways to do this:

1. Use the “Swipe up” Feature

I’m sure you’ve seen it: that little “See more” link at the bottom of a story. Swiping up on it will take users directly to an URL of your choosing…whether that be your blog, landing page or opt-in form.

How to Use Instagram Stories to Grow Your E-mail List

Sounds easy, right?

Sadly, not everyone has this “swipe up” feature. At this point, only business accounts with 10,000+ followers have this feature…meaning everyone else is left to figure out other ways to move their followers off the platform.

[If you do have this feature enabled, here’s a step-by-step guide for how to use it: How to Add Clickable Links to Your Instagram Stories.]

While it stinks that this feature isn’t available to all users, all is not lost. There are a few other ways you can direct your followers to your site or opt-in form.

2. Direct Viewers to Your Bio Link

For the majority of Instagram users, the bio link will be the only clickable URL they have at their disposal.

While it’s not ideal, you can use this link to take users to your lead magnet, where they’ll sign up for your list.

How to Use Instagram Stories to Grow Your E-mail List

In your story, simply include a call to action urging viewers to go to your bio where they’ll find a link to your freebie, coupon, or whatever else you’re using to get people to sign up for your list (I’ll post some specific strategies for this below).

Don’t want to constantly be changing your bio link? No problem! Use Linktree to create one stable URL you can use in your bio. Then whenever you want, simply go to your Linktree account to change or add additional URLs!

3. Entice Your Viewers to Send You a DM

This is one of my favorite methods (especially if you don’t have the swipe up feature).

Use your last story post to ask viewers to DM you for more info, to ask a question, to get a freebie, etc. This is a great way to connect one-on-one with your followers, and your email signup conversion rates will be through the roof. 

How to Use Instagram Stories to Grow Your E-mail List

Once they DM you, you not only have the opportunity to get to know them, you can direct them to any URL you want…in this case, to your lead magnet landing page.

The beauty of this strategy is that you get a chance to communicate with your followers one-on-one; and this means you can recommend the PERFECT freebie for them!

4. Use a Text URL in Your Story

This one tends to work best with really irresistible offers, because users actually have to cut and paste or even type in your URL.

How to Use Instagram Stories to Grow Your E-mail List

In the last post of your story, simply ask your followers to go to the URL to get more info, get your freebie, etc. Of course, this will be a non-clickable link, so make it as short and memorable as possible. Use an URL shortener like Bitly if needed.

So, there ya’ go….four ways to move your Instagram followers from Instagram to your landing page or opt-in form.

Now, the BIG question…how do you use stories to ENTICE people to leave Instagram and go to your landing page?

7 Strategies for Using Stories to Grow Your List 

To reiterate, your main goal here will be let your followers know about your offers, freebies or content, usually in the last post of your story.

For each strategy below, you’ll let your followers know exactly how to get their hands on your freebie or offer…whether that’s through DM’ing you, swiping up, cutting and pasting a text URL, or going to your bio link.

1. Post Testimonials for Your Free Content

Have a great free guide, eBook or cheatsheet that your community loves? Ask one of your customers or followers for a brief video testimonial you can use in your story.

❤️ Have a great free guide, eBook or cheatsheet that your audience loves? Ask one of your customers or followers for a brief video testimonial you can use in your story.Click To Tweet

Example: “I used Kim’s free guide, and within 24 hours I had already booked three clients!”. Then using any of the strategies above (e.g., ask viewers to send you a pm, swipe up, etc.), direct viewers to a dedicated landing page where they can sign up for your free guide.

2. Post a Pic of Your Freebie

Sometimes people need to see what they’re getting before they’re willing to hand over their email.

? Sometimes people need to see what they’re getting before they’re willing to hand over their email. #BiztipClick To Tweet

Post a picture or screenshot of your free guide, book, worksheet, template, etc., so they can see exactly how much value they’re going to get from your freebie. Then of course, let them know exactly how they can get it!

3. Promote a Solution, NOT a Product

Sometimes, it’s better to speak to the main issue or problem your viewers are having, rather than just jumping in with your offer.

Sometimes, it’s better to speak to the main issue or problem your viewers are having, rather than just jumping in with your offer. ? #BiztipClick To Tweet

Use your story to highlight a particular problem (e.g., struggling to lose weight, close sales or manage work/life balance), then present your lead magnet as a way to overcome or solve that problem.

4. Show Newsletter Blurbs in Instagram Stories 

Have a newsletter that offers tons of exclusive, useful info? Post a short blurb from one of your emails to let your Instagram viewers know what they’re missing.

You can also combine this strategy with #1, and ask one of your subscribers to film a short video clip singing the praises of your newsletter!

5. Promote a Contest in Your Story

Hold an Instagram contest or giveaway and include instructions for how to enter in your story.

Most Instagram contests are “like to win”, “share to win”, etc., which are great for increasing your Instagram followers.

BUT, since you’re trying to grow your email list, you’ll want to change things up a bit. Tell viewers what they need to do to enter: Swipe up, go to your bio link or cut and paste your text link to go to the contest landing page. And of course, a valid email is required to enter!

6. Link to a Blog Post in Your Story…and Then Offer a Content Upgrade in the Post

This is a bit more of an indirect way to go about it, but can be highly effective as people may be more likely to click through to a blog post than to a landing page.

Once you’ve identified a problem you’re going to solve (see #3), write a blog post offering a solution and direct your story viewers to it.

✍️ Once you’ve identified a problem you’re going to solve, write a blog post offering a solution and direct your story viewers to it. #BiztipClick To Tweet

Once there, offer an easy and obvious way for readers to learn even MORE about that topic by downloading your free guide, ebook, etc. (in exchange for their email, of course!).

7. Offer a Coupon Code

Promote a sale in your story, and then share a link to a landing page where your IG followers can sign up for an exclusive discount or coupon code.

Sweeten the deal by promising regular emails with discounts and coupon codes just for those who have signed up. This has the added bonus of continuing to boost sales while you build your email list!

Final Thoughts

I hope this post has shown you how effective Instagram stories can be for growing your email list. Using the strategies above, you not only build your list, you provide valuable info and resources to your followers…which will build trust over the long term!

Looking for more ways to build your list? Check out these posts:

How to Grow Your Email List with Facebook

How to Increase Your Email List by 200%

Top Three Ways We Built Our Email List to 100,000 Subscribers This Year

I would love to hear from you: how do YOU use Instagram stories to grow your email list? Share below!

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Afshari Ferdoush
Afshari Ferdoush
4 years ago

thanks, boss.nice article

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