The Ultimate Guide to Making Money as a Social Media Influencer

Table of Contents

Social media is a powerful platform for individuals and businesses who want to connect with their target audiences. In recent years, a new type of online personality has emerged: the social media influencer.

This article covers everything from making money to starting an influencer career. Let's first define “social media influencer” in today's digital world.

What is a Social Media Influencer?


A social media influencer is an individual who has built a significant following on social media. He or she has the power to influence the opinions and behaviors of their followers. Influencers typically create and share content related to their niche – mostly fashion, beauty, fitness, or travel, and use their social media presence to promote products, services and brands.

In today's digital landscape, influencer marketing has become a critical component of many businesses' marketing strategies. Brands are turning to influencers to help them reach and engage with their target audiences. Consumers are increasingly relying on social media for product recommendations and inspiration.

Influencer marketing is a cost-effective way for businesses to build brand awareness, increase sales, and build relationships with their customers. This also provides influencers with the opportunity to monetize their social media presence and build their personal brand.

How Much Money Do Social Media Influencers Make?

Let's dig into what anyone that is considering making money as a social media influencer wants to know. How much do social media influencers make?

Social media influencers have the potential to make a significant amount of money. It may be through brand partnerships, sponsored content, and other collaborations. The amount of money an influencer can earn depends on a variety of factors, including:

  • Follower count and engagement rate. The higher an influencer's following and engagement rate, the more they can charge for sponsored content and brand partnerships.
  • Niche and target audience. Influencers in high-demand niches such as fashion, beauty, and lifestyle tend to earn more than those in smaller niches.
  • Platform and content format. Different social media platforms and content formats (such as video vs. static images) can impact an influencer's earning potential.

Here are some examples of successful influencers and their reported earnings:

  • Kylie Jenner, who has over 245 million followers on Instagram, reportedly charges up to $1.2 million per sponsored post.
  • Huda Kattan, a beauty influencer with over 50 million followers on Instagram, has an estimated net worth of $610 million.
  • Ryan Kaji, a YouTube influencer who reviews toys, reportedly earned $26 million in 2019.

It's important to note that these are just a few examples of high-earning influencers. The earnings of most influencers will be lower.

I have generated over 1 million dollars in influencer deals over the years that I have been a social media influencer. The reality is that “deals” come in all sizes and shapes and you don't have to have a huge audience to land influencer brand deals! Here are some examples of influencer deals I have participated in over the years…

  • $5k for a sponsored LIVE show
  • $25k/month for content creation
  • $1k for a 30 second Instagram story

There is no doubt that influencer marketing has become a lucrative industry for those who can successfully build and maintain a strong online presence.

How Many Followers Do You Need to Be a Social Influencer?


The number of followers you need to be considered a social media influencer varies depending on your niche, platform, and other factors. Traditionally, most brands and marketers considered someone to be an influencer if they had at least 10,000 followers.  That's not necessarily the case anymore as influencer marketing continues to evolve. Brands are increasingly turning to “nano” or “micro” influencers, who have smaller followings but highly engaged audiences.

As influencer marketing continues to evolve, brands are increasingly turning to 'nano' or 'micro' influencers, who have smaller followings but highly engaged audiences.Click To Tweet

A nano influencer typically has between 1,000 and 10,000 followers, while a micro-influencer has between 10,000 and 50,000 followers. While they may not have the massive reach of a celebrity or mega influencer, nano and micro-influencers can be highly effective for niche campaigns and are often more affordable for brands to work with.

Engagement rate is also a critical factor for nano and micro-influencers. As they have a smaller following, their engagement rate is often higher, meaning that they can have a more significant impact on their followers' purchasing decisions. Brands and marketers often look for nano and micro-influencers with high engagement rates, as this indicates that their content is resonating with their audience.

To increase your engagement and followers as a nano or micro-influencer, here are some tips:

  1. Focus on creating high-quality, niche-specific content that resonates with your audience.
  2. Use hashtags and location tags strategically to increase your visibility and attract new followers.
  3. Engage with your followers by responding to comments, creating polls, and asking for feedback.
  4. Collaborate with other influencers and brands in your niche to cross-promote your content and reach new audiences.
  5. Consider paid advertising and other promotional tactics to increase your reach and attract new followers.

By focusing on engagement and consistently creating quality content, even a nano or micro-influencer can become a recognized influencer in their niche and attract partnerships with brands.

How Do I Start an Influencer Career?


Becoming a successful influencer takes time, effort, and dedication. Here are some steps you can take to start your influencer career:

  1. Find your niche and target audience:

    Identify your interests, passions, and expertise, and focus on a specific niche. This will help you build a loyal following of like-minded individuals who share your interests and are more likely to engage with your content.

  2. Create quality content and build a brand:

    Develop a unique voice and aesthetic that sets you apart from other influencers in your niche. Use high-quality visuals and write compelling captions to grab your audience's attention and keep them engaged. Your brand should be consistent across all your social media platforms, and your content should reflect your values and personal style.

  3. Use social media platforms strategically:

    Choose the platforms where your target audience is most active and engaged. For example, if you're targeting a younger audience, TikTok and Instagram might be more effective than Facebook. Use hashtags and other strategies to increase your visibility and attract new followers.

  4. Network and collaborate with other influencers and brands:

    Reach out to other influencers in your niche and collaborate on content or events. This can help you reach new audiences and build relationships with other influencers and brands. Attend industry events and conferences, and make connections with industry professionals who can help you grow your career.

  5. Be patient and persistent:

    Building a successful influencer career takes time, so be patient and persistent. Don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results, and keep working on improving your content and building your brand. Consistency is key, so make sure you're posting regularly and engaging with your followers.

Starting an influencer career can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it takes hard work and dedication. By finding your niche, creating quality content, networking, and collaborating with other influencers and brands, you can turn your passion for social media into a successful and profitable career.

What Qualifications Do I Need to Be an Influencer?

Becoming a social media influencer doesn't require any formal qualifications, but there are a few skills, traits, and qualities that can help you succeed in this field.

Here are some of the most important qualifications:

  1. Authenticity and passion:

    Authenticity is key when it comes to building a loyal following on social media. You should be passionate about your niche and committed to creating content that resonates with your audience. Your followers will appreciate your honesty and authenticity, and this will help you build trust and credibility with your audience.

  2. Creativity and innovation:

    Successful influencers are always looking for new and innovative ways to engage their audience and create content that stands out from the crowd. You should be able to think outside the box and come up with fresh ideas that capture your audience's attention.

  3. Strong communication skills: 

    As an influencer, you'll be communicating with your followers, brands, and other influencers on a regular basis. Strong communication skills are essential for building relationships, negotiating partnerships, and promoting products effectively.

  4. Time management and organization:

    Influencer marketing is a time-consuming job that requires excellent time management and organizational skills. You'll need to be able to balance multiple campaigns and projects at once, and be able to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality content consistently.

  5. Technical skills:

    While you don't need to be a technical expert to become an influencer, you should have a basic understanding of the platforms and tools you'll be using. This includes social media platforms, photo and video editing software, and analytics tools.

Overall, the most important qualification for becoming an influencer is a genuine passion for your niche and a commitment to creating quality content that resonates with your audience. By being authentic, creative, and organized, you can build a successful influencer career and make a meaningful impact in the digital world.

How Do Beginner Influencers Make Money?

While it may take time to build an audience and start landing lucrative brand deals, there are several ways that beginner influencers can monetize their social media presence. Here are some of the most popular methods:

  1. Sponsored content and brand partnerships:

    Sponsored content is one of the most common ways for influencers to make money. Brands will pay you to create content that promotes their products or services to your audience. As a beginner influencer, you may not have many brand partnership opportunities. You can still reach out to smaller brands and offer to create sponsored content in exchange for payment or free products.

  2. Affiliate marketing and product endorsements:

    Affiliate marketing is another way to earn money as an influencer. You can earn a commission by promoting products or services to your audience and including a unique affiliate link. Product endorsements are similar to sponsored content, but instead of getting paid upfront, you earn a commission on the sales generated through your promotion.

  3. Selling products or services:

    If you have a loyal following, you can also sell your own products or services. This can include anything from digital products like e-books or courses to physical products like merchandise or your own branded products.

As a beginner influencer, it's important to be selective about the brands and products you promote. You should only promote products that align with your values and interests, and that you would genuinely use or recommend to your followers. You can attract more brand partnerships and earn a steady income from your social media presence. Start by building a reputation for authenticity and credibility.

How Much Do Beginner Influencers Make?


The amount of money that beginner influencers can make varies depending on several factors, such as the platform, niche, engagement rate, and number of followers. While Instagram and YouTube have been the traditional monetization channels for influencers, TikTok is also emerging as a lucrative platform for influencer monetization.

Here are some of the key factors that can impact your earnings as a beginner influencer:

  1. Platform:

    Different social media platforms offer different opportunities for monetization. Instagram and YouTube are well-established channels for brand partnerships, while TikTok is rapidly becoming a popular platform for brands looking to connect with influencer audiences.

  2. Niche:

    Some niches are more profitable than others. For example, beauty and fashion influencers tend to have more opportunities for brand partnerships than niche topics like plumbing or funeral homes. Makes sense, right? <grin>

  3. Engagement rate:

    Brands and marketers are increasingly looking for influencers with high engagement rates, as this indicates that their content is resonating with their audience. The higher your engagement rate, the more likely you are to attract brand partnerships and command higher fees.

  4. Number of followers:

    While follower count isn't the only metric that matters, it can definitely play a role in your earning potential. As a beginner influencer, you may not have a large following, which means that your earning potential may be lower than that of established influencers with larger followings.

While Instagram and YouTube are still the most popular platforms for brand partnerships, TikTok is quickly emerging as a monetization channel for influencers, especially those targeting youngeIn general, beginner influencers can expect to earn anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars per sponsored post or brand partnership, depending on their platform, niche, and engagement rate.r audiences.

In general, beginner influencers can expect to earn anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars per sponsored post or brand partnership, depending on their platform, niche, and engagement rate.Click To Tweet

As you build your following and reputation on social media, you can attract more brand partnerships and increase your earnings over time. By focusing on creating engaging and authentic content, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends, you can turn your passion for social media into a successful and lucrative career as an influencer.

What Do Influencers Do All Day?

Becoming a successful influencer requires more than just taking pretty pictures and posting them on social media. Influencers spend a significant amount of time creating content, communicating with followers and brands, and managing their business operations.

Here are some of the key tasks that influencers typically do throughout the day:

  1. Content creation:

    Creating high-quality and engaging content is one of the most critical tasks for influencers. This can include taking and editing photos, writing captions, filming and editing videos, and developing new ideas for content that will resonate with their audience.

  2. Communication:

    Influencers spend a lot of time communicating with their followers, answering comments, and responding to messages. They also communicate with brands, agencies, and other influencers for brand partnerships, collaborations, and other business opportunities.

  3. Business tasks:

    Influencers also need to manage the business aspects of their brand, which can include negotiating contracts, tracking their finances, and managing their schedule. They also need to be up-to-date on the latest trends and changes in the industry and adapt their strategies accordingly.

  4. Time management and organization:

    As influencers juggle multiple tasks throughout the day, time management and organization are essential for success. They need to create schedules, set goals, and prioritize their tasks to ensure they are meeting their deadlines and delivering quality content consistently.

Overall, influencers spend a significant amount of time creating content, communicating with their audience and brands, and managing their business operations. To be successful in this field, it's essential to have strong time management and organizational skills, as well as a commitment to creating quality content that resonates with your audience. By balancing these tasks and consistently delivering high-quality content, influencers can build a loyal following and attract more brand partnerships and other opportunities.

How Much Does Instagram Pay for 1K Followers?


Instagram does not pay influencers directly based on the individual users' followers. Influencers can earn money by creating sponsored content or brand partnerships. The amount that influencers can earn for sponsored content depends on several factors, such as their niche, engagement rate, and number of followers.

In general, most brands pay influencers based on the number of followers they have. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, the average rate for sponsored content is $10 per 1,000 followers. So, if you have 10,000 followers, you can expect to earn around $100 per sponsored post.

Most brands pay influencers based on the number of followers they have. The average rate for sponsored content is $10 per 1,000 followers. So, if you have 10,000 followers, you can expect to earn around $100 per sponsored post.Click To Tweet

However, this rate can vary widely depending on your niche, engagement rate, and the specific brand or campaign. Some influencers with smaller followings but high engagement rates can earn more than those with larger followings but lower engagement rates.

To maximize your earnings on Instagram, it's important to focus on building a loyal following and creating quality content that resonates with your audience. You should also engage with your followers and build relationships with brands and other influencers in your niche. By developing a strong brand and reputation for authenticity and credibility, you can attract more brand partnerships and earn higher fees for sponsored content.

In summary, while Instagram does not pay influencers directly for their followers, they can earn money through sponsored content and brand partnerships. The amount that influencers can earn depends on several factors, and rates can vary widely depending on your niche and engagement rate. By focusing on building your brand and reputation as an influencer, you can maximize your earnings and turn your passion for social media into a profitable career.

Can You Become an Influencer with No Followers?

Becoming a social media influencer can be challenging, especially if you're starting from scratch with no followers. However, it is possible to build a following and become a successful influencer with the right strategies and mindset.

Here's what you need to know:

  1. Building a personal brand and audience:

    Build a strong personal brand that resonates with your audience to become an influencer. Focus on a clear niche, align content with interests and values, and be authentic and engaging. Be responsive to your audience to build trust and credibility.

  2. Strategies for growing your following from scratch.

    Growing your following from scratch takes time, but there are strategies to build momentum. Post regularly, use relevant hashtags, and engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages. Collaborate with other influencers in your niche and participate in community events and challenges.

  3. Leveraging other platforms.

    Leverage other platforms to increase visibility and attract new followers, even if you have a small following. Guest post on blogs or podcasts, create videos, or speak at industry events. Showcase your personality and expertise to build your brand and attract new followers.

It can be challenging to become an influencer with no followers but is possible with the right strategies and mindset. You can attract a loyal following and build a successful influencer career over time. By building a strong personal brand, focusing on creating quality content that resonates with your audience, and leveraging other platforms,

Which Brands Are Looking for Influencers?

Influencer marketing continues to grow in popularity. More and more brands are looking for influencers to promote their products or services.

Here are some examples of brands that work with influencers:

  1. Fashion and beauty brands  like Sephora, Ulta Beauty, Fashion Nova, and Zara partner with influencers to showcase their products in a relatable and engaging way.
  2. Fitness and wellness brands like Nike, Adidas, Lululemon, and Peloton often work with influencers to promote their products, services, and programs.
  3. Food and beverage brands like Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and McDonald's also partner with influencers to showcase their products and create buzz around new releases.
  4. Tech and lifestyle brands including Apple, Samsung, GoPro, and Airbnb are increasingly partnering with influencers to promote their products and services.

Consider your audience and niche when choosing brands to partner with. Find brands that align with your values and interests and your audience's interests. Consider the brand's size, reputation, previous partnerships, and influencer relationships. Building strong relationships with the right brands can lead to more partnership opportunities and a profitable influencer career.

To Sum It All Up

To be a successful social media influencer, dedication, hard work, and a passion for creating engaging and authentic content is crucial. Follow these strategies to build your brand, grow your following, and attract brand partnerships and other opportunities.

Key tips for social media success include finding your niche, creating quality content, networking, building a personal brand, managing time, being authentic, and building trust with your audience.

Becoming a successful influencer is challenging but possible with persistence. You can turn your passion into a lucrative and fulfilling career. Stay updated on trends and strategies in influencer marketing to achieve your goals. Focus on building your brand and audience for success.

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1 year ago

Very, Very, Very helpful content.

Kim Garst
Reply to
1 year ago

Thanks for the appreciation, Techonlin! We’re glad that you found the guide useful and that the topics resonated with you. It is important to build personal brand, identify a niche, and create engaging content- all of which are crucial for success as a social media influencer.

Kbizsoft Pvt Ltd
Kbizsoft Pvt Ltd
1 year ago

The author rightly emphasizes the importance of building a strong personal brand, identifying a niche, and creating engaging content that resonates with the target audience.hanks for sharing

1 year ago

I fully agree with the author. An important topic has been raised, which should be studied in more. I look forward to reading more articles.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ryan
1 year ago

Interact daily with followers and fans and work with what you like. Who wouldn’t want to have a job like that, right? If you make it your way of life.

What to Do to Become One in 2023

The digital influencer is an opinion maker capable of influencing followers on social media such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

He closes partnerships with major brands to create exclusive content, promote offers and leverage sales. The digital influencer career is the new shortcut to success on the internet. Today, you no longer need big media to reach fame: just a YouTube channel or Instagram profile.

Most digital influencers started producing their videos and posts without much pretensions and now attract millions of followers on their social media.

Hope this helps.

11 months ago

What an enlightening read! Your “Ultimate Guide to Making Money as a Social Media Influencer” is a goldmine of insights and strategies. As someone who has been fascinated by the world of social media influence, I can’t thank you enough for sharing such valuable and actionable advice.

11 months ago

Thanks for spreading your wonderful information with us.

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