8 Powerful Pointers on How to Develop a Money Mindset that Will Open You to Bigger Possibilities (and Better Profits)

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Did you know that how you THINK about money can actually impact how much money you make?

And that you can actually earn and attract more money simply by confronting and changing your negative beliefs about money?

The thoughts and beliefs you have about money are known as your money mindset.

There are lots of theories and ideas about why a money mindset is so powerful. But one thing’s for sure: what we tell ourselves about money – both consciously or subconsciously – has a direct impact on our behaviors; our behaviors are what make us $$ (or not!).

1️⃣ One thing’s for sure: what we tell ourselves about money – both consciously or subconsciously – has a direct impact on our behaviors; our behaviors are what make us $$ (or not!). #JustSayin'Click To Tweet

In this post, I’m going to give you 8 powerful pointers to help you change your money mindset from…

Scarcity to abundance

Lacking to wealth…

And helplessness to generating “cash on command”.

As you implement these strategies, don’t be surprised to find a whole new world of possibilities (and better profits!) opening up to you!

1. Ditch the Money Blocks

Money blocks are simply negative beliefs or thoughts you have about money and about your worthiness to have or earn it.

Some common money blocks are:

“I don’t deserve to make money.”

“I’ll never make money.”

“I’m not smart enough to make more money.”

“It’s only other people who make a lot of money.”

“I’m not good with money.”

When we believe we can’t make more money, guess what…we won’t make more money.

When we believe we can’t make more money, guess what…we won’t make more money. ???? Boom! Am I right or what?!Click To Tweet

We won’t set goals, we won’t take risks and we won’t look for – or even notice – opportunities that could bring HUGE POSITIVE CHANGES to our life or business!

2. Practice Gratefulness

Are you grateful for what you currently have? For your business, life, family and current financial situation?

Research tells us that adopting a mindset of gratefulness can help us become more self-controlled with our money. In one study, participants could choose to receive $54 now or $80 in one month. Surprisingly, researchers found that people who felt more grateful were more likely to delay their gratification and wait for the $80; while those who did not feel grateful were more likely to take the immediate payout.

In one study, participants could choose to receive $54 now or $80 in one month. Surprisingly, researchers found that people who felt more grateful were more likely to delay their gratification and wait for the $80; while those who did not feel grateful were more likely to take the immediate payout.Click To Tweet

The lesson here?

Practice being grateful for what you already have and you’ll be more likely to make smart decisions about your money!

???? Practice being grateful for what you already have and you’ll be more likely to make smart decisions about your money! #GratefulClick To Tweet

3. Use a Money Mantra

Remember those money blocks we talked about before?

One way to remove these blocks is to replace them with positive money mantras.

For instance, if you frequently find yourself thinking, “I don’t deserve to make money”, make a conscious decision to replace that thought with something like, “I am just as deserving of money as anyone else”.

If you frequently find yourself thinking, “I don’t deserve to make money”, make a conscious decision to replace that thought with something like, “I am just as deserving of money as anyone else”.Click To Tweet

Over time, you’ll be amazed at how your actions change simply by replacing those negative, self-defeating thoughts!

4. Stop Thinking That Time = Money

Do you believe that it’s only through putting in more hours that you can earn more money?

This is a belief that can seriously impede your ability to earn huge amounts of money!

stop thinking that time is money

If you’re employed, this belief will cause you to work heaps of overtime to make the money you need or want.

If you have a service-based business, it will mean taking on more and more clients…until you realize there are only 24 hours in the day and you’re running yourself into the ground.

When you realize that there are ways to actually work less while making more…this is a game-changer!

When you realize that there are ways to actually work less while making more…this is a ???? game-changer! Click To Tweet

5. Forget What Happened in the Past

Do you find yourself getting hung up on past failures or mistakes?

This can have a huge impact on your current money mindset!

If you keep ruminating on how you didn’t make money the last time you tried something new, you’ll be far less likely to take risks again in the future.

Or, if you keep hanging on to money-related mistakes you made in the past, you’ll keep believing that you’re just not capable of doing it right next time.

Stop these thoughts in their tracks!

The next time you find yourself getting hung up on the past, use one of your newfound money mantras to kick it to the curb!

6. Set Money Goals

If you expect money to simply fall in your lap, you’re probably going to be waiting a LONG time!

Shedding your self-limiting beliefs about money is a great place to start; but how can you take practical steps to actually reach your money goals?

Make a list of your short and long-term goals about money, along with how you’re going to reach those goals. Keep this list in a central location, so it’s always in your line of sight.

???? Make a list of your short and long-term goals about money, along with how you’re going to reach those goals. Keep this list in a central location, so it’s always in your line of sight.Click To Tweet

When you find yourself getting discouraged about your money situation, look at your list, and remember that there actually IS a practical, realistic path to more money in your future!

7. Visualize Yourself Making More Money

I love this one!

Thinking generally about making more money is great.

But what would it FEEL like to actually have $X?

What would you do with that money?

What would your friends and family say?

Spend a few minutes each day visualizing what it would ACTUALLY be like to make more money.

Spend a few minutes each day visualizing what it would ACTUALLY be like to make more money. ????Click To Tweet

What would you do if you could make cash on command? If you had a way to simply generate funds when you wanted or needed them?

Don’t just think about this…visualize it. How would it look? How would it feel?

8. Stop Comparing Yourself

Have you ever heard the saying, “Comparison is the thief of joy”?

This is completely true when it comes to your money mindset!

When you compare how much money you make, what kind of house you have, or what kind of car you drive with what others have, you’re just setting yourself up to feel defeated.

???? When you compare how much money you make, what kind of house you have, or what kind of car you drive with what others have, you’re just setting yourself up to feel defeated. #PracticeGratefulnessInsteadClick To Tweet

The next time you find yourself making a comparison, do #2 instead: practice gratefulness.

Take a minute to name all the things you have and give thanks for them – instead of focusing on what you don’t have.

Final Thoughts

Changing your money mindset is the very first step in creating a life of abundance. Before you do anything else today, take a minute or two to check your money mindset for better profits:

What thoughts are holding you back?

Could you think of other things instead?

How do you see your future, and how are you going to get there?

I’m excited to see what’s in store for you!

Looking for ways to generate cash FAST…starting today? Check out my post, How to Generate Fast Cash: Go from Zero to $5K in 5 Days!

What thoughts or beliefs are holding you back? How do you need to change your money mindset? Let me know in the comments below!

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Nadine Padro
Nadine Padro
5 years ago

Thanks for sharing these tips! Practicing gratitude has been one of my best ways to stay positive and have a healthy money mindset.

5 years ago

Thank you for a great article. I have been studying money mindset for a few years and making positive changes however there is always room for improvement.

Baker ST
Baker ST
4 years ago

I was reading this and i realy found what i was looking for your article is really informative and i’ll be grɑteful if ʏou keep writing in the future.

Pro Mill
Pro Mill
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing these 8 points.

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