Top 22 Ways to Use Facebook Live to Market Your Business

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Top 22 Ways to Use Facebook Live to Market Your Business

Are you using Facebook Live to drive awareness, build community, build your list and make sales?

If not, this is a must-read!

I find many businesses have jumped on the “Facebook Live bandwagon”, but aren’t 100% sure how to use it to actually BUILD their business. Like any marketing tool, it’s important to have a plan for exactly how it’s going to contribute to the bottom line….otherwise you could be wasting a ton of time and money.

This post will look at WHY you should be using Facebook Live, and exactly how you can use it to market your business!

Why Facebook Live?

Live video lets you go far beyond what you can do through a simple Facebook post or even recorded video.  In my experience, there are 5 main benefits to using Facebook Live for your business.

Build trust and community:

Live video gives your audience a sense of being with you, one-on-one, thereby increasing trust. It also helps you build a strong sense of community on your page or in your group. Your audience will not only feel like they’re getting to know you, but like you’re getting to know them. Since viewers can leave immediate feedback during your broadcast, you can interact with them in real time; and this is a GREAT way to build lasting relationships!

Increase engagement:

According to Facebook, users are 3x as likely to watch a live video on Facebook compared to a non-live video. For this reason, Facebook has even said they tend to bump up the visibility of Facebook Lives in users’ feeds. This means you have a better chance of getting in front of your audience with a FB Live as compared to a regular video.

Connect in real time:

Another great advantage to using Facebook Live is the “right here, right now” factor. It’s the perfect way to share breaking news and to elicit real-time engagement. Your viewers will be more likely to actually watch, just to feel like they’re part of the experience. And as already mentioned, they can interact with you and with each other in real time too, making your broadcasts a truly interactive experience.

Drive traffic to your website or blog:

This is a key benefit to using Facebook Live, but one that I find many business owners aren’t using to its full effect. By directing your viewers to take further action following your broadcast, Facebook Live can be a great way to get people to your website or blog. You can mention related blog posts, videos or other content on your site that your viewers may enjoy. Hint: Make sure to use short URLs so viewers can easily remember them. You may also want to write the URL on a piece of paper so your viewers can actually see it as well as hear it.

Make sales and build your list:

As you’ll see below, Facebook Live can be a great way to promote product launches, tutorials, giveaways, etc., all of which often lead to sales. More often, however, you’ll want to use Facebook Live to build your list…which will ultimately be your BIGGEST money maker. Your list is not only how you’ll build trust and connection with your viewers, but is the main channel you’ll use to promote your products and services. For more on this, you’ll definitely want to check out my post, How To Grow Your List Using Facebook Live

Now onto what you’re really here for – 22 easy ways to use Facebook Live to market your business! This section will show you exactly how to use Facebook Live to build awareness and community, and to drive traffic, opt-ins and sales!

22 Ways To Use Facebook Live To Market Your Business

1. Host or broadcast a live event:

Since only a small number of your fans will likely be able to join you for an on-location event, broadcast live so they can be in on the action.

2. Live customer service

Let viewers ask you questions or get help during your broadcast. This can be great for showcasing your customer service skills, and for teaching your audience a little more about what you have to offer.                                                                                                                                         

3. Just to chit chat

Just want to sit and connect with your audience? Periodically hold an impromptu “chat chat” where you talk about you day, ask your fans questions or give your opinion on a hot topic. This is a great way to increase the feelings of community on your page.

4. Live tutorials

I often use Facebook Live to explain a process or show my fans how to do something. For instance, this one was to explain how to created animated quote graphics.

My Facebook Live tutorial for how to create animated quote graphics

5. Special content offers

Offer your Facebook Live viewers an exclusive piece of content. It could be a free eBook, downloadable guide, recorded webinar, etc.

6. Product Launch

Hold a Facebook Live to announce the launch of a brand new product or service. This will likely be much more effective than using a simple Facebook or blog post!

7. Hold a webinar

Did you know that over 60% of marketers now use webinars as part of their marketing strategy? Instead of using costly and confusing webinar software, why not use Facebook Live?

8. Giveaways

Facebook Live is GREAT for holding contests and giveaways. They’re great for raising awareness of your products or services, and for getting engagement on your page (“Comment below to enter”).

9. Use your website to get opt-ins

Anytime you do a Facebook Live, be sure to direct viewers to an URL on your website or blog. It could be a blog post or a dedicated landing page – but either way, be sure there’s an obvious way on the page for visitors to sign up for your email list.

10. Post a daily message

If you’re really ambitious, commit to broadcasting a daily message to your audience. Share a daily message of encouragement or motivation to increase the sense of trust and community on your page.

11. Podcast and Facebook Live simultaneously 

If you already have a podcast, why not livestream it as-it-happens?

12. Hold a live party

Hold a Facebook Live party for a product release or just for fun! Invite special guests to join you, do a giveaway and broadcast straight to your Facebook event page.

13 Answer a blog or social media question

If you look through your blog and social media comments, you’re bound to find common questions you can answer during a live broadcast.

14. Do a live interview

Ask an industry expert to do a live interview or Q&A. The recording of the interview can also be a great lead magnet in the future (i.e., “Sign up for our list and view our interview with _________”).

15. Hold a class

Offer a free mini-course for your Facebook fans. Remember to promote something within your course to generate leads or sales (e.g., “For more information, make sure to visit

16. Behind the scenes footage

Show your audience what REALLY happens at your office or workplace! Introduce them to your team members, show them how you do something or let them see how something is made.

17. Do a live Q&A

Facebook Live is the perfect medium for hosting live question and answer sessions. Since viewers can ask questions in real time (and you can answer them immediately), it’s a fun and efficient way to get the job done.

18. Pre-launch a product

Facebook Live is great for announcing a product launch, but have you ever considered using it for a pre-launch? Whet your fans’ appetites by posting a teaser before you even launch…this is a great way to stir up some excitement and potentially get some new email subscribers (e.g., “Only 5 days until you can download my new product! Sign up here to be the first to know”). You can also use a Facebook Live webinar to prelaunch a product…here’s how!

19. Announce a sale

Generate a buzz about an upcoming sale or promotion by announcing it via a Facebook Live. You could even broadcast live, on-location, to generate even more excitement!

20. Ask for feedback

Have a new product or service you want to offer, or want feedback on an existing offering? Let your viewers give you live feedback and suggestions.

21. Promo codes

Offer an exclusive discount to your Facebook Live viewers. Try putting a time limit on the code to generate a sense of urgency around your promotion (e.g., “Valid only for 1 hour following this Facebook Live”).

22. Share breaking news

If something new or exciting happens in your industry, be the first to report it via a Facebook Live. This is not only GREAT for getting views, but for establishing yourself as an expert in your field.

Facebook Lives are the BEST way to share breaking industry news as-it-happens

Final thoughts – Important!

The 22 strategies above can help you accomplish a variety of marketing goals. For instance, holding a live Q&A can go a long way towards building a sense of community and helping to establish yourself as an expert in your field.

However, a primary goal for your Facebook Lives should be generating leads and sales.  I would strongly encourage you to include a strong call to action (CTA) in each of your broadcasts that will entice your viewers to join your list, contact you for more info or purchase a product or service.

Here are some examples of CTAs you could use:

  • “Want more info on this topic? Check out this blog post where I cover this subject in more detail”
  • “Download my free eBook to learn even more about how to ____________.”
  • “If you like what you see here, go to to get one for yourself.”
  • “Need more help? Contact me for a free quote at”
  • “Want tips like these delivered to your inbox every week? Sign up for my list now.”

I hope this post has inspired you to use Facebook Live for your own marketing. If you’re looking for even more guidance, these resources will be right up your alley!

5 Ways To Broadcast Live On Facebook On Any Budget

How To Look Like A Pro Using Facebook Live: Lights, Camera, Action!

Facebook Live 101

Are you using Facebook Live for your marketing? If not, do you plan to start after reading this post? Let us know in the comments below!


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Ron Pickle
Ron Pickle
7 years ago

Great suggestions! Never thought of using Facebook live, made so much sense. I am a roofer, if after a hail storm or heavy rainfall, if I go live on Facebook, educating them how to identify serious damages in the roof, measures they should take to repair, I think I will generate more value for the homeowners than I will ever do with a blog. Thanks a lot!

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