17 Killer Facebook Post Ideas For Small Business Owners

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In a rut when it comes to knowing what to post on Facebook? Frustrated because you can't get in front of your fans?

Trust me, you aren’t alone!

Updated: April 26, 2021

This post will give you ideas that will generate lots of likes, shares and, comments, as well as increasing click throughs to your website.

Here are 17 Killer Facebook Post Ideas for Small Business Owners That are Working NOW:

1. Pose a Problem and Ask for Advice


This type of Facebook post idea is great on a number of different levels.

First, people LOVE to answer questions and to help solve problems.

Above all, if you ask a question that may also help THEM with a problem, they’ll be grateful for the help!

Some ideas include:

  • What would you do if…
  • One of our readers has a question. Can you help?
  • I need to make a decision and am looking for your feedback…
  • What advice would you offer to a person who is struggling with…

Bonus tip: Take the responses you’ve gotten and turn them into a blog post. This will give you new ideas for your content, and also give you something else to share with your Facebook audience!

Take the responses you’ve gotten and turn them into a blog post. This will give you new ideas for your content, and also give you something else to share with your Facebook audience! #KillerPostIdeasClick To Tweet

2. A Contest Post


Who doesn’t love a good contest?

There are a ton of great contest apps out there that you can use to run your contest AND grab emails to add to your list as well! There’s nothing like a good twofer, right?

Currently, I use Gleam.io and have had great success when using their app to run my contests, promotions and special offers.

In addition, there are also other apps available like ShortStack, and Wishpond. You can also run Facebook contests directly on your fan page.

Some contest ideas for you:

  • Comment to win – Ask your fans to answer a question in order to enter
  • Submit a photo contest – Best photo wins!
  • Fan of the week contest – Ask your fans to submit a photo or video and then choose one to be your FOTW

Looking for more contest ideas? Check out my post, 17 Killer Facebook Contest Ideas.

3. Relatable Posts

You may have heard of some changes that are coming to your Facebook feed…changes that will impact what businesses should be sharing on their pages. Facebook has said that posts that “spark conversations and meaningful interactions between people” will get greater exposure in the newsfeed.

There is no better way to do this than with content that your fans can actually relate to. This type of content gives your brand a human aspect and boosts the know, like and trust factor.

Some ideas for relatable Facebook posts include:

  • Behind the scenes of a work from home office set-up
  • How you are balancing (or not) work and all the household chores you have to do
  • The true struggles of parents with toddlers at home
  • Your frustrations when something does not work out.

4. Create a Poll or Host a Q&A

Polls and hosted Q&As are great not only for generating discussion but for gaining valuable insight from your audience.

Unfortunately, creating a native poll on Facebook is now a Facebook Group only feature. If you want to create a poll on your Facebook business page, you will need to use an app like Simple Poll to publish engaging polls on your Facebook Page. This short video tutorial will show you how you can get started in a few simple steps.


Alternatively, you can host a simple Q&A on your business page which can get people engaged in much the the same way a poll does.

Creating Q&As on Facebook has never been easier. Simply go to the posting box on your page and select the red question mark in the chat bubble to host a Q&A. Enter the question you want to ask people, click next and add your post copy and hit the post button.  Voila! You're now hosting a Q&A on Facebook!


Some ideas for polls or questions include:

  • What is your biggest challenge?
  • What products would you like to see us offer?
  • Which strategy has worked best for you when it comes to ________?
  • What are your favorite tools or products to help with _________?
  • What is the #1 issue you’re currently struggling with?

Bonus strategy: If your poll or Q&A collected data that would be interesting to your audience, share the results in a separate Facebook post. You can even use the Q&A or poll results as an opt-in freebie! Just sayin'!

5. Create and Share Events

Particularly in the case of local businesses, Facebook recommends creating events as a way to elicit engagement and get more visibility in the Newsfeed.

Often these will be live, local events like a sale, conference or store opening. However, you could also create Facebook Events for online events like:

  • Webinars
  • Live Q&A’s
  • An online sale
  • A virtual launch party

6. Live Videos


Another Facebook post idea that will get your fans talking – and therefore bump up your exposure in the Newsfeed – is sharing live videos.

In fact, according to Facebook, live videos get an average of 6x as many interactions as regular videos!

Some ideas for your Lives:

  • Product demos or tutorials
  • Behind the scenes footage
  • A contest or giveaway
  • A product launch

For more advice on using Facebook Live for your business, check out these posts:

How to Use Facebook Live

Facebook Live 101

Top 22 Ways to Use Facebook Live to Market Your Business

7. Tell Stories

via Facebook

Stories have a way of cutting through the noise and making an impact on people. They also have a way of getting seen in the Newsfeed!

With so many businesses flooding Facebook with boring, promotional content, stories related to your life, family or business are sure to be appreciated.

Some ideas for stories you can share include:

  • How and why you got started in your business
  • How a certain product helped you overcome a problem
  • Personal anecdotes to increase your “know, like, trust” factor
  • How someone else (a real OR fictitious person) achieved success in their life or business

 For more on the hows and whys of using stories in your business, check out my post, 5 Reasons Storytelling is a Must for Marketers.

8. Share Inspirational Images

If you follow me on Facebook, you know this is a strategy I use almost every single day!

There is so much negativity in the world (and on Facebook); however, I choose to encourage and inspire my fans by posting inspirational or motivational quotes and images instead.

This works with every client we have ever had, by the way!

Fortunately, you don’t need a designer or tons of money to create eye-catching images you can use. Some of my favorite tools for creating social media images are Canva and Easil. For more tips and tricks for creating stunning graphics, check out these posts: How to Create Amazing Graphics with Phone Apps and The Secret to Great Facebook Graphics.

9. Follow Friday

via Facebook

Give your fans the opportunity to share a link to their website, group or Facebook page; not only do they get the chance to showcase their business or products, but they can meet new people and make new connections.

This is also a great strategy for getting interactions on your post…which means an increase in Newsfeed visibility!

10. Fill in the Blank

I’m not exactly sure what it is about filling in the blank posts, but people just love them!

You can rephrase just about any question as a fill in the blank, and they often receive more engagement than basic questions.

Some examples I’ve seen recently include:

  • “I’m so close to succeeding…if only I could just ________________”
  • “The biggest thing holding me back right now is _______________”
  • “Happiness is ______________”
  • “If I were granted three wishes today, I would wish for ____________”

Test one of this Facebook post ideas out for yourself!

11. Blog Posts…With Context


I see many business owners simply posting links to their blog posts, without including any additional context.

When sharing a blog post, be sure to include a description or short excerpt from the post so your fans know what to expect when they click on the link.

When sharing a blog post, be sure to include a description or short excerpt from the post so your fans know what to expect when they click on the link. #KillerPostIdeasClick To Tweet

In other words, you could even include a personal story (either yourself or a reader’s) about your own struggles with the issue discussed in the blog post…and how you overcame it!

12. “Comment to Receive” Posts

This is a strategy I often use when I have something I want to promote or give away for free on Facebook.

Instead of simply linking to a particular product, landing page or offer, ask your audience to comment with a particular word or phrase in order to get it.

For instance, in the post above, I asked my audience to respond with “Chatbot” if they wanted more information.

Not only does this mean more comments (and therefore more visibility in the Newsfeed), it means I can connect on a more personal level with my audience through Facebook Messenger!

13. “Quick Win” Videos


A great way to build trust and credibility is to share “quick wins” with your audience. These are simply very practical, proven tips – in this case, by video – for achieving a particular goal or overcoming a certain issue.

Some examples could be:

  • 3 things you can do today to improve your relationship
  • The #1 tool you can download today to increase your followers
  • The one simple trick you can use to close more sales

14. Share a Picture of Your Business, Employees or Office

Sharing a photo of your workspace, your employees or even your customers (with their permission, of course) makes your business so much more relatable! Knowing there are real people behind your brand is a Facebook post idea that will go a long way to building trust and relationships.

Likewise, people also LOVE to see behind the scenes stuff – so bring your camera to your next staff meeting, lunch or event!

15. Get Personal

Another one of my Facebook post ideas is where you, as a small business owner, have an inherent advantage over big brands.

Don’t be afraid to post a personal photo or story from time to time to differentiate yourself from the big brands your fans also follow.

Some ideas to show your personal side could include:

  • A photo from a recent holiday
  • A funny story about your kids or pet
  • A strange/embarrassing/interesting encounter you had
  • Seasonal photos or videos (e.g., photos from a Christmas party)

16. LIVE Q&A’s

Live video is ideal for holding question and answer periods on Facebook  – but you can also hold Q&A’s via a text-based post.

Ask your audience to hit you up with their most pressing questions, then set aside half an hour to an hour to respond.

These Q&A sessions are great for providing value, for building trust, and for getting exposure in your fans’ feeds!

17. A Challenge

A challenge can be a great way to bring your fans together, get them engaged, and help them feel less alone.

Post a simple challenge – something strategic they can do to solve a problem or overcome a hurdle.

Some ideas could be:

  • 7 days to a more organized house: Post one tip a day
  • 5 days to tighter abs: Post a daily video sharing your best core exercises
  • Gain 100 fans: Give actionable tips for increasing your fans’ Facebook audience
  • Build a business plan in a week: Post a one-page template each day to get your fans’ businesses up and running in 7 days

Want to try out a challenge but aren’t sure where to start? Check out my blog post, How to Prepare, Plan and Launch a 7 Day Challenge.

To sum up, these are some of my best tips…17 killer Facebook post ideas any business owner can use. I hope you picked up some tips that you can use for your own business!

I would love to know what types of Facebook posts you find work best for your business? Share your best ideas in the comments below!

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Kim Garst
10 years ago

Love that you got some value from it, Karen! Thanks for dropping in!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Always love looking at new ideas 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago
Kristin Taylor
Kristin Taylor
Reply to  Kim Garst
10 years ago

Thanks for the great reminders, Kim. I’m not finding that poll page, I get a “page not found” message.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Kristin Taylor
10 years ago

Love the SKYPE pampering idea!


The general rule of thumb is the easier it is to participate the greater participation you will get. Keep it simple!

Donna Every
Donna Every
10 years ago

Great tips Kim! I definitely agree with the inspirational messages and I find that short motivational podcasts also work well.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Donna Every
10 years ago

YES! Love that personal connection part too. I think this is going to give marketers a big boost with Facebook really embracing video in 2015. Keep it up :-)!

Harold Compton
Harold Compton
10 years ago

Kim, Great list and one I will be sure to pass along to all my clients and will be looking to incorporate some of them into my own use.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Harold Compton
10 years ago

Glad you picked up some tips, Harold 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Try a few of these and see if they work for you 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Let me know how the idea works for you audience, Ben?

Kim Garst
10 years ago

What type of poll are you thinking of hosting, Heather? Inquiring minds 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Glad they are helpful for you, Stephanie! 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Woohoo! Love that you picked up a few things that you can implement in your business, Ed 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

It could be as simple as Peanut butter and ________________?

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Betsy, love hearing you are not giving up just digging in! I think those that dig in will win in the end 🙂

As for polls, you can actually just go to https://apps.facebook.com/my-polls/?fb_source=search&ref=br_tf Easy!

Kim Garst
Reply to  Kim Garst
10 years ago

What link doesn’t work?

Kim Garst
Reply to  Kim Garst
10 years ago
Kim Garst
10 years ago

I love your story, Sonja! Huge jump in your reach! Love that 🙂

10 years ago

Hi Kim, I find as soon as I post a photo with wording on it, Facebook treats it as a meme and gives it no reach. So, that cuts out inspirational posts.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Andrea
10 years ago

Hmmm…I do this each and every day and get tons of reach. Where are you getting the photos you are using?

Christine Brewer
Christine Brewer
10 years ago

Great post Kim! I have already shared this with a few of my clients who have struggled in the past curating new and fresh content!

Kim Garst
Reply to  Christine Brewer
10 years ago

Thank you and thank you for sharing :-)!!

10 years ago

You’re Kim Garst… Most of us are no names.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Albert
10 years ago

I was Kim Garst when I started and no one knew who I was. My best advice is to dig in and do the work.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Kim Garst
9 years ago

I do, yes 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago
Reply to  Kim Garst
10 years ago

Kim, the link that you keep referring people to for facebook polls is no longer available.

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Robbie, in my opinion, the reason people responded was because what happened to you was RELATABLE to them. This is the key to consistently good content that people love by the way! You have to create and/or share content that people can relate to!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Glad to hear this, Ridwan!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

It’s a plugin called Comment Luv, Diana 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Glad you picked up a few to run with 🙂

10 years ago

Thanks Kim, I had a friend forward this to me, and now I can’t wait to share it with clients who are content challenged. This should be a big help.

Kim Garst
Reply to  Chelsea
10 years ago

Glad to hear it was of help to you 🙂

Kim Garst
10 years ago

My advice is based on my own experience and testing with multiple clients. Every ‘expert’ has their own experiences that they draw from to make recommendations. The key is to TEST everything yourself for your own audience.

Kim Garst
10 years ago


Kim Garst
10 years ago

I hear ya on the cheated part, Joanna but it is what is is and we just have to find strategic ways to get around the changes.

10 years ago

I own a pest control company. I would like help with daily posting. Nothing heavy or serious. e.i. Did you know tidbits, bug jokes.

Ian Campbell
Ian Campbell
10 years ago

Great tips Kim, much appreciated. I also find that posting 3, 4 and sometimes even more times a day has a positive effect on my reach and engagement. As you say though, this needs to be tested for each individual. Some pages tend to lose fans when they post multiple times through the day. Cheers, Ian

Wai Sing Kwong
Wai Sing Kwong
10 years ago

Hi, Kim, This is very useful for me. Thanks for your sharing. Have a nice day!

Kim Garst
10 years ago

Yes, if you target your audience well and with something that would be an attractive offer for them, I think they can work for anyone.

Kim Garst
10 years ago

I think it depends on how you structure your contest, Gil. I absolutely believe that you could host a contest that would be of interest to another business within your niche.

Kim Garst
9 years ago

Nesha, sending you a private email.

Kim Garst
9 years ago

thank you!

Kim Garst
9 years ago

I wouldn’t have included it if I thought it was against TOS terms 🙂

9 years ago

Great information Kim! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Kim Garst
Reply to  Prajakta
9 years ago


Marvin Kent
Marvin Kent
9 years ago

Hey Kim, You shared some great ideas. The one that sticks out the most is the personal post. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Jullian Regina
Jullian Regina
9 years ago

Wow!! Some great ideas here! Running contests have been our number one bestseller on Facebook. For some reason, people love to win things. Ha! Very cool post!!

Kim Garst
9 years ago

Not expensive at all! I use a web tool called Canva to create all my graphics. They have a free version but if you pay $12.95 a month then you can get the Canva for Work option with amazing features like a one-click magic resize and so much more. It’s an incredible tool!

Kim Garst
9 years ago

WOOHOO! So happy to provide relevant value to you. 🙂 That’s one of the biggest compliments you could give so thank you!

Sohan Padagale
Sohan Padagale
8 years ago

Hi… These are really very nice ideas. I have started working on the same too. Thanks.

Ella Lucero
Ella Lucero
7 years ago

thanks for some really wonderful points in this article, I am going to use some of it for my business.

Darryl Estep
Darryl Estep
6 years ago

Very good tips I use some of them already just want to say thank you.

6 years ago

Nice article.. thank you very much for spending the time to write this post.

Bharath Raj
Bharath Raj
6 years ago

Nice Post.

6 years ago

Great write-up, thanks for an insightful article Kim you have listed all the useful points to make the page engaging and successful. Getting yourself to differentiate from millions of others is the hard part.

Valeria Benson
Valeria Benson
6 years ago

All the information are awesome. Im happy I visited your site.

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