Marketing that Grows Your Business Live Show
Marketing that Grows Your Business Live Show
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Every Monday at 10am EST

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How to Let Go of What No Longer Serves You

with Kim Garst

About this Episode

How do you know if the things you are holding onto in your life or business are something you should keep fighting for OR is it time to release it and make room for better things?

The reality is that we seem to stack things on top of more things. There always seems to be more in the addition column, right? When was the last time you substracted something from your pile?

Truth bombđź’Ł…If you wanna fly, you gotta dump the excess weight. Let's talk about HOW you identify the things that no longer serve you AND how to release them to make room for bigger and better things!



10:00am EST

How to Let Go of What No Longer Serves You

with Kim Garst




with Kim Garst


How to Let Go of What No Longer Serves You

with Kim Garst

How do you know if the things you are holding onto in your life or business are something you should keep fighting for OR is it time to release it and make room for better things?

The reality is that we seem to stack things on top of more things. There always seems to be more in the addition column, right? When was the last time you substracted something from your pile?

Truth bombđź’Ł…If you wanna fly, you gotta dump the excess weight. Let's talk about HOW you identify the things that no longer serve you AND how to release them to make room for bigger and better things!

with Kim Garst


Big Content Ideas for Your Small Business in 2023

with Kim Garst

I know when I first started creating content, I had NO IDEA what I was doing. I was creating “stuff”, throwing it out into the world with hope and a prayer. Definitely not a good strategy 🙂. Maybe you can relate!

Wouldn't it be nice if you KNEW what content to create so that you are the TREND? And your content gets gobbled up by your ideal customers, over and over again? YOU become the AUTHORITY leader in your space because your content ROCKS.

Sound like something you need to know? Join me LIVE and let's dig into the big content ideas for 2023!

with Kim Garst


How To Be Unstoppable In Your Business in 2023

with Kim Garst

Success is intentional, y'all!

It requires intention, massive activity, and the right mindset.

If you want to achieve massive results and become unstoppable in 2023, then join me LIVE with special guest, Darin Kidd as we break down how to develop the mindset you need to consistently achieve your goals in 2023 and beyond!

with Leisa Reid


How To Get Paid Speaking Gigs

with Leisa Reid

Do you have a message to share with the world? Do you want to make a bigger impact and create financial freedom by sharing that message from stage?

If you said yes to these two questions but wonder how you find those stages to speak, then join me and our special guest, Leisa Reid, as we break down how to get booked and paid to speak, consistently!

with Kim Garst


How to Generate Leads Using Other People's Community

with Kim Garst

The lifeblood of ANY business is LEADS. You gotta have 'em and you gotta have a consistent way to get them!
If getting the right clients/customers is a problem for you, then join me LIVE on Monday's MTGYB Show!
I am going to share 3 easy as pie ways to get quality leads using other peoples communities.

with Carrie Wilkerson


How to Get Paid to Talk

with Carrie Wilkerson

Do you think speakers just pop out of the womb and are naturally inclined to be a ‘speaker'? NOPE…trust me on this! For years, my voice shook for the first 3-4 minutes I was in front of an audience and even today, I have a series of “things” I do to psych myself up to putting myself out there. If you know you have a message for the world but are unsure if you can be a speaker…YOU CAN! Speakers can be made! I'm a living example of this.

Join me and special guest, Carrie Wilkerson, best-selling author, and international speaker, as we talk about what it takes to get paid to speak your passion!

with Jhana Li


What is an Operation Manager and Why Your Business Needs One

with Jhana Li

There comes a time when trying to wear all the hats in our business is simply NOT DOABLE. The reality is that we are good at certain things and things we aren't so good at but they still need to be done…take us down rabbit holes that we sometimes can't climb back out of.

The days get longer, we stress eat over the kitchen sink and some days we don't even get a shower. Bottom line…it is so easy to get sucked into the need-to-be-done admin tasks and before you even realize it, you’ve got no breathing space to even think about your higher-level strategies, let alone execute them.

THIS IS WHEN YOU HAVE TO BRING IN REINFORCEMENTS before you lose your passion for your business…unfortunately, many think the answer is hiring a VA. I think this is the worst mistake ever. You can't manage your own time so trying to manage someone else isn't the answer. You need OPERATIONAL help FIRST.

Join me and a special guest, Jhana Li, Operations Consultant. Jhana specializes in matching CEO's with Operators so that their combined superpowers can scale the business.

with Kim Garst


What High Converting Websites Do Differently

with Kim Garst

Your website SHOULD convert leads into sales. Question for ya…DOES IT?
If not, you need to know what you need to know to fix this issue! It’s no longer okay to simply check the website box.
Join me as I break down what high-converting websites do differently. HINT: so you can do the same!

with Dorien Morin-van Dam


How To Make Anything You Do In Your Business, Better, Faster! (with Agile Marketing)

with Dorien Morin-van Dam

What the heck is Agile Marketing, you may be thinking? Keeping it real…marketing IS.A.LOT.OF.WORK. Right?! If you would like a simpler methodology to doing all the things, join me and special guest, Dorian Morin-Van Dam as we break down how to make your marketing more agile, less frustrating and ultimately, more doable!

with Diane Bleck


How to Boost Your Business With Creative Doodling

with Diane Bleck

“As a creative person, I have struggled over the years to find an outlet in traditional business for my creativity! Maybe you are shaking your head in agreement right now or thinking “heck to the yes!””. As a creative, often we “think” visually but the business box doesn't always allow us to operate “”visually”” which stifles our creativity and doesn't let us really take advantage of this side of our brain.

Our special guest this week, Diane Bleck, has made it her mission to teach others how to use visual thinking via doodling to boost business. You don't want to miss this one!”


So glad my husband and I are tuning in. We both have our own businesses. Health and wellness and personal development. We love live-streaming, teaching and adding value. Thank you for this info!!! Now thinking outside of the box.
Dale Wilson Hatchell
I haven’t watched you in a couple of years and started watching you again last week. So glad I am back!… I am reinvigorated... I was just about ready to pack it in... but nope I still have much I want to do! So again, thank you!!
Lynnis Woods-Mullins
This is my first time here and it's refreshing to hear others with a similar allow others to think what they think without NEEDING to bring harm or disgrace to others. Oh, bacon!!! Yum!!!!
Kelley Macklin
I love this woman!
She’s so generous
Nicole Mackey Kimbrough
This is huge !!! I love going have given me direction...story telling!!
Cheryl Sales
Amazing training Kim! Thank You so much & I can't wait to sign up for that tool
Veronica Staats
Thank you for doing this I am a high school senior photographer it’s been hard keeping up with the teens
Karl F. Mullings
Thank you so much! Your presentation yesterday was very informative. I learned a lot. I appreciate your time in doing it.
Robin Svedi
Excellent training. You’re a great communicator. Thank you for being so clear and authentic
Sharon Moiel Johnson
Thank you very much for sharing this Kim. You're a diamond!
Peggy McKnight
You always have the best guests on your show!!!
Amy Airom
That was awesome your FB live today. Best ever I heard in hashtag in a long time
Lorraine Eckert Duncan
Amazing coverage of Tik Tok! Absolutely stellar questions and responses. Over the top!
Barb Tomlin
Awesome show! Thank you so much great value stay save and healthy everyone
Patricia Mayr
Definitely going to have to take re-listen to this. Lots of great nuggets to implement.
Lucy Kelleher
OMG! I have had this saved in my browser since you did this video and I FINALLY had time to watch it.!
Lisa Balthaser
This is such a great LIVE, you two! Thank you for absolutely great information all around!
Robin Carter
#replay so much gold in this live today!!
Sandee Rodriguez
Have learnt lots of valuable stuff from you all this time either from your blog posts, Facebook posts, videos, webinars etc, so do keep them up Kim! 🙂
John Chuang
This is my first time here and it's refreshing to hear others with a similar allow others to think what they think without NEEDING to bring harm or disgrace to others. Oh, bacon!!! Yum!!!!
Kelley Macklin
#Aha - every time I attend a Kim Garst Facebook live there is always crazy cool information I can implement immediately. Thanks guys!
Edward Palmer

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